Mizzou hunger striker protesting 'white privilege' has a father making $6 million last year

No, this is not from The Onion.  And yes, it is rich.  With a hat tip to Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit, check out this from Erin Grace of Omaha.com, the website of the Omaha World-Herald:

 Listening to the radio before school Monday, Jimmie Foster heard a familiar name: Jonathan Butler.

The Omaha Central High teacher froze.

Could this Jonathan Butler — the one at that moment beginning his eighth day of a hunger strike at the University of Missouri — be the same Jonathan Butler who wrestled for him more than a decade ago as a freshman?

Could the quiet kid he knew in high school be the same young adult at the center of a storm about to bring down the house at Missouri’s flagship school?

It turns out, yes he is.  And:

Butler has said in news reports that his paternal grandfather, an attorney helping the poor in New York City, was a big influence. So were his parents: Eric is a Union Pacific executive and Cynthia is a former educator who runs an advocacy program. 

And the organization in which his father is an executive is the Union Pacific Railroad, one of the biggest companies in the country, where he earned over $6 million last year as executive vice president for marketing and sales.  From The Revolution’s Facebook Page:

You know Jonathan Butler, the Mizzou student that started a hunger strike because he wanted the school's president fired for something he had no part in? It turns out he comes from a family with a net worth of over $20 million!!!

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