Obama to Dems: What's mine is mine, what's yours is mine, what's ours is mine
He may well raise a billion dollars for his re-election campaign but Barack Obama has let congressional Democrats know that they aren't getting any of it.
President Barack Obama has a bleak message for House and Senate Democrats this year when it comes to campaign cash: You're on your own.
Democratic congressional leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, have privately sought as much as $30 million combined from Obama for America and the Democratic National Committee -- a replay of the financial help they received from Obama in 2008 and 2010.
One reason certainly is that Obama doesn't care. But another reason may be that he figures the Dems can't win back the House and are going to lose the Senate anyway so why not keep all the cash for his own race?
The Democrats will hardly plead poverty. The DNC and the two congressional fund raising commitees are likely to set records this year. Their GOP counterparts will be hard pressed to match them. By the time election day rolls around, the difference will probably be in how much is raised and spent by the Super Pacs. In this, the GOP will probably have a slight advantage which may offset the massive fundraising being done by the Obama camapaign.
Hat Tip: Ed Lasky