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John M. Contino
January 22, 2025
The CO2 canard is coming apart at the seamsIn 2007, the Supreme Court ruled that carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping emissions (methane, nitrous oxide, and some other stuff) are pollutants under the Clean Air Act and that the government has the authority to curb them. Since then, the wo...
September 9, 2024
CDC pushes COVID vaccines on six-month old babiesBy and large, doctors and medical personnel work long, hard hours, and often go to heroic lengths to save lives, and to keep us healthy and happy. They are busy people, and they rely on the rules and recommendations from the medical establishment (CD...
September 1, 2024
Will Colorado fall under the spell of ranked choice voting?Last week in Colorado, Ballot Initiative 310 qualified for November's ballot. If approved, “it would change most of Colorado’s primaries so candidates from all parties run against each other, followed by a ranked choic...
July 6, 2024
Iowa farmers fight the CO2 pipelineFrom Iowa Public Radio news: A proposed CO2 pipeline project spanning five states has moved one step closer to reality. The Iowa Utilities Board unanimously approved Summit Carbon Solutions’ application for a permit to construct, operate a...
June 23, 2024
Who faces prison: Child-mutilators, or the doctor who exposed them?Last month, NPR published an article entitled “There are now 25 states with bans on health care for minors.” NPR being what it is, “health care for minors” is a euphemism for the performance of hormonal and sur...
April 28, 2024
A case against grand juriesA grand jury hands down indictments that kick off a criminal trial. From findlaw.com: A grand jury helps the prosecutor decide whether to file criminal charges against a suspect. While the grand jury system may vary by jurisdicti...
April 4, 2024
The Carbon Emperor has no ClothesMartin Durkin has written and directed an informative film titled “Climate: The Movie.” A select group of (mostly former) climate scientists from academia, government, and industry, speak to the truth about the earth’s climate from ...
February 25, 2024
Embalmers finding thick, rubbery clots in veins and arteriesStrange; fibrous; often long, thick white clots are being extracted from the vascular systems of corpses by embalmers. For an example of what these clots look like, here is a one-minute video of such a clot being extracted by embalmer Rich...
November 4, 2023
Why Democrats will not close the borderOn Wednesday, Nov. 1, CBS New York reported that “New York City Mayor Eric Adams is leading a group of big-city mayors to Washington, D.C., to speak with the White House and others regarding the ongoing migrant crisis.” The very next d...
June 28, 2023
The Contradictions of Carbon CaptureFox Business News recently interviewed a South Dakota farmer named Jared Bossly. A company called Summit Carbon Solutions is laying the groundwork to run pipelines through five Midwestern farming states for the purpose of capturing, compressing, and ...
May 16, 2023
Biden wants to kill electric power from natural gasA decade ago, as the war on coal heated up, natural gas was touted as a clean, abundant, reliable, and cost-effective alternative to coal for the foreseeable future. From April 2012: TISHA CONOLY SCHULLER, Colorado Oil and Gas Associa...
January 12, 2023
Carbon Capture Is a Woke FantasyLet's say you're brainstorming with some friends, trying to figure out how to cash in on the woke green wave. It would probably not occur to the less boldly imaginative among us to propose 1) capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from agr...
September 27, 2022
We don’t need no stinkin’ electric carsCalifornia seems to fancy itself a bellwether for the rest of the country. Not content to ban all gasoline-powered cars by 2035, California’s Air Resources Board upped the ante last week by decreeing that no new natural gas space and waters hea...
September 9, 2022
Embalmers finding strange, fibrous clots unlike normal bloodThe Epoch Times reported that beginning in 2020 and 2021, embalmers from around the country have been observing unusual blood clots in corpses that resemble nothing like what they have ever seen: "The Epoch Times received additional videos and p...
August 13, 2022
Another leftist pushes the envelope to normalize pedophiliaMiranda Galbreath is a licensed professional counselor for the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. In a two-minute video, she makes her case for regarding what she refers to as Minor-Attracted People (MAP) as the most vilified group of...
July 11, 2022
A diesel crisis could slam the economyU.S. oil refineries are running at 94% capacity. They are refining one million barrels of oil per day less than in 2020, due in part to a conversion to biofuels and an industry move towards a "net zero carbon strategy," whic...
July 5, 2022
Biden's EPA snubs its nose at SCOTUSThe Gateway Pundit recently reported that [t]he Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is preparing to cite the United States' largest oil field for violating ozone pollution standards, a move that will threaten the end of oil and gas product...
June 4, 2022
COVID vaccines: When will enough be enough?AT recently published an article by physician Joseph Shepherd, who succinctly summarized how the COVID vaccines kill. Aside from all the well-documented adverse effects and deaths from the vaccines, by now it should be obvious to the casua...
March 9, 2022
Maybe war in Ukraine's the time to give up on ethanolIn 2004, George Bush signed the federal ethanol subsidy into law, which currently offers ethanol blenders who are registered with the IRS a tax credit of 45 cents for each gallon of ethanol they blend into gasoline. Supporters of ethanol c...
March 1, 2022
Did Biden goad Putin into invading Ukraine?As of today, thirty member countries constitute the NATO alliance. Between 1999 and 2020, fourteen countries were admitted into NATO in the following order: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Sl...
January 19, 2022
A plan to take down and reconstitute the world economy?It should be obvious to the casual observer that over the past two years, the entire planet has gone bat guano bonkers over Covid. Australia has reverted to its roots as a prison colony by herding people into covid quarantine camps. In August 2021, N...
January 2, 2022
VIDEO: The Italian response to COVID fireworks bansIn the city of Naples, the mayor, citing COVID, issued an ordinance banning the display of fireworks on New Year's Eve. The video below purports to show the city's exuberant response — a stirring affirmation, if it's for ...
December 29, 2021
US green policies strengthen ChinaThe Wall Street Journal recently published a brief, compelling op-ed by energy expert Robert Bryce entitled "The Electric Vehicle Push Empowers China." In May, the International Energy Agency reported that an electric-vehicle motor req...
November 26, 2021
Bury your carbon, bury yourselfAre you among the 85% of adults who, according to MasterCard, state that "they're willing to take personal action to combat environmental and sustainability issues in 2021"? MasterCard has partnered with a Swedish company cal...
August 4, 2021
Countries with highest vaccination rates have highest infection ratesA series of graphs compiled by Twitter user @holmenkollin (Corona Realism) document that "the most-vaccinated countries in the world are experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases, while the least-vaccinated countries are not." Ice...
July 13, 2021
Woke Capitalists Want to Remake the Financial LandscapeSome of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful masterminds have seized upon climate change and the COVID pandemic to engineer a financial reset, or what they like to call the Going Direct Reset, as defined in a nutshell by Catherine Austin Fi...
June 22, 2021
mRNA vaccines appear to be damaging red blood cellsCiting experts at the Meedan Digital Health Lab, Reuters Fact Check vigorously asserts that the spike proteins induced by the COVID vaccines do not kill or damage cells. Perhaps so, but something from the vaccines is causing deformations and appar...
May 9, 2021
Why are vaccines so favored over treatments?On March 17, 2021, Emory's non-profit drug development company DRIVE announced its discovery of a new antiviral drug, called molnupiravir (formerly EIDD-2801), which can be administered to outpatients in pill form, and which appears safe and...
March 28, 2021
Can the GOP stop Democrats from trashing the country?It's a jungle out there, disorder and confusion everywhere. No one seems to care, but I do. Hey! Who's in charge here? —Randy Newman It's common knowledge that Al Gore invented the internet. And that Barack Obama i...
February 27, 2021
Time to dial back the universal vaccine maniaDr. Sherri Tenpenny is an American osteopathic physician who is making some disturbing claims about the dangers to human health from the new vaccines being produced by companies such as Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZenica — dangers she predicts wi...
December 22, 2020
Medical establishment's refusal to consider alternate COVID treatments is criminalOn December 8, 2020, Senator Ron Johnson chaired a Senate hearing on early outpatient treatments for COVID-19 patients. One of the participants was Dr. Pierre Kory, who back in May of this year argued that it was critically important to us...
December 14, 2020
Illegal ballots can be quickly and scientifically identifiedIn the video below, Kevin Freeman interviews technology expert Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, who explains how, with access to the physical ballots and the digital ballots in their native, unencrypted format, his team can process millions of ballots per day ...
July 30, 2020
Democrats on the brink of canceling suburbiaA Wall Street Journal editorial from July 26 began like this: The Trump Administration on Thursday [July 22] rolled back an Obama regulation that federalized local zoning and land-use policies[.] ... The 1968 Fair Housing Act requires recipients...
May 22, 2020
Americans in Ecuador told to get out while they still canThe U.S. consulate and embassy in Ecuador recently issued an advisory, saying, "U.S. citizens wishing to depart Ecuador should do so as soon as possible. If you choose not to depart at this time, you should be prepared to remain in Ec...
January 3, 2020
Who among them is fit to be president?At a December 10, 2019 rally in Hershey, Pa., Donald Trump said, I’m the only politician in history that has kept more promises than I actually made." Very amusing, and the gist of the remark bears a measure of truth. ...
December 3, 2019
Should we bet the farm on Medicare for All?In a Wall Street Journal commentary piece, Simon Johnson, professor of entrepreneurship at the MIT Sloan School of Management and informal adviser to the Elizabeth Warren campaign, argues that Warren's Medicare for All plan would "be a boon ...
July 26, 2019
Americans want less abortion, so why do they keep electing rabidly pro-abortion politicians?Advances in science and prenatal care have helped push the pendulum of public opinion toward less strident support of abortion on demand and toward more respect for the lives of the unborn, particularly in the more advanced stages of pregnancy. ...
March 7, 2019
Race to the electoral bottomThe Electoral College has increasingly come to be regarded as a quaint 18th-century affectation, along the lines of snuff boxes. Colorado is poised to become the 13th signatory to the National Popular Vote initiative, adding to t...
May 23, 2018
Out of sight, out of minesAs a generalization, it's safe to say that there are few things in this world more odious to an environmentalist than the mining of metals and minerals, except if those activities are conducted in an obscure, faraway place, and if the fruits of t...
October 12, 2017
Tilting at windmillsIn December 2013, the Obama administration gave the wind farm industry a 30-year pass for killing protected golden and bald eagles and whatever other species of God's winged creatures are unfortunate enough to get sucked into the irresi...
July 20, 2017
Medi-Cuba, here we come!Allysia Finley wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal where she detailed the fallout in California from the explosion of Medicaid costs. Medi-Cal enrollment now boasts 14 million: Obamacare encouraged states to expand Medicaid s...
February 25, 2016
Political CannibalismIn 2008, during a "60 Minutes" interview with Antonin Scalia by Leslie Stahl, Justice Scalia recounted his visit to Oxford Union in England: Sometimes people come up to me and inquire, ‘Justice Scalia, when did you first bec...