Wow! Venezuela bishops tell Pope Francis the downside of socialism and communism

Wow! Venezuela bishops tell Pope Francis the downside of socialism and communism

Pope Francis, a native of Argentina, has established himself as a critic of capitalism, but now he has received a statement from the bishops of Venezuela offering some insight on that Latin American nation’s experience with socialism and Marxism. I am not an expert on the internal workings of the Catholic Church, but this strikes me as an extraordinary move. Writing in Investor’s Business Daily, Monica Showalter lays out the message the bishops delivered:

 Venezuela's bishops Monday blamed "Marxist socialism" and "communism" by name for the horrors and chaos gripping their country, according to a story in El Universal.

The bishops said the long lines of people trying to buy food and other basic necessities and the constant rise in prices are the result of the government's decision to "impose a political-economic system of socialist, Marxist or communist," which is "totalitarian and centralist" and "undermines the freedom and rights of individuals and associations."

The Venezuelan bishops specifically stated that the private sector was critical for the well being of the country. The document, read by Monsignor Diego Padron in Spanish, said the country needs "a new entrepreneurial spirit with audacity and creativity."

This strikes me as a brave move indeed, both because of the dangers in Venezuela and because of the dangers in Vatican City. I wonder how the other bishops of the Church will react, and if this blowback will have any influence on the Pope himself, or his advisors?

Hat tup: Instapundit

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