The Left Gets Center Stage ... Again

One thing seems certain: the far-left has been pandered to and pampered by the local authorities at both the  political conventions.

I wrote from Denver and the DNC, the protestors there were claiming, from the Capitol steps -- and through a very large public address system -- that free speech no longer exists in America.

Fast forward one week. This is the far-left's center stage in St. Paul at the RNC:

capitol sound stage

Yup. Right in front of the Minnesota State Capitol. And, yup, yup, a gigantic PA system. And, yup, yup, yup, they are using it to discuss the draconian restrictions on their right to speak. One must, almost literally, wade through the hypocrisy to get to a microphone at these events.

The left was pretending to be upset with the Democrats in Denver. They pretended to be really, really mad as they marched to the Pepsi Center; but they got their meeting with Obama's people by shouting a few obscenities.

Things are different here in St. Paul. The far-left in Minnesota doesn't want to meet with McCain's people. Protestors have been slashing bus tires, smashing windows, and blocking streets. This morning some of the protestors had thrown bags of cement from an overpass into oncoming traffic on a local freeway.

The far-left in Denver was obviously anti-capitalist, and non-commercial. The far-left in Minnesota is just flat out nuts. They seem to be leftists in a bizarre visual alliance with Coca-Cola at the seat of government for the soverign state of Minnesota.

tri-part alliance

Their food is being catered:


Their little stalls are neatly organized.


Here in St. Paul the protestors of the far-left go from dancing on the steps of the capitol, to enjoying a catered barbecue, to smashing in windows. Minnesota: Land of 10,000 Loons.

Photos by Kevin Roper

Larrey Anderson is covering the RNC in Minneapolis for American Thinker. His latest award winning novel is The Order of the Beloved.
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