Writing Jews Out of the Future Historical record 'Way too Soon
In response to the Times of Israel article, "American Jewish demography and the Challenge of supporting Israel," by Alexander H. Joffe, one would say that Mr. Joffe is too quick to condemn the emerging moiety of more-Observant Jews and their prolific offspring. The future is not yet writ, save perhaps for the fallen-away Jews, those who intermarried and self-selected out of the Jewish community, and those whose fertility is ebbing at the same low tide as that of many Middle Americans who produce the minimum offspring to cope with increasing financial stress, a tardy economic recovery, constricted housing and costly rentals and buy-ins for purchase, and multiple overall conditions inimical to many children.
Much like the Second book of the Pentateuch, Exodus, wherein the Jews alarmed the pharaoh and his astrologers by "becoming too numerous," many-childed Jewish families have begun to proliferate among the Orthodox. One might hypothesize, as a direct response to the enfeebling numbers demonstrated by the non-Orthodox in recent decades, and the problematic surge in 20th century intermarriage combined with non-Observant lower fertility. The result, however, cannot yet be determined as to how these children of observance and piety may find their way as adults.
It is not untoward to think that educated Jewish youth may indeed still find their way to philanthropy for Israel, as well as toward eleemosynary pursuits transcending the merely faith-based. A sine curve is notably seen in the millennia of Jewish survival -- and storied prominence -- that suggests to the skeptic and noncynic alike that the last chapter is not yet written. Jews have in the past overcome enormous obstacles. their eulogy has indeed been pronounced more often than almost any small group in the world's sorry history.
Few children may help to spell diminution of monies for both Israel and secular charities. But many children, and loving, supportive, educational homes for those children born into solid marriages and intact social parameters, is one of the strongest scaffoldings for success and investment in the world around, as well as the start-up genius of flourishing Israel.
Don't close that lid so soon, ye of literally little faith.