Seattle-area school bans game of 'tag'

American schools have banned dodgeball because it's too "aggressive" and made competitive sports uncompetitive by giving all involved "participation trophies" so no one's feelings are hurt.

The latest outrage against childhood is occurring in a Seattle-area school that has banned the game of "tag" because school officials think it affects the "emotional well-being" of students.

The school district's communications director Macy Grade, in an email, told Q13 that the "rationale behind this [ban] is to ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students."

Emotional safety? Are kids such wimps that they become traumatized while chased in a game they volunteer to play? Or is that the hyper-sensitive, hyper-protective school district feels the need to protect students from made up dangers to justify their paychecks?

They also address physical safety, wanting kids to "keep their hands to themselves." After all, a pat on the back in a voluntary game of tag might ... make you mildly uncomfortable?

Of course, the ban doesn't make a lick of sense, particularly in the context of what other activities the school offers.

The school promotes competitive sports like football, which is like tag only instead of gently tagging someone and saying "you're it," students will viciously tackle their opponents. Further, the school also provides for wrestling; again, considerably more violent and dangerous than a game of tag.

The only difference I can find behind this kind of hypocrisy is that they charge students $190 per sport in order to participate (this fee was recently raised $15 - perhaps that will go to counseling for the players - they likely will suffer emotional damage from all the rough play, right?). Or perhaps the school can't charge $190 for tag, so they'll ban it.

Parents are understandably critical.

"In this day and age of childhood obesity, there's a need for more activity," Melissa Neher, a mom of a student in the district, told Q13. "Kids should be free to have spontaneous play on the playground at recess. It's important for their learning."

She created a Facebook page so like-minded parents can fumigate with common sense (and hopefully rally for a change).

There's no legitimate reason for this ban, unless they're openly trying to be mocked (perhaps, they're doing their part to take attention off of the recent Bellevue High School football scandal? How benevolent of Mercer Island School District).

As editor Lifson notes, we are becoming a "nation of delicate flowers," where the game of "tag" is banned, but they teach about homosexual sex in the early grades.  There is never any consistency in their actions because they are reactive and the result of hysteria.  In other words, they appear to sit around trying to dream up new ways to "protect" the kids without giving any thought to how stupid it looks to any sane, rational person.

I suppose eventually, they will come to the conclusion that school itself is dangerous to kids and shut themselves down.  Then perhaps parents can breathe a sigh of relief and homeschool their kids anyway.

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