Center for American Progress kerfuffle accidentally reveals Palestinians were advising demonstrators in Ferguson

Oops!  As a byproduct of an internal dispute at the far-left think-tank the Center for American Progress (CAP), it has been revealed that Palestinian advisers were brought into the Ferguson, Missouri demonstrations to advise the rioters.  Exactly who paid for them to apparently fly halfway around the world (or otherwise build "strong relationships") and stick their noses into an American political dispute is unclear, though it has been bandied about that George Soros has played a major role in funding the #BlackLivesMatter movement that is ginning up black anger, and presumably 2016 election turnout for Hillary.

The dispute that led to the shocking disclosure involved the invitation to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak at CAP.  The left-wing journal The Nation chronicled the dispute and let slip the incriminating information. Ali Gharib and Eli Clifton write:

There is dissent at the Center for American Progress. Late last month, the Democratic Party–aligned think tank announced that it would, with encouragement from the influential pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, accept an offer from Benjamin Netanyahu’s office to host the right-wing Israeli prime minister for an event. The invite stirred controversy: Many liberals who normally fall within the Democratic Party milieu were miffed that Netanyahu, a figure who has been widely seen over the past several years as openly siding with Republicans and neoconservative ideologues, would be given an opportunity to rehabilitate his image as a bipartisan figure.

A statement of dissent was prepared and delivered at a staff meeting.  The Nation, well-connected on the left, obtained a copy and revealed:

The staffers who rose to deliver the statement of dissent said they were left out of the process and now face difficulty returning to the communities from which they come and work with. “It becomes difficult to step outside of our building and say to our allies why this visit is happening, for some of us here we ourselves feel that we were not considered in that decision,” the statement reads. The authors cited, for example, the strong relationships built between Palestinian protesters, who face routine tear-gassing at their demonstrations, and Black Lives Matter activists in places like Ferguson, Missouri. “[I]t’s hard to separate American progress from world progress when young people in Palestine are advising young people in Ferguson on how to deal with tear gas and flash grenades,” they wrote.

Does the phrase “outside agitators” ring any bells?  How about “interference in the internal affairs” of a nation?

It has long been clear that #BlackLivesMatter is another AstroTurf operation of the left.  But the revelation of deep-pocketed interests, able to engage radical people in from the Middle East (were there any Hamas or Hezb’allah people in Ferguson?), should raise all sorts of red flags.

Hat tips: Carol Greenwald and Karin McQuillan

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