'Occupy' terrorists now called 'radical right' by Southern Poverty Law Center
Did you know that the Occupy Movement is actually a part of the "radical right"? The movement, which received favorable comments from the commanding heights of the American left -- President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the New York Times, and MSNBC -- has now shown itself to include very violent elements, including actual terrorists, who began a bomb plot in Cleveland, only to be apprehended before carrying out their program of terror.
The media has done its best to ignore the Occupy terrorists, but have now confessed. Perhaps drawing inspiration from Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who can lie with an utterly straight face about reality (what she said on tape about the Israeli ambassador, what happened on the floor of the DNC when the words Jerusalem and God were excised and then restored to the platform), the Southern Poverty Law Center has stepped in to solve the problem for the left. Re-define the Occupy movement as "radical right."
Take a look at the latest from the "Hatewatch" page of the SPLC's website:
The Southern Poverty Law Center has built-up a lucrative fundraising business enabling it to pay lavish salaries to those who drum up money on the basis of fighting racism and "hate groups." The awkward fact that anti-black racial violence has diminished has not stopped it from developing other lures to keep this donations coming. The new favorite is to label supporters of traditional marriage as "hate groups."
Now, the SPLC has gone one step further in its logic. If it is violent and bad, it must be right wing.
The progressive movement in America has slipped the bounds of reality and is living in an entirely reality-free make believe world.
Hat tip: jpf