Hillary believes she can win presidency riding on popularity of Muslim immigration
Donald Trump has played right into Hillary's hands. His calling for a temporary halt to Muslim immigration has spurred Hillary to believe she can tap into what she imagines to be the enormous groundswell of support for importing hundreds of thousands of unvetted Muslims from the Middle East:
It's a question of safety, Clinton warned in a rare Medium post on Tuesday: "Radical jihadists are telling people that the United States hates Muslims – and there's Donald Trump on TV screaming about how he's going to keep all Muslims out," the former secretary of state wrote. "He's strengthening the terrorists' argument."
If we don't let the Muslims in, Muslims will get so angry with us that they will support ISIS. So what choice do we have? Hillary even penned a little letter to Muslims:
"To Muslim Americans: What you're hearing from Trump and other Republicans is absolutely, unequivocally wrong," she wrote. "It's inconsistent with our values as a nation – a nation which you are helping to build."
I thought the nation was already built. I thought was built on Judeo-Christian values. And what of the values of some of the subjects of Hillary's letter who support ISIS and sharia law? (Up to 25% support violence, and up to 51% support sharia law, according to one poll).
But Hillary realizes the polling advantage of this wedge issue. A recent poll indicated that 58% of Americans have a negative view of Islam. But 17% have a positive view of it (including 27% of Democrats!). By standing firm on this issue, Hillary is wooing a whopping 17% of the electorate! With that and 34% more of the electorate, she becomes our next president!
Hillary knows that this is a winning issue for her. That's why every time she calls for more Muslim immigration from the Middle East, every time she calls racial profiling bigoted, every time she blames radical Islamic terrorist attacks on global warming or magical self-animated guns, she's winning votes.
Exit question: Is Hillary totally disconnected from reality, or does she know something that we don't?
This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of NewsMachete.com, the conservative news site.