Articles & Blog Posts by Leo Rennert
- Kid Gloves for a Vile Terrorist
- NY Times, in pro-Palestinian coverage, camouflages terrorists' identity
- Double standards at WaPo
- Shorthand for detecting media bias
- NY Times offers helpful hints on forcing Americans to choke down the Iran deal
- Verification: Obama's dubious Iran ace in the hole
- NYT Flunks Gaza History Course
- NYT columnist faults Netanyahu
- WaPo's one-sided coverage of Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- An Unbalanced Article in NYT
- Important omission in WaPo on Iran nuclear deal
- Jodi Rudoren, Bibi Netanyahu exchange blows over NYT coverage
- NYT in pocket of anti-Israel outfit masquerading as human rights group
- WaPo's farewell to objective journalism
- WaPo hoodwinked by Palestinian propaganda
- Hebron's History a la the <em>Times</em>
- NYT Plays 'Fair' in Mideast Reportage
- NY Times attacks Israel's report on conduct of Gaza War because it doesn't fit its anti-Israel narrative
- WaPo alarmist report on Israel boycott buries good economic news
- NYT in full bias mode against IDF
- Palestinian Setback at World Soccer Confab
- NYT rages against Bibi's pick of Dore Gold for foreign minister
- What will Bibi's new government look like?
- Netanyahu 180-degree turn on Palestinian statehood?
- NYT's Kristof blackens Israel
- NYT Won't give up on Bibi Attacks
- NYT soils Israel's victory in Six-Day War
- NYT uses funeral of 4 French Jews to bash Netanyahu
- NYT's Gratuitous Slur Against Israel
- U.N. Security Council defeats Palestinian statehood initiative
- WaPo's upside-down coverage of Gaza incident
- Martyrdom by Heart Attack
- NY <em>Times</em> inveighs in Israeli identity dispute
- Wash. Post's copious supply of anti-Israel poison pills
- WaPo Presses Propaganda Button on Temple Mount
- WaPo Erases Temple Mount from Jewish Heritage
- Media Justify Synagogue Attack
- At WaPo, a Mosque Trumps a Synagogue
- WaPo Hypes Settler violence
- The Insatiable Need to Bash Israel
- Two Big Bias Points in WaPo's Olive Grove Coverage
- NYT's' 'Oy Veh' Coverage of Israel Skips Reality
- NYT Praises Anti-semitic opera 'The Death of Klinghoffer'
- Israeli Blood Counts for less than Palestinian Blood at NYT
- Wash. Post socks it to Israel. Forget about objective journalism
- The <em>Times</em> Shields Hamas from Responsibility for Gaza War
- Obama-Netanyahu Summit: A Polite Get-Together Going Nowhere
- Abbas on Slanderous Rampage against Israel at U.N.
- New York Times Off Base in Portraying Gaza as 'Occupied Territory'
- NY Times Shows Classic Bias on Israeli 'State Lands'
- WaPo's Tolerance of Palestinian Violence
- The Real Scoop on Israel's Land Decision
- NYT Throws Cold Water on new Palestinian Town
- A Questionable Statistic: 'Children' Killed in Gaza War
- Twisting Casualty Counts in 50-day Gaza War
- NYT Repeats Hamas Propaganda
- WaPo Resents U.S. Military Sales to Israel
- When Gaza Children Are No Longer Children
- NYT Weeps for Gaza
- WaPo weeps for Gazans lacking Airport, Seaport
- Wash. Post exonerates Hamas of resumption of Gaza fighting
- Israeli Patriotism Rankles New York Times.
- NYT in a hurry to blame Israel
- Wash. Post's pro-Hamas propaganda: Put Israel in the dock
- WaPo's Great Discovery -- U.S. Favors Israel!
- Washington Post turns into Hamas Gazettte
- The Battle of Shejaiya -- as NOT fit to print in NYT
- WaPo Plays up Israeli Deaths
- Obama's Blindness to Israeli Behavior on the Battlefield
- Israel gets Another Black Eye
- Wash. Post Headline Reeks of Anti-Israel Bias
- NYT Buries Lead on Operation Protective Edge
- A Tale of Two Papers
- WaPo Emphasizes Palestinian Suffering
- A Wash Post Blood Libel against Israel
- NYT puts Kidnapping Victims on par with 'Martyrdom' of Violent Palestinians
- NYT defends Anti-Semitic Opera
- NYT Blames Israel in Teen Kidnapping
- WaPo gives Israeli President-elect Reuven Rivlin the Full Snide Treatment
- Memo to NYTimes Correspondents re anti-Israel Bias
- WaPo Rains on Rolling Stones Parade in Tel Aviv
- Obama Accepts new Palestinian "Unity" Government
- The Pope Greets the Mufti
- Belgium's Historical Tragedy: From Saving Jews to Killing Them
- How the NYT libels Israel
- Welcome to the Holy Land, Pope Francis
- WaPo Gives Readers False History of 1948
- New York Times' Agenda Shines Through on Olmert Coverage
- NYT Cheers Islamic Jihad
- WaPo weeps for Palestinian terrorist, but not for his victims
- NYT Camouflages Real J Street
- 'Ethnic Cleansing' in Jerusalem
- Washington Post swallows Abbas lie hook, line, and sinker
- How Wash. Post, NY Times inject Palestinian propaganda in 'news' dispatches
- Hamas Passes WaPo Kosher Test
- NYT Semantically Purifies Palestinian terrorism
- WaPo Humanizes Palestinian Terrorist Killer
- NYT Promotes Arch-terrorist as Peacemaker
- NYT Decries 'Divided Loyallties'
- NYT Gushes over Freed Terrorist
- A Preposition too far at the NYT
- NYT Faults Israel for Going After Palestinian Terrorist
- NYT Violates Basic Journalism Rule
- WaPo and NYT Blame Israel for Syrian Aggression
- Obama Retracts Jewish Identity of Israel
- WaPo Peddles Anti-Israeli Poison Pills
- At WaPo, Only Israeli-Bashing Will Do
- Obama paints Bibi as obstacle to peace, lauds Abbas
- Iran, through the WaPo Looking Glass
- On Israel, WaPo ignores the elephant in the room
- NYT Weeps for Palestinians Getting Generous Jobs from Israeli 'Occupiers'
- John Kerry in Fantasy Land
- What Israeli boycott?
- Scare Headlines on Israel
- NY Times 'Roughly' Wrong about Mahmoud Abbas
- The Ultimate Double Standard
- WaPo Editor Goes Gaga over Rouhani
- WaPo's Ugly Profile of Sharon
- A Tale of Two Newspapers
- The NYT's Double Standard in Action
- John Kerry Envisages Peace à la Vietnam
- NYT's Vendetta Against Netanyahu
- NYT sets new Course for Hillel
- Christian Exodus from Bethlehem
- Israel vs. the Academy
- 'American Studies' group to boycott Israel
- The Myth of Triumph and Tragedy of Israel
- Anti-Israel Poison Pills in two NYT Articles
- Israel vs. the Bedouins
- WaPo Spotlights Netanyahu, Shields Iran and Palestinians
- WaPo sees Jewish threat to Temple Mount
- WaPo Justifies Palestinian Violence
- NYT Peddles U.N. Propaganda about Palestinian Refugees
- Would Reagan have Approved the Iran Deal?
- NYT Blames Israel for Deaths of Two Lion Cubs
- WaPo Depicts Israeli Counterterrorism through Palestinian Lens
- Remembering Kristallnacht
- Kerry Threatens Israel
- It's all Likud's Fault
- NYT Rewrites Israeli History
- NYT Absolves Abbas from all Sins
- Reporting Palestinian Atrocities
- NYT Likens Orthodox Jews to the Devil
- This Week's Torah Reading
- State Department Plans to rob Iraqi Jews
- NYT Weeps for Vandalized Palestinian Olive Trees
- The Washington Post's Favorite Pastime: Maligning Jerusalem
- Soft on Iran, Hard on Israel
- Nobel Peace Prize loses its luster...
- NY Times in full anti-Netanyahu mode
- Netanyahu's U.N. Speech Sticks in NYT's Craw
- Wash. Post belittles Hebron's Jewish footprint
- The Jews are Coming!
- WaPo Falls for Iranian President's Charm Offensive
- NYT Camouflages Palestinian Terrorism
- NY Times censors Israel's victory in Yom Kippur War
- Latest NYT Denunciation of Israel
- NY Times joins provocateurs at Western Wall
- 'Impoverished' Gaza feels Pinch of fewer Mercedes-Benz Sales
- NYT Perfumes Palestinian Aggression
- NY Times Blames Israel and AIPAC for Prolonging Egypt's Agony
- Why WaPo Mideast Coverage is Untrustworthy
- PA Fleeces new Palestinian City
- WaPo's Strange Math
- NYT Absolves Stone-throwing Palestinian Youth
- NY Times gullibility about Iran knows no end
- One-sided Coverage of Peace Talks
- WaPo Obsessed with Settlements
- WaPo: Palestinian Killers of Israeli Children are NOT Terrorists
- Wash. Post columnist applauds Kerry's diplomacy at Israel's expense
- WaPo ignores Sharp Criticism of Kerry by Senior Palestinian Officials
- Kerry announces Resumption of Peace Talks -- Who Blinked?
- Attention, Western media: there were NO 1967 'borders'
- WaPo Stacks the Deck
- A revealing report card on global living standards
- NYT Exposes Powder Room Plan for Israeli Women Lawmakers
- Wash. Post sees only Israeli lawless conduct, mum on Palestinian terrorism
- NYT Decree: Tel Aviv is Israel's Capital
- A Study in Self-deception
- Washington Post blames Israeli 'intransigence' for...everything
- The Bottom Kernel in NYT's Israel-bashing Bag
- Wash. Post libels Israel on Palestinian refugees
- In Media World, only Israel Blocks Peace Process
- Peace in our Time
- 'Moderate' win in Iran is the worst possible outcome
- John Kerry's Hubris
- WaPo Peddles Fictionalized Version of Arab League Peace Plan
- NYT, WaPo Shield Abbas from Inconvenient Truths
- WaPo Stumbles on Temple Mount
- NY Times defames Sheldon Adelson
- Al-Durah Myth Exploded
- WaPo Falls Short in Reporting Press Restrictions
- Rafsanjani - the 'moderate' candidate for president of Iran
- WaPo asks, 'Is This Woman a Terrorist?'
- Terrorist Bombings do not a Terrorist Make
- NY Times, Wash. Post remove terrorism taint from Hezb'allah
- NY Times slams democracy in Israel
- Peddling the Arab League Peace Plan
- NYT Decrees Nonexistence of Palestinian Terrorism
- NY Times marks 70th anniversary of Warsaw Ghetto uprising with jab at Israel
- NYT Blind to Terrorism in Israel
- Correspondents of the New Times could do with a refresher history course about Middle East wars.
- Departure of Palestinian prime minister leaves Obama peacemaking in tatters
- WaPo Libels Netanyahu
- WaPo Flacks Arab 'Peace' Plan
- WaPo Rewrites History
- NY Times trumps Palestinians in libeling Israel
- NYT Stokes Israeli-Palestinian Tensions
- The NYT and Fake 'Martyrdom'
- Whose Holy Sites are Under Attack in Jerusalem?
- Obama Finds Right Words -- Four Years Late
- WaPo Smooths the way for Obama's Israel Trip
- NY Times: The Jews are coming, the Jews are coming (gulp) in Jerusalem!
- New York Times attacks Israel's new coalition government
- In Israel, Obama's Blunders Precede Him
- For Israel, back-of-the-bus treatment in WaPo
- Two Palestinian Deaths
- NY Times: Palestinian prisoner tortured. Don't ask questions.
- NY Times: No Self-defense for Israelis
- NY Times adopts Palestinian terrorist prisoners
- The Emperor of Ice Cream
- NY Times uses Prisoner X affair to smear Israel
- Preservation vs. Vandalism
- Three Days in Jerusalem, Two Hours in Ramallah
- WaPo gives Hezb'allah Terrorist Killings the Chamberlain Treatment
- State Department funds Anti-Israeli Hate Study
- U.N. advocates ethnic cleansing, Jews and Jerusalem are the target
- WaPo Tars the IDF
- Anti-Israel documentary made in Israel, NY Times eats it up
- Kerry's Palestinian Fallacy
- NYT: Israeli Arabs lack "political opportunity"
- There are no Orthodox Jews in Israel
- NY Times Embarasses Itself
- The Sky is Falling on Israel... Again
- Times Kvetches over Israel Election
- NY Times and WaPo: Islamist terrorists at Algerian gas complex were just 'militants'
- Times Paints Grim Picture of Israeli Arabs
- West Bank Shooting Reveals WaPo Bias
- Israeli Voters Turn Right with a new Political Star
- Washington Post weeps for Gaza's children but blames only Israel
- Avoiding 'T-for-Terrorism'
- A Lesson for the Media
- Washington Post whitewashes Muslim Brotherhood's top leader
- Corrections Needed in NYT...Again
- WaPo Errs on Religious Freedom in Jerusalem
- It's Not about the Settlements, Stupid
- Another New York Times Whitewash on 'Palestine'
- A Formula for Smearing Israel
- Washington Post complains Israel's Iron Dome missile defense is too perfect
- Washington Post Cheerleads for Terror
- Bibi and Merkel Despise Each Other - but Only if You Read the Times
- The Imaginary Mahmoud Abbas
- Start With a Lie, Then Bury the Truth
- Palestinian 'Statehood': The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- NY Times Tars Israeli Development near Jerusalem
- No Tears for Israeli Victims
- The Washington Post, aka The Hamas Gazette
- Thousands of Rockets Rain on Israel, but not in the NY Times
- WaPo's Ombudsman Needs an Ombudsman
- NY Times, Washington Post perfume Hamas with anti-Israel poison pills
- To Gaza with Love (But no Tears for Israelis)
- The Immorality of Mideast Media Coverage
- Bias by the Numbers
- Eighty Truckloads
- Mainstream Media's Equivalence Game
- More Biased Photo Coverage at the Washington Post
- Harvard apologizes for hummus, couscous on its resturant's "Israeli mezze station''
- The Post Targets Israel
- NY Times Predicts Obama will take Netanyahu to the Woodshed
- Mahmoud Abbas Giving Up Palestinian Right of Return?!
- Israel stems tide of illegal African migrants - Washington Post cries foul
- Scores of radical Islamists met with Obama White House officials hundreds of times
- Abbas's Epic Fail
- The Forgotten Refugees
- NY Times 'fact checker' needs his 'facts' checked
- NY Times describes Taliban killers who shot young Pakistani girl as 'militants'
- NY Times hits Romney for supporting a 'bellicose' Israel
- Stop the presses! Wash. Post hands November victory to Obama
- Grasping at Straws
- NY Times deplores loss of leftist dominance of Israeli media
- Obama apologetic about boycotting Ahmadinejad's U.N. speech
- Wash. Post coverage of Ahmadinejad: Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
- Wash. Post plays war games about Israeli attack on Iran (but not vice versa)
- Timely reminder of Jewish ties to Jerusalem -- From your nearest synagogue
- NY Times ignores Gaza's millionaires, hypes poverty, blames Israel (natch)
- Democratic platform abandons pro-Israel positions on borders, refugees, Hamas
- Wash. Post ombudsman urges extensive coverage of Israeli nukes -- ignores bigger dangers
- At NY Times and WaPo, Arab pain trumps Jewish pain
- Israeli judge dismisses damage suit in death of Rachel Corrie, but NY Times still clings to the myth
- Wash. Post plays up Israeli-on-Palestinian violence, plays down Palestinian-on-Israeli attacks
- Finally, an Israeli politician who tells it like it is about Abbas
- NY Times indicts Israeli society as steeped in 'racism, violence'
- Jerusalem dare not speak its name in Wash. Post travel section
- NY Times gives platform to notorious self-hating Israeli
- NY Times uses McCarthyism to attack Romney adviser
- Wash. Post, NY Times furious at Romney for demolishing their false Israeli-Palestinian narrative
- Romney under Palestinian fire for unflattering remarks, but UN research backs him up
- Olympics chief seeks to erase Jewish history but a widow fights back
- A NY Times headline that drips with anti-semitic venom
- Wash. Post's atrocious news judgment
- Clinton leans on Netanyahu for more concessions, hails Abbas as peacemaker
- retraction
- With Israeli-Palestinian conflict unresolved, Washington Post blames Obama and Bibi, not Abbas
- NY Times hypes Arab identity crisis in Israel
- NY Times depicts Olmert as peace maker, Bibi as peace-wrecker; Abbas gets off scot free
- NY Times goes apoplectic over legal validation of Jewish settlements
- NY Times goes over-the-top
- Israel takes out strategic insurance against any Egyptian threat to its global shipping lanes
- Palestinians undermine Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty
- Israel evacuates a settlement, but gets whacked by NY Times anyway
- Putin in Israel upstages Obama, points up waning U.S. influence
- NY Times mollycoddles terrorists firing rockets at Israel
- NY Times soft-pedals rocket barrages from Gaza on civilian targets in Israel
- Wash. Post's glaring omissions underscore anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian agenda
- Israel and illegal African migrants -- NY Times piles on the guilt, evokes Nazi German
- Netanyahu faces criticism of Turkish flotilla raid, and NY Times piles on
- An Abbas protection racket at NY Times and Wash. Post
- NY Times resorts to historical revisionism to smear Israel
- Anti-Jewish attacks in France reach epidemic proportions
- NY Times spotlights Palestinian 'naqba,' ignores Jewish 'naqba' in Arab lands
- Wash. Post's pursuit of gloom and doom for Israel
- Frenzied Wash. Post speculation about trouble for Israel at Syrian border: Wishful thinking?
- Israeli media crown Bibi 'king of Israel' for bringing opposition Kadima into the government
- NY Times fronts for Palestinian terrorists in Israeli detention
- NY Times still can't get it right on Gaza fatalities in Operation Cast Lead
- What NY Times and Wash. Post kept secret from readers in April
- A NY Times correction that requires a correction
- Wash. Post, NY Times flog Israeli settlements, facts notwithstanding
- Obama's come-uppance from Elie Wiesel during self-serving visit to Holocaust Museum
- Wash. Post exposes corruption, repression in Gaza under Hamas
- WaPo: bouquets for Palestinians, brick bats for Israel
- NY Times paints Israel, not Iran, as today's global villain
- NY Times weaves a Netanyahu-Romney conspiracy tale
- Searing indictment of Wash. Post news coverage on its own op-ed page
- NY Times' obsession with settlements
- NY Times in dreamland about the Palestinians
- WaPo's trifecta
- J Street gets comeuppance from Israeli diplomat at its annual conference Updated: NYT censors the remarks
- NY Times sanitizes Gaza rocket attacks on Israel in report on Toulouse massacre
- Peter Beinart, a favorite of Israel bashers, edges closer to Bibi than to Abbas
- Team Obama rewards Egypt's Islamists
- WaPo falsely accuses Israel of killing Palestinian teenager
- At NY Times, the only photo of Gaza fighting that's fit to print
- Israel's calculus for Gaza eruption
- NY Times tops WaPo in 'militant' sweepstakes, 9 to 6
- NY Times stokes Palestinian victimhood, ignores self-inflicted wounds
- At NY Times, it's always Israel's fault, while Palestinians get a pass
- The divergent timelines and histories of Obama and Netanyahu
- Obama's AIPAC speech: what he didn't say
- WaPo laces Obama-Netanyahu summit with anti-Israel poison pills
- Wash. post defends Iran against Netanyahu's nuke warnings
- Wash. Post's Palestinian propaganda falsifies history and the Bible
- Abbas gins up anti-Israel incitement about Jerusalem to foment a third intifada
- NY Times, Wash. Post care more about rights of terrorists than safety of Jewish pilgrims
- Wash. Post, NY Times decry Israeli treatment of Palestinian terrorists
- Wash. Post assigns more credibility to Iran than to Israel
- Wash. Post resorts to guilt by association to tar an Israeli religious community
- WaPo runs reader letter blasting non-existent Israeli target
- Israel strengthens nuclear deterrent against Iran with fleet of German subs
- The myth of Israel's isolation
- Wash. Post funnels Palestinian lies to readers
- Whatever Abbas wants, Abbas gets at the NY Times
- NY Times news judgment: Arrests of Hamas officials or Jerusalem Mufti's call to kill Jews?
- Mideast coverage by mainstream media takes cue from Dr. Pangloss and Charlie Brown
- NY Times censors violence by Palestinian demonstrators in West Bank
- A NY Times picture worth a thousand-fold bias
- Dennis Ross's new peace plan based on trusting Abbas as kosher on non-violence
- Double standard in coverage of terror threats facing Israel
- NY Times exculpates Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas while tarring Netanyahu
- Abbas shows his jihad side on eve of talks with Israel
- IDF's unparalleled record of sparing civilians in counter-terrorism operations
- NY Times to the rescue of a Netanyahu foe
- Wash. Post, AP blind to Christian persecution in Bethlehem
- Wash. Post transforms Hamas into a 'moderate' pussycat
- The pro-Palestinian gullibility of the New York Times
- Scintillating Chutzpah: Obama at Reform Judaism's Confab
- NY Times goes to war against all Jewish settlers
- Wash. Post, NY Times shortchange winners of 5 Nobel Prizes, including Israeli laureate
- WaPo finds new way to whitewash Palestinian terrorists
- Wash. Post relies on anti-Israel J Street as only source of impeccable truth
- Gaza thrives amid a mainstream-media cover-up
- Wash. Post sheds tears for Gazans, but not for terror-battered Israelis
- Mainstream media turn blind eye to dark side of Tahrir Square
- WaPo quota system: A major Israel-bashing spread once a week
- Wash. Post boosts drive to rename Jewish biblical sites part of Palestinian cultural heritage
- UN adjusts annual living-standards report card to suit Occupy Wall Street protesters
- Wash. Post extols Palestinian agitators as latter-day 'Freedom Riders'
- Wash. Post dispenses anti-Israel poison pills
- Abraham, the first Jew and the first Zionist, under challenge at the UN
- Wash. Post faults Israel for cross-border violence initiated by Gaza terrorists
- NY Times exculpates Hamas from Gaza rocket barrages against Israeli towns
- NY Times humanizes terrorist killer released by Israel
- Wash. Post legitimizes Hamas rule in Gaza -- no terrorists there
- NY Times, Wash. Post censor Abbas's 'Holy Warriors' salute to his freed terrorists
- NY Times sheds more tears for Palestinian terrorist killers than for Giilad Schalit
- NY Times views Gilad Shalit's release as prelude to gloomy future for Israel
- Gilad Shalit's release from Hamas's clutches -- winners and losers
- Abbas demands Tony Blair's resignation as Quartet envoy
- NY Times' selective coverage of Israel through a glass darkly
- In Wash. Post, up is down, down is up, whatever suits its agenda
- Wash. Post's silly semantics against Israel's rightful claims to Jerusalem
- Wash. Post whacks Israel during High Holidays - On the religion page no less
- At NY Times, why bother with facts when Israel bashing is more fun
- NY Times, Wash. Post suffer from Gaza-Hamas amnesia
- Abbas arrives at the UN with a bang, leaves NY with a whimper
- In UN speech, Abbas adopts Arafat's blood-soaked legacy
- New York Times Doing What They Do Best on Obama's U.N. Speech
- NY Times senses something sinister in GOP support of Israel
- Obama's long journey on the road to Zionism
- NY Times views Israel darkly as a 'populist ethno-religious state' (like Turkey)
- Wash. Post takes leave from reality on settlements
- Abbas gets immunity at Wash. Post -- only Israel engages in 'hawkish, hard-line' moves
- Crisis over Palestinian statehood bid is all Israel's fault
- Two factual errors in same Wash. Post paragraph, conveying Palestinian spin and myths
- A botched 9/11 commemoration
- A New York Times editorial that dispenses with reality
- NY Times blames Israel for attack on Cairo Embassy
- NY Times erases Arab aggression from the Green Line's history
- NY Times regurgitates Mahmoud Abbas' propaganda lies
- Wash. Post inverts UN report on flotilla raid to blacken Israel
- A good day for Israel at the UN, and that's news
- NY Times would prefer settlers defenseless against Palestinian attacks
- Israel's flag back over Cairo Embassy not fit to print in NY Times
- NY Times sanitizes, rationalizes terror attack at Tel Aviv nightclub
- Breakthrough: NY Times uses the 'T-word' about attack on Israel
- Washington Post's 'militant' mentality suckers it in
- A contrast of 2 civilizations
- NY Times disregards facts in piling on Israel, hyping Egyptian-Israeli tensions
- The End of Obama's Middle East Pipe Dream
- Palestinian terrorists on deadly rampage, but Wash. Post, NY Times still call them 'militants'
- NY Times, Wash. Post ignore rocket fire from Gaza, pounce on Israel for retaliating
- Wash. Post slants coverage of new housing for West Bank city of Ariel
- NY Times shafts Israel -- A Tale of Two Articles
- NY Times peddles revisionist view of Arab Spring as full embrace of Palestinian cause
- Wash. Post book review stacks the deck against Israel
- Middle East Negotiations: When Will Obama Ever Learn?
- Israel's summer of discontent -- the political and economic stakes
- NY Times empathizes with PA's financial woes, ends up blaming Israel
- NY Times hits new depth in Israel coverage
- Reader beware
- Wash. Post hammers settlements, ignores PA glorification of terrorist killers
- A NY Times reporter who gets Israel right (and one who doesn't)
- A NY Times bogus article of faith
- Israel blocks flotilla, 'fly-in'' agitprop plans
- NY Times likens violent 'fly-in' agitators to Christian pilgrims in Bethlehem
- Anti-Israel demonstrators hurling stones, Molotov cocktails qualify as 'unarmed' in NY Times
- Wash. Post's weekly Israel-bashing pieces --
- WaPo's belated, grudging report on Israel's success against Gaza flotilla
- NY Times likens pro-Hamas Audacity of Hope vessel with 1947 Jewish refugees ship, the Exodus
- Greeks bearing real gifts
- WaPo adopts Palestinian vocabulary in 'news' report
- Remembering 1948 through the WaPo's pro-Arab, anti-Israel lens
- It depends on who is doing the disparaging...
- Was it gullibility? Or was it anti-Semitism? Or was it both?
- Tom Friedman's latest folly of a peace plan -- totally blind to Hamas's existence and agenda
- Overlooking Bonner's other legacy
- Wash. Post smears Israel, stands history on its head
- The lengths the Wash. Post will go to defame Israel
- NY Times hankers for 'Arab Spring' revolt in West Bank
- Joel Greenberg, the Washington Post's Palestinian Propagandist
- Israel demonstrates more efficient mettle in guarding its border against Syrian provocations
- Arab leaders betray the Palestinians -- again
- Washington Post Enlists Holocaust Against Israel
- How WaPo skews 'news' coverage against Israel
- Creeping anti-Semitism in the New York Times
- NY Times in full anti-Bibi fury as he heads to D.C.
- Obamas Middle East Speech - the Good and the Bad
- WaPo's grim preview of Bibi trip to DC -- When spin turns into outright distortion
- NY Times derides Netanyahu's two-state plan, but gives uncritical play to Abbas's agenda
- Muslim Brotherhood uses Holocaust to delegitimize Israel
- Mitchell Out as U.S. Mideast Envoy
- WaPo 'news'' coverage with an 11-to-1 pro-Fatah, pro-Hamas bias
- WaPo grants Hamas immunity from terrorism
- NY Times hails Palestinian 'unity' accord, hides early frictions
- The 'T word' for Bin Laden, but only an 'M' rating for Hamas
- The Mubarak Myth
- Obama's shrinking Mideast influence gives way to Iran's growing clout
- Abbas's farewell to peace process -- embraces Hamas in Palestinian reconciliation deal
- The '1967 border' -- the lie that won't die
- NY Times mindset -- peace hinges on U.S. and Israel, not on Israel and the Palestinians
- The difference between Richard Goldstone and the NY Times: One recants, the other doesn't
- Wash. Post erases 3,000 years of Jewish indigenous history in Holy Land
- NY Times gives defenders of discredited Goldstone report a helping hand
- Speaker Boehner invites Netanyahu to address joint meeting of Congress next month
- WaPo coddles Hamas, while making Israel look bad
- WaPo vs WaPo on who created Palestinian refugee problem
- WaPo falsifies Mideast history a la Ahmadinejad
- NY Times touts 'new' peace plan that Abbas previously rejected
- Goldstone is gone -- but NY Times steps into the anti-Israel breach
- NY Times: with tears for Goldstone, but none for Israel
- A NY Times writer defies the paper's taboo on 'terrorism' in Israel
- A fanciful Wash. Post 'news' article replete with anti-Israel bias
- Wash. Post maligns Israel with misleading battlefield statistics
- Obama Strikes Out at the UNHRC
- NY Times wrongly blames Israel for lack of peace talks with Syria, Palestinians
- NYT, WaPo agree -- Deadly Jerusalem bus bombing was not an act of terrorism
- Obama's fatuous statement on terror bombing in Jerusalem
- Why intervene in Libya when protestors are dying in Syria too?
- Wash. Post covers Hamas' war on Israel, but not Hamas' war on journalists
- NY Times at last discovers Palestinian incitement
- Wash. Post bends truth on settlements, covers up Abbas's anti-Israel incitement
- Saudis challenge Tehran
- WaPo shields Abbas from blame as terror attack kills five Israelis
- A flow of anti-Israel poison -- from Israel, to Britain, to the heart of the U.S. capital
- At the NY Times, Israel can't win; Palestinians can't lose
- WaPo confirms Netanyahu's beef that Israel gets short end of the stick
- WaPo tackles riddle of Palestinians' 'strange quiet' amid Arab upheavals -- and gets it wrong
- Back in vogue
- NYT, WaPo ignore Clinton condemnation of UN Human Rights Council's 'structural bias' against Israel
- NY Times finds Islamophobia in Malmo, but blind to rampant Jew-hatred in Sweden's anti-semitic capital
- Israelis in no mood for massive protests and that includes Israeli Arabs
- NY Times Uses Rescued Chilean Miners' Pilgrimage to Holy Land to Score Points Against Israel
- Wash. Post sees 'terror' threat in Lubbock, but not in Israel
- Truth takes a beating in Wash. Post coverage of settlements
- Obama Hoisted by Own Petard on Israeli-Palestinian Front
- WaPo leaves false impression on Palestinian terror attack
- Saeb Erekat's resignation telling evidence of Palestinian rejectionism
- Obama's foreign policy disaster
- Sanitizing the Muslim Brotherhood
- NY Times manufactures a crisis in U.S.-Israel relations
- Treaties are good, but deterrent is better for Israel
- Reading The Washington Post 'Fearfully'
- Obama and the Ripple Effect
- NY Times peddles delusions about Abbas as peacemaker
- WaPo portrays pro-Palestinian hired gun as objective analyst
- Al Jazeera's Palestinian document leaks point up Obama's clueless Mideast peace strategy
- Israel vindicated in report on flotilla raid -- but not in the Washington Post
- Harrowing testimony of Israeli commandos aboard Gaza-bound ship -- 'Armed Mob lynched us'-- Unreported by NYT, WaPo
- Wash. Post libels Israel as lurching toward McCarthyism
- WSJ and WaPo share anti-Israel bias in news columns
- WaPo reports Israeli government shake-up through a pro-Palestinian lens
- NY Times swallows Hezb'allah propaganda on Israel and Lebanon
- WaPo distorts history to libel Israel
- WaPo's inconvenient truth
- Iran, Hezb'allah lay down gauntlet to Obama on Lebanon -- guess who's losing
- WaPo expunges Israeli rule of Jerusalem -- an Orwellian ploy
- New York Times ignores an inconvenient truth
- WaPo blames Israel for Palestinian barbarity (updated: NY Times too)
- What the NYT and the WaPo publish -- and what they don't
- NY Times journalism -- the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Hit-and-run Journalism -- The Way to Tar Israel
- How fiction became news
- Week's worth of stories censored by NY Times, Wash. Post
- AP recasts Palestinian terror war as 'Israeli-Palestinian violence'
- Palestinian Christmas presents for Israel -- Ethnic cleansing of Jews, death of Jewish state, ongoing terror
- The Palestinians' brilliant ''peace' strategy -- Drive a big wedge between the U.S. and Israel
- NY Times perpetuates the big lie -- ''Settlements are the problem''
- NY Times stacks the deck against Jonathan Pollard
- WaPo puts Gaza's construction needs above Israel's life-and-death security needs
- Mahmoud Abbas puts on a propaganda show -- and the NY Times applauds
- Gaza through a NY Times lens
- WaPo reports on Palestinian incitement
- NY Times' historical revisionism of Israel's War of Independence
- Hillary's Tilt against Israel
- NY Times spotlights Palestinian 'despair,' ignores it's self-inflicted
- NY Times blames Israel for U.S., Palestinian failures to advance the peace process
- Who killed Netanyahu-Clinton deal for construction freeze extension?
- NY Times downplays Saudis as main source of funding for global terrorism
- WaPo extols Media Matters' exposes of Fox News bias
- WaPo Spikes U.S. Condemnation of PA's Denial of Jewish Links to Western Wall
- WikiLeaks: Intriguing disclosure of SecState Clinton's deep suspicions of UN, PA
- Wash. Post tears into Israeli airport security checks that profile Arabs
- Netanyahu warns of impact on peace talks of PA incitement
- The demographic secret about Jerusalem the NY Times refuses to reveal to its readers
- NY Times recoils at letting Israeli voters have final say on any peace deal
- NY Times clings to 'peace process' with a bundle of grand illusions
- Is Washington Post coverage of Israel crossing the line into anti-Semitism?
- WaPo spins doomsday scenario for Israel
- Jewish holy city of Safed is latest Wash. Post Israel-bashing target
- A headline that sums up Obama's trip to Indonesia
- NY Times glaringly sides with Palestinians -- in its news coverage
- A WaPo reporter's anti-Israeli bias stretches from Sderot to Jakarta
- Obama, State Dept., EU, media concoct phony tempest in a Jerusalem teacup
- WaPo takes aim at the IDF and misses
- Bill Clinton's Big Lie in the New York Times
- UN ranks U.S. 4th, Israel 15th in report card on living standards
- NY Times soft on antisemite filmmaker
- UNESCO demands removal of Cave of the Patriarchs from historic registry
- NY Times beats drums for stripping Israel of its Jewish essence
- Jewish leaders in shameful betrayal of Jonathan Pollard
- NY Times' phony gotacha game with settlements
- NY Times a cheerleader for unilateral Palestinian declaration of statehood
- The Global Assault on Israel's Jewishness
- NY Times goes to idiotic lengths to take a poke at Israel
- NY Times correspondent attacks Israel's ultimate existential deterrent
- Call it a providential coincidence
- A phony WaPo story story about a phony Palestinian peace offer
- A pro-Israel article in the Washington Post? Not exactly
- NY Times faults only Israel for loyalty oath; overlooks other countries
- Clinton: Israeli-Palestinian status quo sustainable until 2040
- Obsessed by Settlements, WaPo Ignores Escalating Terror Attacks from Gaza
- NY Times arrogantly severs Ariel from Israel
- Obama discards role of even-handed mediator, pressures only Israel for major, unialteral concession
- NY Times test of Clinton diplomacy -- Just handle Bibi and U.S. Jews; No problems with Abbas
- NY Times coverage of peace talks parrots Palestinian agenda
- New York Times blames the victims for Beit Hagai massacre
- Double standard at NY Times -- spotlight Israeli sins, but cover up Palestinian ones
- NY Times dishes out pro-Palestinian propaganda under false colors
- NYT spins anti-Israel story in Gaza shopping mall coverage
- NY Times cries for Beit Hanoun, but not for Sderot
- NY Times derogates Netanyahu, covers up Abbas's rejectionism
- The hidden jokers in the direct-talks deck
- Head Of Pan-Arab TV Network Opposes Ground-Zero Mosque
- Washington Post glosses over Imam Rauf's blaming US for 9/11
- Obama backs away from Ground Zero Mosque
- Obama joins EU in loading the dice against Israel to start peace talks
- NYT: Ground Zero Mosque Mainly a PR Problem
- WaPo credulously reports Hezb'allah line
- NYT and WaPo black out official US backing for Israel's version of border clash
- Near-Massacre in Israel From Gaza Rocket Fire -- and the Media Yawn
- The Post sees only Israel as obstacle to peace
- Wash. Post Invokes Jesus and John the Baptist to Flog Israel
- WaPo sees only Israel sending mixed signals
- Turkish PM Hoisted on Own Gaza Flotilla Petard
- New York Times Turns Religious Dispute into Israel-Bashing Spree
- Palestinians ban 'Rivers of Babylon' song from West Bank international music fest
- Israel Wins, Hamas and Libya Lose in Latest Blockade Stunt
- New York Times Doublespeak
- Life in Gaza through NYT's distorted lens
- Obama's 'peace partner' embraces author of Darfur genocide
- NYT Buries Key Findings
- Protecting Mahmoud Abbas
- NYT Recycles Old News to Flog West Bank Jews, Evangelical Supporters In Sync With Bibi-Obama Summit
- Obama Uncorks Sharpest Criticism Yet of Mahmoud Abbas -- In Front Of Bibi
- What Obama Doesn't Understand About Zionism
- Tom Friedman's Blood Libel of IDF Tactics against Palestinian Terrorists
- G-8 Leaders Send Love Note To Bibi -- But Where Are The Media?
- Israel through a dark lens
- NYT ignores essential facts
- WaPo Falsifies Extent of Israel's Humanitarian Aid To Gaza, Lets Hamas Off The Hook
- NYT more clueless and biased than Al Jazeera
- NY Times Defames Israel's Flotilla-Inquiry Commission
- 'Gaza through fresh eyes?'
- NY Times tries to hide another Abbas blemish
- Inaccurate, biased reporting on Obama-Abbas meeting
- Obama on the spot after tepid UN sanctions on Iran
- Abbas lies to Obama
- WaPo's blind eye to Gaza armed divers
- Israel and the Crusaders?
- WaPo news and editorial pages disagree on Gaza flotilla
- NYT disputes Israel's right to blockade
- WaPo's profile of Netanyahu short on facts
- Something missing in anti-Israel WaPo article
- Does the NY Times expect Israel to commit suicide?
- Unarmed?
- NYT Beats Drums Against Israel, Whitewashes Militants Aboard Flotilla Ship
- Obama's Charm Offensive Masks Israel Policy Change
- The misnomer of the 'Occupied' West Bank
- Propaganda from the AP
- NYT Correspondent Turns Into Cheerleader For Rabid Anti-Israel Propagandists
- NY Times sides with Obama and Palestinians on reference to 'settlements'
- WaPo reports on Palestinian 'peaceful' resistance
- Medvedev in Damascus
- US Jewish Leadership and Obama
- NYT begrudges Israel's membership in the OECD
- State Department silent on Hamas as 'proximity talks' begin
- Washington Post cannot bring itself to use the t-word
- WaPo allergy to the t-word
- More lies from the NYT on Israel
- Iraqi Chutzpah
- Louis Brandeis must be turning over in his grave
- NY Times Blind to Palestinian Opposition
- Obama denies NYT report, but paper refuses to acknowledge
- Deconstructing WaPo poison pills reporting on Israel
- Obama backtracking from muscling Israel?
- Hillary Clinton Drops 'Secure' Borders For Israel From Independence Day Message To Jewish State
- For the Real Meaning of Israel Independence Day
- 'For Jerusalem'
- More NYT Middle East bias
- WaPo, NYT spike coverage of Obama Admin Denunciation of Abbas, Palestinian Authority
- NYT Fibbing about Bibi
- NYT Hails Palestinian Switch to Terrorism-Lite
- NYT Bemoans Scrutiny of Israel-Bashing Groups
- WaPo Exculpates Hamas in Terror Attacks From Gaza
- Sabotaging the U.S.-Israel Relationship
- Obama and Clinton Flunk the Pinocchio Test at AIPAC
- Third Act for the Jerusalem Crisis this Week
- An Historic Synagogue Reopens to Joy and Sadness
- NYT Blames Israel For Palestinian Incitement
- The Attack on Netanyahu
- Biden Trip Reveals Ominous Side of Obama's Treatment of Israel
- NYT's Curious Lack of Curiousity
- NYT Tilts Scales Against Israel as Biden, Mitchell Make New Peace Efforts
- How WaPo slants the news against Israel
- NYT Lies about Hebron Tomb Dispute
- Should NYT Jerusalem bureau chief be reassigned?
- WaPo hits trifecta of biased journalism today
- WaPo's blind eye to Holocaust Remembrance Day
- NYT can't run anything positive about Israel
- NYT on good news for Israel
- Clash of civilizations in Haiti
- WaPo expunging Palestinian terror
- The anti-Zoinist ethos of the New York Times
- The sound of silence
- WaPo portrays Jerusalem Palestinians as beleagured
- Who's a 'terrorist'?
- WaPo news blackout on Chavez-Abbas love fest
- Will Obama stick with Hillary's Thanksgiving present to Bibi?
- Rewriting history to make the Jews look bad
- NYT derisive over Jewish claims to Temple Mount
- Lies mark celebration of Arafat
- How biased is the NYT on Israel?
- Tom Friedman correction necessary
- NYT assigns equal blame to Israel for Arab riots
- Distorted picture of Gaza imports in NYT
- Blowing J Street's Cover
- Abbas lighting fuse for third intifada
- Israel and the Arab world, in UN statistics
- Islamic states won't accept a Jewish state
- A WaPo anti-Israel trifecta
- Obama changes course on Mideast
- Obama shoots self in foot on Mideast negotiations
- One-sided reporting from the NYT
- How WaPo slants its coverage of West Bank issues
- Always Israel's fault (cont.)
- WaPo hypocrisy on Israel's security barrier
- Obama softens tone on Israel
- With whom is Israel supposed to cut a two state deal?
- Hamas lethally attacks mosque -- media and NGOs yawn
- NYT perfumes Fatah's belligerent political convention
- New York Times covers up fierce anti-Israel radicalism at 'moderate' Fatah party convention
- NYT fawns over 'moderate' Abbas and Fatah
- National Jewish Leader Turns against Obama
- WaPo wants housing apartheid in Jerusalem
- Olmert sides with Netanyahu against Obama's pressure
- Jewish leaders get back of the bus treatment from Obama
- Obama likens slave embarkation point to Holocaust
- US, Not Arab Countries, to Receive Palestinian Refugees from Iraq
- Making up the news
- NYT Peddles the Obama Version of Mideast Peace Efforts
- Netanyahu Lays Down His Markers
- WaPo headlines 'Zionist Perspective' in Bibi speech
- Obama criticizes NY Times coverage of his Israeli-Palestinian agenda
- Obama's Arafat Amnesia
- Obama's speech to the Muslim world
- Obama, Reagan, and the Nazi Death Camps
- Memorial Day Surprises Knock Props from Obama's Diplomatic Overtures
- NYT admits error on Netanyahu
- The Obama-Netanyahu Summit
- The Obama - Netanyahu Summit
- WaPo cleanses Jews from Nazareth
- Sanitizing a Palestinian harangue at the pope
- NYT opposes urban beautification in one city
- Obama's Grotesque Choice
- Joe Biden's Muddled Tough-Love Speech to AIPAC
- Obama'sMideast Myopia
- Obama and Israel
- NYT, WaPo absent from big Midlle East story
- The First White House Seder
- President Obama, King Abdullah, and the end of Israel
- MSM Nothwithstanding, New Israeli Government Aims For Palestinian Statehood
- Obama flunks Irish History
- Bibi Netanyahu to lead coalition including Labor
- Olmert's Act Almost Over
- Palestinians at sea in a rudderless polity divided against itself
- Hillary in the Middle East
- The Changing Face of Palestinian Governance