Analysis shows Bill Clinton's speaking fees skyrocketed after Hillary became SecState

One more indication of the corruption at the heart of Hillary Clinton’s term as secretary of state: while the speaking fees of ex-presidents typically fall over time after they leave office, Bill Clinton’s jumped when his wife became America’s top diplomat. ABC News has analyzed the data: After his wife became Secretary of State, former President Bill Clinton began to collect speaking fees that often doubled or tripled what he had been charging earlier in his post White House years, bringing in millions of dollars from groups that included several with interests pending before the State Department, an ABC News review of financial disclosure records shows. Where he once had drawn $150,000 for a typical address in the years following his presidency, Clinton saw a succession of staggering paydays for speeches in 2010 and 2011, including $500,000 paid by a Russian investment bank and $750,000 to address a telecom conference in China. “It’s unusual to...(Read Full Post)