Hilarious: Wisconsin Dem candidate for governor exposed as fundraising hypocrite
I have got to hand it to Mary Burke, front-runner for the Democratic nomination to run against Scott Walker in Wisconsin’s governor’s race. She is a comedy genius, parodying the hypocrisy of the left. Is she, perhaps, a deep cover agent, intent on destroying the faltering Democratic Party of Wisconsin? It would almost seem so. Or else she is an incredible bozo ueerly lacking in self-awareness.
M.D. Kittle writes in the Wisconsin Reporter:
The Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s anointed candidate for governor on Thursday pledged she would ban campaign donations from out-of-state givers, should she win in November.
That bold — and constitutionally improbable — political pronouncement comes from a candidate who has taken in, by her own admission, 30 percent of her contributions, nearly $1.1 million, from outside the Badger State.
It’s the classic “Do as I say, not as I do” approach beloved of so many wealthy liberals. And wealthy Ms. Burke is: daughter of the founder of Trek Bicycle, who picked up degrees from Georgetown and Harvard Business School, and:
…worked in finance in Washington, D.C., and New York; started a business that failed ("great learning experience"); briefly retired in her mid-30s to be a snowboard bum in Colorado (it didn't last); headed up Wisconsin's Commerce Department as secretary under Gov. Jim Doyle; and studied the financial troubles of Milwaukee's public schools at the behest of the governor and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.
Failure in the private sector and moving on up the government executive ladder.
Hilariously, Burke made her point about banning out of state contributions at a meeting with the editorial board of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, biggest newspaper in the state. She was immediately questioned about her own out-of-state fundraising (she even has a scheduled EMILY’S LIST fundraiser in Chicago next Tuesday), and her response was so priceless that the Wisconsin GOP immediately made a video:
Burke's other out of state fundraisers, as noted by the GOP
- Nov. 13, 2013: Washington, D.C., fundraiser hosted by lobbyist Bill Broydrick.
- March 13: High-end fundraiser on Park Avenue in New York City at residence of a top executive with a private equity firm.
- May 30: EMILY’s List fundraiser where Mary Burke courted big out-of-state donors.