Did a hacked Hillary email set up the ambush of Ambassador Christopher Stevens?

Putting together the information now publicly available, the question has to be asked: Did an ISIS hack of Hillary Clinton’s virtually defenseless home brew server set up the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens?

ISIS has proven itself adept enough at information technology that a successful hack of Hillary Clinton’s server at her Chappaqua mansion cannot be ruled out, no matter how many Secret Service members stood guard. Apparently unbeknownst to the former secretary of state who boasted of the server’s security because of the guards outside, it is so easy to hack a garden variety server set up by a mom-and-pop operation that an ISIS  (and Russian intelligence and Chinese and Romanian and many other agencies) hack is well within the realm of possibility.

Now consider what the New York Post reported yesterday, six paragraphs into a story. Paul Sperry writes:

US intelligence officials so far have determined that at least four — and as many as 305 — of the more than 30,000 e-mails Clinton and her aides have printed out and turned over to investigators were classified at the time they were written.

They include a 2011 message from Clinton’s top aides that contains military intelligence from United States Africa Command gleaned from satellite images of troop movements in Libya, along with the travel and protection plans for Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was later killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. Another staff ­e-mail sent to Clinton in 2012 contained investigative data about Benghazi terrorist suspects wanted by the FBI. (emphasis added)

If the travel and protection plans for Ambassador Stevens were known to ISIS on September 10, 2011, then setting up the attack that resulted in his and three other Americans’ deaths would have been considerably aided. Update: while the attack actually occurred a year later, on September 11, 2012, if the vulnerable email system used by Hillary Clinton continued to provide infornation to hackers, the possibility of aid to the ISI forces cannot be discounted. (Hat tip: Jenn Crawford)

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