AG Lynch will not say if grand jury convened on Clinton email scandal

In a major interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier, Attorney General Loretta Lynch played slippery, refusing to comment on whether or not a grand jury has been convened on the Hillary Clinton email case.  The key segment can be seen below:

She claimed, “We don’t speak of the specifics of any investigations” as a means of evading a question that she is legally permitted  tro answer.  But elsewhere in the interview (complete interview here), she discussed details of the case involving Apple Computer’s refusal to develop code to enable reading of iPhone content.

My colleague Rick Moran thinks it is unlikely that a grand jury on the case could be kept secret, as too many people would have to know about it.  Thus, he thinks no such jury has been convened.  He may be correct that Lynch has avoided a G.J., but I am less certain that confidentiality is impossible.  The grand jurors are instructed as to the severe penalties for speaking about their work, and DoJ professionals are likely to keep their mouths shut, realizing that career suicide is at issue.

One thing is certain: Lynch is a slippery character.

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