Does global warming cause Islamic terrorism, or does Islamic terrorism cause global warming?
President Obama says that global warming can cause terrorism (he still can't bring himself to say the I-word).
But if you start seeing the oceans rise by five, six, seven feet, if you see major shifts in weather patterns so that what had been previously bread baskets to the world suddenly can no longer grow food, then you’re seeing the kind of crisis that we can’t deal with through the deployment of the Marines, we can’t deal with it through throwing money at it.
What we know is that as human beings are placed under strain, then bad things happen. And, you know, if you look at world history, whenever people are desperate, when people start lacking food, when people are not able to make a living or take care of their families, that’s when ideologies arise that are dangerous.
I think Obama is on to something, but he's got it the other way around. It's not global warming that causes radical Islam; it's radical Islam that causes global warming. Consider the following:
1) IS fighters ride to battle individually in their cars and trucks. They don't share rides in buses. And you never see Islamists riding bicycles to the front line. Their wasteful activities burn a lot of carbon that goes into the atmosphere and worsens climate change (I'm going to use the term climate change from here onward, because there has been no global warming in over 17 years, but I would agree that our climate is changing; why, just today, it got warmer in the afternoon and colder in the evening. Weird!)
2) Islamic State fighters eat a lot of goats. Burping goats and the manure they produce contribute to greenhouse gases. There would be much less produced if they ate purely vegan falafel.
3) Islamic State fighters burn a lot of fossil fuel praying five times a day. Since IS soldiers go to pray five times a day, and many of them have to drive to the local mosque, they use a lot of fossil fuel.
4) Women in burkas produce a lot more carbon dioxide. When women are forced to dress from head to toe in black, they heat up quickly, exhaling more and producing more carbon dioxide.
5) They produce and burn oil at full capacity rather than embrace wind, solar, and geothermal alternatives.
All these activities of Islamic radicals produce greenhouse gases. If global warming were really happening, these activities would produce more global warming.
Exit question: If we could get Obama to believe this, do you think he would finally take off the gloves and start fighting radical Islam, all in the name of fighting global warming?
This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of, the conservative news site.