John Woods

John Woods

  • Living in a blue wasteland

    January 15, 2025

    Living in a blue wasteland

    Oregon, just like California, New York, and Washington state, is a Democrat-controlled blue wasteland that is now declaring itself an illegal immigrant sanctuary state. The newly-elected state Attorney General Dan Rayfield has announced he is going t...

  • A strange game

    January 8, 2025

    A strange game

    I am convinced that the citizens of Oregon are living in a bad cartoon. Let’s look at the latest moves of the Oregon Attorney General Dan Rayfield. First, we get a declaration from Rayfield that Oregon is going to be a sanctuary state, and he i...

  • Oregon: Corruption, drugs, and dirty elections

    January 3, 2025

    Oregon: Corruption, drugs, and dirty elections

    Oregon residents face extensive problems in the next two to four years. Below are the issues that will negatively affect Oregon’s government. NGOs and Disappearing State Funds In Oregon we have elected officials who want to make everybody...

  • Oregon tweaks Trump’s nose

    December 29, 2024

    Oregon tweaks Trump’s nose

    The liberals, Democrats, Progressives, whatever they call themselves now cannot pass up the opportunity to block Trump's law-and-order initiatives.  We now have the Oregon attorney general putting together a toolkit that helps illegal a...

  • Fiscal insanity in Portland

    December 27, 2024

    Fiscal insanity in Portland

    Recently, there was a news blog posted and someone noticed that the headline order perfectly captured the essence of Oregon and Portland. The headlines read like this: Portland approves $ 1.5 billion for Climate Action fund Portland city counc...

  • Oregon and secession

    December 21, 2024

    Oregon and secession

    In Oregon, with so many questions remaining about elections, illegal voter registrations, dirty voter rolls, and a certification of the election from state officials, even though there are thousands of ballots with unknown status, specifically whethe...

  • In the coming age of prosperity, Oregon chooses poverty

    December 19, 2024

    In the coming age of prosperity, Oregon chooses poverty

    On November 5, 2024, there was a seismic event of immense magnitude: Donald J. Trump was elected president of the United States. Trump won both the Electoral College and the popular vote. The Republicans won control of the U.S. House of Representativ...

  • Stuck like a bug in amber, Oregon moves back to its old ways

    December 14, 2024

    Stuck like a bug in amber, Oregon moves back to its old ways

    If you have ever gone to rock and mineral or jewelry shows, you will usually find a piece of amber at one of the vendor's booths with a bug stuck in it. Amber is the fossilized remains of pine tree sap. The bug was the unfortunate victim of landi...

  • Attestation: A bizarre way to run elections

    December 3, 2024

    Attestation: A bizarre way to run elections

    In the 2024 election cycle in Oregon, we have seen a total failure of any sense of fair, transparent, honest elections. We have a system that relies on “self-attestation” to provide election security. According to different sources, ...

  • Oregon, where cheating is a virtue!

    November 30, 2024

    Oregon, where cheating is a virtue!

    As early voting results came in, the Oregon Secretary of State gave a small notice that 300 illegal voters had voted in the election. As time went on, the number of these illicit votes -- that is, illegal registrations without citizenship being estab...

  • Pressure may be the culprit

    November 15, 2024

    Pressure may be the culprit

    I am reading in numerous news outlets about pilots having heart attacks and other heart problems after they have had the COVID-19 shot. In the fall of 2017, I was having problems breathing and was very weak as a result of that. The doctors were havin...

  • The not so great pyramids

    October 13, 2024

    The not so great pyramids

    When taxes are added cumulatively to products that industries are producing and selling, and when, each time the product moves from the producer to the middle man and ultimately to the seller, that tax is added on, it is called Tax Pyramid. ...

  • Bookends: JFK to Trump

    July 18, 2024

    Bookends: JFK to Trump

    Oliver Stone must be overwhelmed with a sense of déjà vu these days. I am one of those unfortunate souls who, smelling the proverbial rat regarding John F. Kennedy’s assassination, went down the rabbit hole of assassination resear...

  • November 19, 2021

    How Kamala Harris tries to make herself attractive

    The ability to be attractive is a tool that humans have used for as long as they have walked upright and sought to gain power, control, and influence. In social groups, when one is attractive, things can come much easier than for one deemed otherw...