Can a candidate who opposes abortion for rape and incest beat Hillary?
Ben Carson says he opposes abortion apparently on any ground except when the life of the mother is at risk. He expressly opposes it for rape and incest.
Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said he would "love" to see Roe vs. Wade overturned, making abortion illegal nationwide, with almost no exemptions.
"I'm a reasonable person and if people can come up with a reasonable explanation of why they would like to kill a baby, I'll listen," Carson said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
While the Republican candidate said he opposes abortions for unwanted pregnancies and in cases of rape and incest, the retired neurosurgeon told moderator Chuck Todd he might be open to allowing abortions to preserve the life and health of the mother.
"That's an extraordinarily rare situation," Carson said. "But if in that very rare situation it occurred, I believe there's room to discuss that."
But polls show that about 75% of Americans want women to be able to "kill their babies" if they are raped, or hugged their brothers or daddies in that special way.
Let's take the issue of incest first. I never understood the exemption many pro-life candidates had for incest. If it was consensual sex, why would the woman be justified in seeking an abortion? And if it was rape, a situation where a Daddy played hide-the-carrot with his little girl, then it falls under rape.
Now, as for rape, it's true that the baby created from the rape has no guilt, and killing the baby seems disconnected from punishing the rapist. But on the other hand, rape can be very traumatic, and for a woman to have to incubate a rapist's baby for nine months would probably be quite unpleasant. I think that's why most people want an abortion exception for rape.
I looked far and wide but couldn't find any mention of whether Dr. Carson supports an exception for deformed babies. What if a woman was going to give birth to a severely retarded baby? Or one severely deformed? Or what if it's mutated? (By the way, that's what all the Alien movies were really about -- abortion!)
In such circumstances I don't think it's reasonable to expect a woman to go through with the pregnancy. But Dr. Carson doesn't seem to recognize that. I think if he were nominated he would have a hard time winning the election with such a position. Most Republicans in modern times, like George W. Bush, always had exceptions for rape and incest.
Of course, the President doesn't get to decide these things, but he does appoint justices who do. If Carson were nominated, Hillary would be running ads describing how Carson would want to force raped women to endure nine months bearing their little rape baby.
That's not a formula for victory in 2016 for the Republicans.
This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of, the conservative news site.