Chick-fil-A kiss-in protesters show their colors

Leftists, when they get angry and let themselves be themselves, tend to behave in repellant ways. That certainly seems to be the case with the gay marriage movement's anger at Chick-fil-A, as a former CFO now understands.  Captured on video (embedded below) by Legal Insurrection blogger Anne Sorock, participants in the kiss-in at the sole Chick-fil-A in Chicago mocked, one might even say harassed,  an elderly African-American gentleman seated nearby reading his bible.

This video will be ignored by the legacy media, who are always anxious to promote a soft and cuddly image of gay marriage, and protect the public from any negative images concerning homosexuality.  Once, that would have been the death sentence for the information. Not anymore. The internet and social media make the dispersion of telling video snippets viral. There are a lot of church-going African-Americans deeply disturbed by President Obama's abandonment of the position held by Mr. Cathy of Chick-fil-A. The Obama campaign is already worried about turnout among African-Americans, in the wake of the president's evolution revelation on gay marriage. Now we have a video for them to send to their friends.

You can't bottle it up. As Clarice Feldman writes today:

as more people join in and see how the media distorts or refuses to report what they see with their own eyes, the sooner all of the major media will be joining Newsweek and CNN and the NYT and the Washington Post in their death throes. (This week it was so bad the far left Ford Foundation was granting media like the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times substantial funds to keep these half dead publications afloat.)

The assault on the First Amendment has been a disaster for the gay rights movement and its political allies.



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