Is it important for America to be a Judeo-Christian nation?

When I heard that Obama had let in 280,000 Muslims into the United States in the last year alone, I didn't think refugees. I thought population transfer. At that rate, Muslims, already a sizeable presence in places like Dearborn, Michigan and Paterson, NJ, will create metropolitan caliphates all across the US before long.

Which started me thinking: is it important for America to be still a Judeo-Christian nation? Our founding was not based on the teachings of the Koran. Sharia law was not embedded in our Constitution. The basis of our Constitution, as well as the Declaration of Independence, is Judeo-Christian values. That means a respect for private property, individual liberties, freedom of choice, and above all, religious tolerance.

That's why in America, while Protestants were killing Catholics in Europe and vice-versa, both groups lived in peace in the 18th and 19th century. That's why, while Jews were being exterminated in Europe in the 20th century, as they are again in the 21st, they are free to live their lives in peace in America and are valued contributors to society.  We have no state religion which forces people to believe anything, and we do not kill people who fail to believe in any particular religion.

Because we have equality of the sexes, and respect for the individual, women can work if they choose and wear whatever they like. They don't have to cover up their bodies for fear of being raped.

A free market economy was another benefit of Judeo-Christian values, celebrating the right of the individual to engage in livelihood without government intervention.  Private property rights provide more protection for the individual, and the rule of law provides stability that enables millions of people to seek better lives.

Sadly, the free market barely exists in most Muslim countries, keeping millions in poverty. Incitement is the rule, whether it is incitement against Jews, or Christians, or even different kinds of Muslims.

And now we are admitting millions of Muslims; 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 since the year 2000 alone, and that is only the legal immigrants. We are expected to have 6.2 million or more by 2030.

Will these new citizens respect our traditions? We have seen the results in Europe, the no-go zones in Great Britain, the hunting down of Jews in France, the assassination of politicians in the Netherlands and cartoonists in Denmark. We have already seen a number engage in terrorism here in America, like the Boston bombers. If we are to continue being an open, tolerant nation, is that compatible with admitting large numbers of Muslims? If not, why won't any candidate speak out on that? None have. The closest we've gotten is Donald Trump vaguely calling for other countries to take in more refugees. All he says about America, though, is that "we have our own problems." For a straight talking guy, he won't speak frankly about the dangers of Muslim immigration.

If a candidate, any candidate, spoke about the dangers of Muslim immigration, is there any doubt in your mind that he would shoot up in the polls as Trump has? 

This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of, the conservative news site.

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