Dem AG shuts down investigation of Dem reps caught on tape accepting bribes
Something is rotten in the State of Pennsylvania, at least if a Philadelphia Enquirer report of a tape existing are true. Joel Gehrke writes in the Washington Examiner:
Pennsylvania Democrats reportedly were caught on tape accepting cash bribes, including one lawmaker who was paid to vote against a state voter identification law, but Democratic Attorney General Kathleen Kane shut down the investigation.
"Before Kane ended the investigation, sources familiar with the inquiry said, prosecutors amassed 400 hours of audio and videotape that documented at least four city Democrats taking payments in cash or money orders, and in one case a $2,000 Tiffany bracelet," the Philadelphia Inquirer reports.
So why the shutdown? C’mon, what’s the all-purpose remedy for any Democrat? That’s right: the cry of “racism!”
The investigation began in 2010 under now-Gov. Tom Corbett, who served as attorney general at the time, but closed in 2013. "In a statement to The Inquirer on Friday, Kane called the investigation poorly conceived, badly managed, and tainted by racism, saying it had targeted African Americans," the report notes.