How I learned to stop worrying about immigration and love the Bushies
I used to really enjoy hearing Donald Trump talk about securing the border and fighting illegal immigration. But then I learned from Politico that Donald Trump is destroying the Republican Party, and the only chance the GOP had to win was to elect someone like Jeb Bush:
“Donald Trump in and of himself represents a tremendous setback for anybody who’s trying to expand the party in an inclusive direction,” said Ari Fleischer, a former White House press secretary to George W. Bush.
This warning from a non-partisan source started to open my eyes. This guy has no axe to grind, no connection to any current candidate, right?
Michael Steele, who served as the first black RNC chairman from 2009 to 2011, said Trump could affect the party’s standing with groups beyond those that are the subjects of his controversial comments, including white women.
He has a good point. Donald Trump criticized two women, Megyn Kelly and Carly Fiorina, so I have to think he's probably against all women. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, together with her husband, is almost the patron saint of all women (and girls!) everywhere.
More recently, his insistence that he had no responsibility to correct a questioner at a New Hampshire town hall who insisted President Obama is a Muslim and not an American has stirred further controversy.
How could a fair-minded person support Donald Trump when he doesn't leap to correct the statements of all within earshot, as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have always done?
“He’s disgusted so many people and he has said such terrible things about so many people it’s hard to know who he hasn’t taken a shot at...” said Mississippi Republican strategist Henry Barbour.
I began to realize this is true. Trump has attacked people here illegally, he has attacked Republicans who support amnesty for illegals, and he has attacked radical Muslims for causing 9/11. Before you know it, he'll be attacking American citizens!
And then I read a great piece in the Washington Post confirming that white people are a smaller and smaller part of the electorate, and if Republicans want to win, they need to appeal to the Hispanic vote. And they can't appeal to the Hispanic vote if they don't support amnesty for illegal aliens, because all Hispanics want citizenship for illegal aliens.
Hispanics, I have learned, are not like white people. They don't care about jobs, or health care, or abortion, or the strangling national debt, or the right to bear arms, or homosexual marriage, or Iran having nuclear weapons. They are one-issue voters – amnesty, sí, enforce immigration laws, no. That's why it would be political suicide to support Trump, who would turn off these millions and millions of undifferentiated one-issue voters.
The same goes with blacks. Every time Trump speaks out against illegal immigration, he is alienating millions of black voters who want to welcome illegal immigrants, who when contemplating the increased competition for job slots think, "The more, the merrier!" Black people love the pockets of Spanish-speaking-only areas, and many try to move there and learn the language as well. By alienating Hispanics, Trump is also alienating blacks.
And the WaPo is right that white voters are a smaller and smaller chunk of the electorate. They are so small now I can barely find them with a microscope. While it is true that millions of white voters sat out the last two presidential elections, it would take a candidate who could really point out sharp contrasts with the Democrats and really take the battle to them to get elected, and Trump, with his muted, sleepy rhetoric, is obviously not a candidate who can do such a thing.
That's why I've decided to give up on supporters of immigration law and support the Bush people. It's the only way to elect a Republican. I'm open not only to Jeb, but also to Marco, Jeb's only slightly less Hispanic counterpart, who won't alienate voters with divisive rhetoric about enforcing the law.
I want to close by thanking Politico and the Washington Post for showing Republicans the path to victory. They constantly write articles giving the GOP valuable guidance on how to win elections, showing they are as concerned as we are at helping Republicans win higher office.
This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of, the conservative news site.