What other taboo topics would you like Trump and Carson to bring out of the shadows?

One of Donald Trump's greatest contributions to this campaign is that now we can talk about illegal immigration once again without being accused of being racists.  The first time he did it, people held their breath to see if he would be destroyed in the polls, or if he would apologize or Scott Walkerize.  He wasn't, and he didn't.  Then suddenly it became okay for everyone to talk about the problem of illegal aliens.

Now Ben Carson has done the same thing with radical Islam.  When asked point-blank if a Muslim should be president, he said no.  And he didn't apologize.  And he's still there.  Now, I don't agree with such a blanket categorization, but I am grateful that Carson has made it possible to open a discussion about the problems in the Islamic community, particularly that terrorists and their supporters are a large subgroup in that religion and that there are too few leaders in vocal opposition to it.  Previously, even most Republicans were loath to say the words "radical Islam."  Now everyone is doing it.  Candidates are for the first time questioning the merit of bringing more Muslims from radicalized countries into the U.S.  I have never heard Republicans have such a discussion before.  Have you?

That started me thinking.  What other topics would you like Trump or Ben Carson to make it safe to talk about again?  Here is my list:

1) The gay lifestyle, especially the gay male lifestyle, is medically extremely dangerous (regarding AIDS and hepatitis) and not something to promote to our kids in school.

2) Affirmative action is racism and should be attacked as such.

3) So-called "transgenderism" is a mental illness.  These people need mental help, not enabling and preferences, and if these sick boys go into girl's bathrooms, they should be arrested and/or sent to mental hospitals.

4) Too many people are going to college.  Many people have no need to go to college, and with large dropout rates at public schools and community colleges, the government shouldn't be subsidizing it.

5) Global warming believers are either cultists or people trying to get rich off of the backs of taxpayers.  The debate is over – there has been no warming in 17 years.

6) The Endangered Species Act puts animals before people and has to go.  People are more important than snails.

7) Rather than hating the rich, we owe a moral debt to people who pay more taxes than we do and should be grateful to them.

8) Women are not equally represented in all industries because they aren't as interested in working in certain industries as men are.

9) Recycling is totally unnecessary.  Most of the Earth is completely empty.  We have enough space for landfills for thousands of years.

10) If every high school graduate who spoke English carried a gun, the country would be a much safer and more polite place.

11) English is our national language, and there should be no excuse for government forms or ballots in any other language.  If you're a citizen, you should speak it.  If you don't, you shouldn't be a citizen.

12) The free market is the greatest engine for lifting up the poor, and rather than apologize for it, candidates should praise it.  And rather than apologize for saying that 47% of people are on welfare, as Romney did, we should attack that statistic, saying it shows that something is fundamentally wrong with the system.

13) People should save their own money for retirement.  Social Security should be limited to the poorest of the poor and the disabled.

14) Government never really "shuts down," and a government "shutdown" never significantly harms anyone.  To the contrary, it is like a zero-based audit or a bankruptcy declaration that improves the system.

What would you like Trump or Carson to talk about next?

This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of NewsMachete.com, the conservative news site.

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