Liberal scientists say global warming, not illegals, worsening California drought

What would we do without liberal scientists – scientists who, in order to earn their paychecks, are required to find problems with whatever their grants pay for?  In this case, they are required to find dangers from global warming.  If they don't, their grants are cut off, and they have to get productive jobs, or get retrained to speak Spanish and deliver social services to families of Dreamers.

Don't worry – scientists are still doing their jobs!

Global warming caused by human emissions has most likely intensified the drought in California by roughly 15 to 20 percent, scientists said Thursday, warning that future dry spells in the state are almost certain to be worse than this one as the world continues to heat up.

Oh, no!

Even though the findings suggest that the drought is primarily a consequence of natural climate variability, the scientists added that the likelihood of any drought becoming acute is rising because of climate change

Wait.  Would you call this hedging a bit?  So the drought is primarily natural in cause, and global warming is...what again?

“This would be a drought no matter what,” said A. Park Williams, a climate scientist at Columbia University and the lead author of a paper published by the journal Geophysical Research Letters. “It would be a fairly bad drought no matter what. But it’s definitely made worse by global warming.”

Okay.  Got it.  The only problem is, there hasn't been any global warming in 18 years.  Really.

It's all natural temperature variation.  But there is another side to water scarcity, which is consumption.  And 3 million illegal aliens in California are undoubtedly contributing to water shortages.  Why don't scientists ever talk about that?  Probably because they would lose their jobs.  It's safer to talk about a scientific process they can't prove than a factual certainty that is staring them in the face but would get them fired if they mentioned it.

Articles have started appearing talking about evil property owners who "guzzle" water for their lawns.  But you will never see articles about illegal aliens guzzling water.  Illegals don't guzzle.  They dream and are busy ascending to the most virtuous state of being mankind can ever achieve.  Meanwhile, the California water shortage is caused by a hockey stick-like increase in temperature that has not been happening for the past 18 years.

Actually, California has plenty of water available but simply chooses not to store it for human consumption.  Instead, it focuses on putting black balls in the water supply, and educating people to eat less "water rich" food.

This article was produced by, the conservative news site.

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