Frontiers of political correctness: banning the word 'too'
Move over, Melissa Harris-Perry – it is getting crowded on the lunatic PC bench. Joining “hard worker” (racist!) on the PC banned word list is “too” (sexist!). That’s right: an adjective and adverb positing that something is more excessive in some quality than desirable is now verboten, as far as the Huffington Post is concerned. The editors there gave considerable space to Cameron Schaeffer, who identifies herself as a freshman at the University of Vermont, where her head has obviously been filled with victimology nonsense.
Ms. Schaeffer describes contemplating her hair in the mirror. From her HuffPo headshot, it is apparent that she has spent some time looking at her hair, and the results are, well, attractive. Not “too attractive,” to be sure, but still not “too unattractive,” either. Upon texting a female friend for advice (I realize that hair is a critical issue for Ms. Schaeffer and await the future epiphany about her level of concern itself being a result of her victim status as a woman), Ms. Schaeffer experienced an epiphany:
There is no proper way for a woman to cut her hair, let alone do anything right in this world. There seems to be an unobtainable one-millimeter-wide mark of perfection, and none of us can reach it. Everything is too this or too that. We see it every day in the tabloids. For example, one day a female celebrity is too revealing and the next day she is too matronly.
In my experience, I rarely hear too thrown around about men. You hear someone say, "He's short," but you seldom hear "too short."
If Ms. Schaeffer spent any time with me, she’d hear the expression “too fat” leave my lips nearly every time I pass a mirror. But apparently that is OK, even if it doesn’t exist in her world at the University of Vermont:
We should call on both genders to cut the word too from their vocabulary when discussing women.
Predictably, her 1,258-word essay devolves into self-esteem pap:
… we can create change by telling ourselves and others, "I am more than enough, and I am exactly who I should be." Every day we should remind ourselves that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not just in a literal appearance sense, but in every part of who we are.
It is not unusual for college freshmen (freshpersons?) to spout silly nonsense. I am sure I did my share of it, albeit in a different vein. That the Huffington Post, an enterprise that sold for nine figures, backs this sort of idiocy is a sign of the decline and fall of our culture. Ms. Schaeffer may have a bright future as an MSNBC host. But if her PC crowd get their way, by the time she graduates, the only politically correct expressions left will be grunts and moans.
Hat tip: Katherine Timpf, NRO