Supermajority of Freedom Caucus supporting Paul Ryan is neither super nor free
"Supermajority of Freedom Caucus supporting Paul Ryan is neither Super nor Free " What a massive misuse of words! The Freedom Caucus was supposed to be made up of the minority of House Republicans who supported freedom--freedom to choose our own doctors, our own insurance plans, the freedom to walk the streets without being shot at or run over by illegal aliens, the freedom to use our incomes for our own purposes, not someone else's. But now it seems they are intent on giving up our freedoms to a new Boehner with a less tanned face.
It seems that many members of the Freedom Caucus have folded like a wet taco, endorsing Paul Ryan's bid for the Speakership.
Here's what Ryan promised, according to Breitbart:
Among the things that Ryan promised the members were a return to regular order, changes to the steering committee that decides committee assignments centralizing power in the Speaker’s office—Ryan even promised to give up the Speaker’s five votes on the committee—and an end to retaliation against Republican members who vote their conscience.
He reiterated his promise made in the full GOP conference on Tuesday of no amnesty bill under President Obama—which conspicuously did not extend to the next president....
There were only two catches to Ryan’s litany of promises: first, those present couldn’t tell the public what just happened because, Ryan argued, it would infuriate the other side of the House GOP conference. And Ryan would get what he wanted with significant changes to a House rule .... That rule of course allows any member to offer a “motion to vacate the chair” as a privileged resolution—allowing members to, if a Speaker is out of control, as Boehner has been, remove a Speaker from power. Ryan wants to severely undercut the power of rank-and-file members to hold a Speaker accountable with a motion to vacate the chair....
So Ryan promised no amnesty vote, for now, but says, "Psst! Don't tell anyone I said that!" How reliable is such a secret promise? And Ryan wants to eliminate their ability to oust him if he proves as bad as Boehner. But still, according to Washington Post, a supermajority of Freedom Caucus members support him, even though he has not promised to confront Obama on even one major issue.
Meanwhile, some members of the Freedom Caucus are now singing Ryan's praises:
Leaving the Wednesday evening session, Rep. Marlin A. Stutzman (R-Ind.) said.... “I think Paul Ryan is completely capable and is willing to make some of the changes that we need,” Stutzman said Wednesday. “Are we there tonight yet? No, we’ve got a little way to go. But I’m willing to start those conversations because I trust Paul. He’s earned my trust. I’m willing to keep talking.”
He's earned Stutzman's trust! Does that reassure you? It shouldn't. He was dumb enough last year to let even John Boehner fool him:
Rep. Martin Stutzman, a Republican congressman for Indiana, said he wouldn’t have been one of the deciding vote factors that led to the passage of the $1.1 trillion budget bill — except that his GOP leadership duped him.
Mr. Stutzman and Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, outgoing Republican from Michigan, both switched their votes from nay to yay on a procedural rule that advanced the bill and brought it to its ultimate 214-212 passage. But Mr. Stutzman said the only reason he switched was that he was told that Republican leadership planned to pull the massive measure and substitute in a short-term spending bill that would be more palatable to conservatives, The Hill reported.
Guess what? They lied to him. But Stutzman says we can trust Ryan. But can we trust Stutzman's trust of Ryan?
This is what passes for the Freedom Caucus, a bunch of Charlie Browns with Memento-like long term memory loss who are unable to recall the last time they were deceived. This is the same Paul Ryan who said that to see what was in Obamatrade, we had to pass it first; who has voted for nearly every continuing resolution, nearly every increase in the debt ceiling, and who let even Joe Biden wipe the floor with him.
I think there should be a subcaucus of the Freedom Caucus called the Sanity Caucus, or the At Least Average IQ Caucus, composed of those few members with a brain and the guts not to start knitting white flags at the first sign of distress.
Revised 10/22/15 07:30 EST
This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of, the conservative news site.