Soldiers with guns 'inappropriate' decoration for elementary school cupcakes
One would imagine soldiers without guns would be just fine. Of course, a disarmed military couldn't fight very well, but who's worried about that?
The principle at Schall Elementary School in Caro, Michigan objected when a 9 year old boy brought cupcakes for his classmates decorated with toy soldiers. Of course, the soldiers had guns, and guns are bad, and - oh yes - our soldiers are just like the guy who shot all those kids in Newtown.
"In the climate of recent events in schools we walk a delicate balance in teaching non-violence in our buildings and trying to ensure a safe, peaceful atmosphere. On one hand, there are those who advocate arming teachers, having armed security guards and creating a fortress of defense in our schools. On the other hand, there are those who feel that guns create fear in schools and we need to put solid security measures in place plus practice routines to be prepared in case an emergency should ever occur. Living in a democratic society entails respect for opposing opinions."
She added that some parents "prohibit all guns as toys," and "no disrespect" was intended for members of the military, however, "Our commitment is always to our children and creating a safe place for them to learn, grow and have respectful dialogues about their differences."
Martial arts instructor Josh Brown, who teaches both the father and son through his school at Caro Martial Arts, is one of the outraged local residents.
"He's a little 9-year-old kid and it was his birthday cupcakes," Brown said. "These guys (soldiers) are heroes, and too many people are confusing them with psychopaths."
Soldiers are usually depicted with guns because, well, they need them to defend us. The idea that "no disrespect" was intended toward the military is a crock. The removal of the toy soldiers was a slap in the face to anyone who has ever worn the uniform because what those soldiers represent - service, honor, love of country - are far more important than any weapon they carry.
Ignoring that makes the principle and anti-gun extremist.