Wallace Manheimer

Wallace Manheimer

  • Scientific Societies Err on 'Climate Change'

    January 10, 2025

    Scientific Societies Err on 'Climate Change'

    Major scientific organizations’ statements on “climate change” and the conclusions therein form the basis of much of the scientific foundation for governmental, scientific, media, and public concerns on the use of fossil fuels. Tril...

  • November 22, 2020

    The easiest way to see how well solar and wind are doing

    We have all heard on the media and on TV that solar and wind electrical energy is getting cheaper, and often much cheaper than that generated by coal, gas, oil, or nuclear.  Here are some recent article titles: "Solar and wind co...

  • July 12, 2019

    Carbon-Free Power: Solar versus Nuclear

    There are two possible sources of carbon-free power available today: solar power and nuclear power.  Solar power includes solar photovoltaic (converting sunlight directly into electrical power) and solar thermal (heating a fluid with sunlig...

  • June 4, 2018

    Three Climate Change Questions Answered

    A claimed nearly unanimous scientific consensus on fear of climate change has caused a push to substantially reduce or even eliminate the use of fossil fuel in favor of solar and wind.  But three crucial questions are: 1) is the scientific ...