September 4, 2008
Straight from the Pravda Playbook
Okay, now I must admit that I've seen it all. Today, I received this from those folks at Media Matters, who now have the task of protecting the back of one Barack Obama.
Dear Friend,I'm sure you've heard some of the many lies about Sen. Barack Obama that have been circulating over the last year or so, both online and in the mainstream media. The truth is that Obama is a Christian, not a Muslim; he was born in theUnited States; he doesn't refuse to recite the Pledge of Allegiance; he wasn't endorsed by Fidel Castro; the list goes on and on. While many of the attacks on Obama are outright lies, other attacks are outrageous distortions with just a kernel of truth at their core.
Many of these right-wing attacks have been spread in emails and reported in the echo chamber that is the mainstream media. While they may seem disconnected, the truth is that these attacks work together, like separate voices combining to form a chorus of fear and resentment. The claims that Obama is a Muslim or somehow foreign; that he represents a black radicalism more at home in the 1960s than today; and that he is a liberal elitist with a radical, even socialist agenda work to reinforce an overarching narrative that Obama is alien and threatening -- that he is "not one of us."
Readers should recall that Media Matters was one of the brainchildren of Hillary Clinton, but is an overall hatchet group, charged with the burdensome task of unearthing "conspiracies" of the "right-wing" variety, whether they exist or not.
As I've said before, perhaps never in history have so many great minds been so thoroughly wasted.
And please do not forget the man responsible for a major chunk of the funding for this group of do-nothing miscreants: GEORGE SOROS.
As I've said before, perhaps never in history have so many great minds been so thoroughly wasted.
And please do not forget the man responsible for a major chunk of the funding for this group of do-nothing miscreants: GEORGE SOROS.