Even lefty MSM laughing at NY Times story on Rubio 'luxury speedboat'

As I type this, the Morning Joe crew (no, not Fox and Friends), including Mika Brzezinski, is laughing at the New York Times front-page story on Marco Rubio’s personal finances that portrayed him as squandering money on a “luxury speedboat,” showing a picture of the model he purchased.  Earlier, Blake Hounshell of Politico tweeted out a picture of the model provided by the Rubio campaign.

Not exactly a cigarette boat.  In fact, exactly the kind of boat you see fishermen using all over Florida, more or less the Ford Focus or Toyota Camry of fishing craft.  The obvious comparison is to John Kerry’s yacht, the one he docked in Rhode Island to avoid Massachusetts taxes.  Sheepherder (hat tip: Hot Air) tweeted this:

Now, when MSNBC is laughing at the Times, it is pretty clear that their efforts to discredit Rubio have jumped the shark.  Rubio ends up looking like the struggling, cheerful underdog.  Efforts to portray him in negative light over lifestyle run into embarrassing comparisons for the Democrats.  Here is the NYT’s description of Rubio’s West Miami home:

Then, by the end of 2005, the Rubios completed the purchase of a new home, twice the size of their previous one, for $550,000. The house, among the more expensive in West Miami, stood out from the aging homes nearby: It includes an in-ground pool, a handsome brick driveway, meticulously manicured shrubs and oversize windows.

And here is Bill Sanderson’s tweet:

I would say that the New York Times has discredited itself on any future efforts to take down Rubio – and to some extent other Republicans – this election season.  Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of people.  As James Taranto of the WSJ put it:

Over launch the other day, Hillary Clinton said she wanted to be a “champion” for “everyday Americans.” The New York Times seems to have made a mission of demonstrating that Sen. Marco Rubio is an everyday American.

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