Which do Muslims find more offensive: a travel ban or having their heads cut off?

Which do Muslims find more offensive: a travel ban, or having their heads cut off?  I ask this question because we are told that Muslims worldwide are so offended by Donald Trump's proposal of a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S.  But where is the outrage over ISIS beheading Muslims?  Where is the outrage over mass executions, repression of women, and homosexuals being dropped from tall towers?

Where are the marches in Pakistan against ISIS?  Where are the sermons in Malaysia preaching against this "un-Islamic" religion?  Where are the imams who should be on TV denouncing this evil group?
 They are nowhere to be found. 

The only ones who appear in the media are those who say they are so, so angry with Donald Trump for wanting to temporarily ban them from entering the United States, which affects about 0.000000001% of the global Muslim population.

I wonder: if Donald Trump called for some Muslims to be beheaded, like ISIS does, do you think Muslims would be upset?  If Donald Trump called for Muslims to be lit on fire, or drowned inside cages, or packed into a car and blown up with an RPG, or crushed under tanks, do you think we'd see the same level of apathy that Muslims show towards ISIS?

It's a double standard.  If Trump were to waterboard one Islamic terrorist, he would generate more outrage than the beheading of a hundred Muslims by ISIS.  The reason why is because a large portion of the Islamic community supports ISIS.

In  moderate, modern Turkey, 29% of the population support ISIS or claim not to have an opinion.  I don't think anyone can honestly not "have an opinion" about ISIS, and it is fair to say that most of those who decline to answer probably support those terrorists.  The number is 34% in Nigeria, 36% in Malaysia, and a whopping 71% in Pakistan, where 62% claim not to have an opinion about ISIS.  Maybe so many of them have no opinion because they had simply never heard of ISIS, right?

It would seem that large numbers of Muslims are more sympathetic to radical mass murdering Muslims than an American politician who supports a temporary travel ban in response.  These are the Muslims we fear alienating.

Maybe we should fear alienating them a little less and worry a little more about what is best for our own national security.  Perhaps we will impress them more by showing strength rather than deference.

This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of NewsMachete.com, the conservative news site.

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