Voter Fraud: Obama Failed to Qualify For Indiana Ballot? How Many Other States?

It comes as no surprise to those who were paying attention that there was voter fraud to launch Obama into the Oval Office. During the 2008 election cycle, the evidence for voter fraud was abundant, but the majority of Americans did not see the evidence due to the typical mainstream media blackout on any news item that doesn't advance the Statist / Liberalism agenda. The evidence of voter fraud in the 2012 election is equally available and occurred in various states, but again, few heard the evidence from mainstream media.

What is news is that Fox News (a mainstream outlet) has reported on the possibility that Obama used voter fraud to provide enough signatures to be on the Indiana ballot. In how many other states were illegal means applied?

FoxNews reports the following:

"The trial is underway for a former Democratic official and a Board of Elections worker who are accused of being part of a plot that has raised questions over whether President Obama's campaign -- when he was a candidate in 2008 -- submitted enough legitimate signatures to have legally qualified for the presidential primary ballot.

The trial is underway for a former Democratic official and a Board of Elections worker who are accused of being part of a plot that has raised questions over whether President Obama's campaign -- when he was a candidate in 2008 -- submitted enough legitimate signatures to have legally qualified for the presidential primary ballot."


The local WSBT-TV has also been covering the news. Read more here and here. ORYR (ObamaReleaseYourRecords) has also been following this and provides more information in past articles with information on forged signatures along with another report provided here, which includes another WSBT video report.

Mara Zebest is a graphic artist and co-author for a number of Adobe product books including the Inside Photoshop series which typically exceeded 1000 pages, and published in at least ten different languages around the world. She is also tech editor for numerous books for both Adobe and Microsoft products and has worked closely with the Cold Case Posse (CCP) for Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) in providing evidence on Obama's forged birth certificate.

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