Whites, Asians need not apply for faculty job at University of Louisville

Usually affirmative action diversicrats are sneaky enough to disguise their efforts to discriminate against targeted racial groups – almost always whites (because they are the majority) and Asians (because they study and work hard and achieve). They use code word language like “goals” and “diversity,” and avoid giving the impression that certain groups are ruled out from consideration.

That’s what makes the honesty of a job posting at the state-funded University of Louisville so unusual.  Inside Higher Education (hat tip: Legal Insurrection) reports:

can a department specifically reserve a position for an underrepresented minority candidate? That’s what some are asking after a job ad for an assistant professorship reserved for nonwhite, non-Asian Ph.D.s was abruptly deleted from a jobs site on Tuesday.

The post (inactive but still cached here) on HigherEdJobs mostly resembled a typical ad, encouraging applicants “with a Ph.D. in physics or a related area, a strong research record and a passion for teaching” to apply. It also included a standard equal employment opportunity statement saying the University of Louisville is “an affirmative action, equal opportunity, Americans with disabilities employer, committed to community engagement and diversity, and in that spirit, seeks applications from a broad variety of candidates.”

But just under that statement, the ad continued, “The Department of Physics and Astronomy announces a tenure-track assistant professor position that will be filled by an African-American, Hispanic American or a Native American Indian [sic].”

On the one hand, the honesty is refreshing, and preferable to the sneakiness that usually sugar coats official discrimination. On the other hand, it could well be illegal. That’s why it disappeared.

When, oh when, will America finally stop discriminating in the name of “fairness” (i.e., equality of outcomes)?

Hat tip: Clarice Feldman

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