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March 22, 2010
Graph of the Day for March 22, 2010
"At the heart of this debate is the question of whether we're going to accept a system that works better for the insurance companies than it does for the American people -- (applause) -- because if this vote fails, the insurance industry will continue to run amok. They will continue to deny people coverage. They will continue to deny people care. They will continue to jack up premiums 40 or 50 or 60 percent as they have in the last few weeks without any accountability whatsoever." President Obama, March 19, 2010.

Source: HHS, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (Average rate of change from previous year shown. For 1980, the average rate of change from 1970.)
Hoven's Index for March 22, 2010
Increase in Medicare spending per enrollee, 2000 to 2008: 83.7%
Increase in private health insurance spending per enrollee, 2000 to 2008: 73.8%
Medicare spending per enrollee in 2008: $10,614
Private health insurance spending per enrollee in 2008: $4,007
Source: HHS, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Graph of the Day Archive.