John Klar

John Klar

  • Bernie’s hysterical ‘onesies’ rant attacked free speech

    February 7, 2025

    Bernie’s hysterical ‘onesies’ rant attacked free speech

    Vermont senator Bernie Sanders’ comical display over babies’ “onesies” during Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Senate confirmation hearing was an assault on Kennedy’s right to free speech. The speech policing of the Biden ...

  • Bernie Sanders’s hysterical ‘onesies’ rant displayed his animus for free speech

    February 6, 2025

    Bernie Sanders’s hysterical ‘onesies’ rant displayed his animus for free speech

    Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’s comical display over babies’ “onesies” during Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Senate confirmation hearing for HHS Secretary was an attempted assault on the right to free speech.  The speech...

  • An Object Lesson in Coddling Insane Murderers

    February 1, 2025

    An Object Lesson in Coddling Insane Murderers

    A “cannibal” who killed a homeless man and ate his eyes and brain was committed in 2013 to Connecticut’s custody for a term of 60 years, then released from the secure facility where he had been housed on “temporary leave...

  • Farmers unite for Robert Kennedy, Jr.

    February 1, 2025

    Farmers unite for Robert Kennedy, Jr.

    The assault on Robert F Kennedy. Jr.’s confirmation as Secretary of Health and Human Services reveals more about his accusers than the man. The fact that he is anathema to corrupt, entrenched interests (and their legislative lackeys) ...

  • Lessons From Germany's Economic Contraction

    January 8, 2025

    Lessons From Germany's Economic Contraction

    Germany’s once-envied efficient economy is in freefall, and the climate change cult and European Green Deal are directly to blame. State policies subsidizing EVs and other products, shutting down coal and nuclear plants, and mandating forc...

  • Control the food, control the MAHA

    December 1, 2024

    Control the food, control the MAHA

    The transition of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. from Democrat to independent to (gasp!) Republican was a popcorn-grabbing sideshow of the 2024 election season — until it became the main event.  The defection of Bobby Kennedy to Team Trump wa...

  • USDA choice displays savvy Trump cabinet strategy

    November 25, 2024

    USDA choice displays savvy Trump cabinet strategy

    President-Elect Donald Trump’s selection of Brooke Rollins as nominee for Secretary of Agriculture displays savvy political calculus. Widespread speculation about various candidates being mulled for the USDA head position did not include Rollin...

  • Will SCOTUS rule on another COVID outrage?

    November 20, 2024

    Will SCOTUS rule on another COVID outrage?

    Vermont’s governor, Phil Scott, granted cash payments to Vermont public schools during the COVID-19 pandemic if they achieved high vaccination rates for schoolchildren.  When the state awards itself money to serve pharmaceutical compa...

  • Who will head Trump’s Department of Agriculture?

    November 16, 2024

    Who will head Trump’s Department of Agriculture?

    Frenzied speculations about Donald Trump’s various Cabinet appointees have extended to the next head of the USDA, to replace the controversial Tom Vilsack, AKA “Mr. Monsanto.”  At least fifteen potential nominees are curre...

  • Post-election, Vermont school counsels children — to be Democrats

    November 13, 2024

    Post-election, Vermont school counsels children — to be Democrats

    On November 5, America resoundingly rejected the hateful race rhetoric and divisive lies of Democrat identity politics.  This included record numbers of black and Hispanic voters disenchanted by the election-year promises of Democrats that trans...

  • Gay Jew-Haters Unite

    September 14, 2024

    Gay Jew-Haters Unite

    The radical left’s rainbow symbolism obscures the implicit tensions within its Utopian mysticism, reflected in a prism of constant conflicts that pit former social justice allies into bitter division.  A recent display of this irrecon...

  • AOC wants to impeach two Supreme Court justices

    July 14, 2024

    AOC wants to impeach two Supreme Court justices

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has led the charge to impeach U.S. Supreme Court justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel J. Alito, Jr. on grounds of alleged failure to report gifts and for political views that AOC asserts compromise their ethical obligati...

  • No, solar panels are not farmland

    July 14, 2024

    No, solar panels are not farmland

    We are publishing continuously today. To see more blog entries, please click here. Concerned that rapid development threatened critical agricultural resources, Indiana’s Legislature in 2023 commissioned a study to determine the status of t...

  • When Gasoline is $100 per Gallon

    May 14, 2024

    When Gasoline is $100 per Gallon

    It is a mathematical fact that gasoline in the U.S. will eventually rise to $100 for a gallon (perhaps $130 for those interested in higher octane).  This is not fear-mongering, but basic arithmetic and economics.  Here’s why. ...

  • Black Christian Nationalism?

    May 3, 2024

    Black Christian Nationalism?

    The politicization of Americans’ faith traditions has recently devolved into the newfound leftist phrase “Christian nationalist,” often combined with race as “white Christian nationalism” and then touted as a threat to t...

  • If Biden’s EPA Really Cares about Pollution...

    April 19, 2024

    If Biden’s EPA Really Cares about Pollution...

    A proposed EPA rule mandating more stringent effluent limitations for nitrogen, and adding phosphorus for the first time, would impose high costs on approximately 850 of the nation’s meat and poultry processing (MPP) facilities.  Some...

  • Good (Christian Nationalist) Friday

    March 29, 2024

    Good (Christian Nationalist) Friday

    Good Friday this year is an important opportunity to reflect not just on what Jesus Christ accomplished at Calvary, but the many sacrifices that enabled Americans to enjoy the benefits of U.S. citizenship and the “exceptionalism” that non...

  • How a ’70s punk rock band predicted modern America

    March 15, 2024

    How a ’70s punk rock band predicted modern America

    America’s surreal course under social justice dogma has veered the nation away from its Judeo-Christian, covenantal foundations toward a neo-Marxist destruction that is targeting all things good.  America’s borders, currency, ec...

  • The Real Threat to Your Way of Life

    March 13, 2024

    The Real Threat to Your Way of Life

    With a constant stream of Hollywood end-of-the-world calamity blockbuster movies, Americans are generally distracted from the real-life disaster scenario that threatens us.  Growing dependency on processed foods, often shipped long distance...

  • The biggest climate lie is about cows

    March 6, 2024

    The biggest climate lie is about cows

    When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announced that people would have to stop eating hamburgers because cow flatulence was an existential threat to life on Earth, most people duly chuckled.  Nevertheless, AOC’s call for cow-culling was taken up b...

  • Fur Trapping to Save the Planet!

    March 5, 2024

    Fur Trapping to Save the Planet!

    A recent study of beaver dams in northwestern Alaska concludes that the explosive repopulation of Arctic terrain by beavers is thawing large areas of tundra and releasing climate-destroying methane.  The purported negative climate impac...

  • Do the Democrats want Bobby Kennedy Jr. assassinated?

    February 12, 2024

    Do the Democrats want Bobby Kennedy Jr. assassinated?

    Nikki Haley’s recent requests for federal Secret Service protection coincide with revelations that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s similar pleas in 2023 were coldly dismissed. In such highly charged political times, understandi...

  • The Sexual Predators of the WHO

    February 4, 2024

    The Sexual Predators of the WHO

    World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus recently complained about the citizens who are skeptical to cede national sovereignties and individual rights to his global agency, under the pending expansion of WHO powers throug...

  • January 25, 2024

    New 'study' extolling greenie redistribution unwittingly exposes toxic climate cult

    So-called “climate science” extends far beyond the traditional bounds of science built on facts and logic and is driven by emotions, amounting to essentially a religious cult masquerading as scientific discipline.  ...

  • January 21, 2024

    An Amish Farmer’s Food Rights Battle

    The January 4th raid on Amish farmer Amos Miller’s Pennsylvania establishment, reflects a growing tension between government regulation of food safety and liberty-minded individualists distrusting industrial food production.  Pennsylvania ...

  • January 13, 2024

    RFK, Jr. in 2024: Kennedy’s 'giant sucking sound' threatens Biden

    Harrowing predictions of national political division for 2024 have heightened as polls show Joe Biden’s approval ratings plummet.  Haters of Donald Trump are froth-mouthed over his clear and growing lead, notwithstanding a pull-out-all...

  • January 5, 2024

    New York law attacks religious freedom

    A New York statute targeting Chick-fil-A for its Christian faith turns American history—and Constitutional law—upside down.  The “Rest Stop Restaurant Act” seeks to compel food service providers to stay open seven days a ...

  • October 27, 2023

    Milking cows for methane

    Novel scientific processes are being developed to reduce methane production by cows, including feeding milk cows the chemical 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP) as an “enteric inhibitor,” marketed under the brand name BovaerⓇ in Europe and pend...

  • October 10, 2023

    When Americans Do the Job Their Police Won’t Do

    Recent instances of Vermont store-goers detaining and even assaulting would-be thieves reveal growing societal tensions seeded by progressive policies.  Vermont’s law enforcement services are anemic due to anti-police rhetoric, racial...

  • September 11, 2023

    Meet the Doctor Who's Fighting the COVID Oppression Machine

    An unassuming 72-year-old Maine physician named Meryl Nass has gripped the COVID-19 misinformation bull by its poisoned horns.  Maine's physician licensing board suspended her from practicing in a blatant push to silence her right to fr...

  • July 16, 2023

    Will the Democrat party restore Donald Trump in 2024

    It was widely perceived that in 2016, Bernie Sanders was a stronger Dem candidate than Hillary Clinton and thus would have prevailed over Donald Trump.  Robert F. Kennedy presents a parallel for 2024: will Democrats strong-arm him aside in ...

  • July 4, 2023

    Conservatives must lead on climate — with cows!

    This whole cow-bashing thing has gone way too far.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez launched the laughable attack on cow flatulence, then tried to say she did not plan to ban all cows (though that is exactly what she proposed!)....

  • June 22, 2023

    RFK Jr. makes a climate speech in Vermont — and I was there

    The 2023 summer solstice was marked in the Green Mountains of Vermont by a somewhat incongruous visit by Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  Addressing an audience of some 200 enthusiastic supporters on June 21 in Burlingt...

  • June 20, 2023

    Naomi Wolf, feminist turncoat

    Naomi Wolf stands out as a walkaway — a dyed-in-the-wool liberal feminist who woke up to the lies of her government.  Intriguingly, Wolf has been alternately praised and scorned by both the right and the left.  She was a darli...

  • June 9, 2023

    Fearing 'climate change,' Ireland moves to kill the cows

    Ireland has announced plans to cull hundreds of thousands of cows to comply with European Union climate policy.  Similar initiatives in Belgium and the Netherlands ensure that beef prices will rise, but these proposals offer little environm...

  • May 6, 2023

    What if Environmentalists Targeted the Really Popular Stuff?

    A proper accounting of the pollution impacts of products or activities requires an assessment of the total "ecological footprint" involved.  Writer Wendell Berry called these the "externalized costs" of production. ...

  • April 29, 2023

    Is Robert Kennedy, Jr. Bernie Sanders Deja Vu?

    Consider the parallels between Robert F. Kennedy’s campaign for POTUS and the Bernie Sanders debacle.  In both cases, Americans witness an entrenched Democrat juggernaut of corrupt power brokers who believe they get to choose who will be t...

  • April 28, 2023

    Vaccine mandates and informed consent at Dartmouth

    An incredible panel of informed voices joined together on April 26 at the Hanover Inn in Hanover, New Hampshire to address informed consent in college vaccine mandates.  Hosted by Concerned Alumni of Dartmouth, the event was fully sold out....

  • April 19, 2023

    The lies about hydroxychloroquine were the worst of the COVID era

    There has been little accountability for the lies of the COVID pandemic.  Clearly the disease originated at the Wuhan Virology Lab.  The mRNA vaccines were not nearly as effective as touted (if they worked at all), and possibly uns...

  • April 18, 2023

    Whistleblower teacher challenges woke indoctrination

    Annie Wilson was a Vermont public school teacher for 34 years, but she retired two years ago after the woke writing was thickly coated on the schoolhouse walls.  In recent testimony in the Legislature against an outrageous bill th...

  • April 6, 2023

    If Trump is bad, Clinton was worse

    When Richard Nixon was compelled to resign from office or face certain impeachment, the world was shocked: in America, even the POTUS could be held accountable to the force of the Rule of Law!  By the time Bill Clinton faced impeachment, th...

  • April 4, 2023

    The case for cows

    Climate cultists have strayed far from science in their crusade to "save the world."  The latest speculation is that wolves and beavers, and the "rewilding" of parts of the planet, will sequester carbon dioxide. ...

  • March 31, 2023

    Let them eat bugs!

    The World Economic Forum is now the self-designated world-saver — not only from climate change, but also from global starvation.  The rationale employed is that climate change is paramount, agriculture is a major culprit, and cows and...

  • March 15, 2023

    Biden: Worse than Jimmy Carter

    There are striking parallels -- and contrasts -- between Jimmy Carter’s leadership during the 1970s Oil Crisis and Joe Biden’s initiatives during the current “Climate” Crisis.  The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting ...

  • March 3, 2023

    If China Invades America, Will Leftists Rejoice?

    God forbid there be a military conflict with China.  Yet as tensions increase over Taiwan, spy balloons, and escalating rhetoric, the prospect of a skirmish or broader conflict with that massive nation is a daunting cloud over America....

  • February 26, 2023

    Vermont once embraced eugenics; now it embraces puberty-blockers

    America is being torn apart by a "scientific" dispute over the appropriateness of hormone-blockers for minor children.  The safety of these drugs is in question, as well as whether children are being fully assessed for mental heal...

  • January 17, 2023

    Law-abiding citizens transformed into criminals overnight!

    After years of flip-flopping, the ATF has issued a rule recharacterizing guns with pistol braces, making millions of currently owned guns subject to federal "short-barrel" rifle registration, together with a $200 tax.  The effect ...

  • January 16, 2023

    Vermont doesn't know what a woman is

    Vermont university and public officials worked frantically to prevent a January 15 showing of Matt Walsh's documentary, What is a Woman?  The event was scheduled by Travis Allen, father of the local Randolph Union High School ...

  • January 15, 2023

    Drag Queen Story Hours and Vermont

    A leading Vermont drag queen is legislator Taylor Small, a biological man who identifies as a woman, and professes a “strong background in… cultural humility education.”  Small openly promotes her drag queen activism: ...

  • January 12, 2023

    Vermont seeks to ban paramilitary training camps

    A new Vermont bill seeks to ban so-called "paramilitary training camps."  Vermont's 2022 elections secured a stronger-than-ever progressive supermajority in the state Legislature, and the one-party Progressives are wasting no ti...

  • January 4, 2023

    Vermont's hate crime crusade

    Social justice efforts in Vermont have persistently called for bans on hate speech.  But that desire creates new hazards, exhibited in recommendations by Vermont's Racial Equity Task Force.  A typical argument for gove...

  • December 23, 2022

    Grandpa Gates's Fraudulent CO2 Fetish

    Billionaire globalist Bill Gates issued a typically alarmist message about global warming this week, with a twist: he invoked his newly expected future grandchild as his altruistic planet-saving motive.  But this exploitation of his own proge...

  • December 16, 2022

    Bernie Sanders wants more puberty-blockers for children

    Vermont's Bernie Sanders was recently asked about puberty-blockers for children who want to present themselves as members of the opposite sex.  Vermont's progressives lead the nation — and perhaps the world — in propping...

  • December 9, 2022

    When Populism and Socialism Marry

    Mainstream media headlines are sensationalizing a round-up in Germany of alleged "far-right" conspirators determined to overthrow the Federal Republic of Germany.  Such extremists doubtless exist, but parallels of the arrests ...

  • December 9, 2022

    Claws *out: Vermont school board member goes ballistic when father questions trans agenda

    Events in a local Vermont school reveal the intensity of government social justice indoctrination of students and their community undertaken by the public school system and so-called liberal actors.  Students and parents who do not readily ...

  • December 9, 2022

    Glimpsing Armageddon in Dutch cow culling

    A bureaucratic scheme to eliminate some 3,000 small farms in the Netherlands foreshadows increasing efforts by technocrats and global food interests to dominate food production at the expense of local culture, local economies, and family cows.  ...

  • December 2, 2022

    Vermont girls pilloried for wanting privacy in their locker room

    A boy was asked by a number of teen girls not to watch them disrobe in the girls' volleyball changing room in a Randolph, Vermont High School.  The girls' understandable complaints have been framed as a "wildfire of bigotry and...

  • November 22, 2022

    Eight-year-old shamed in Vermont school over 'pronouns'

    In Vermont's Randolph Elementary School last year, a third-grade boy was disciplined and made to apologize to a girl classmate who instructed those around her that she desired to be addressed by the pronouns "they" and "them."...

  • October 23, 2022

    Teen girls forced to disrobe in front of males lose their free speech rights

    In a recent dispute at a high school in Vermont, a soccer coach was suspended for refusing to publicly apologize to the community for "misgendering" a trans student.  This school has been the center of national controversy over al...

  • October 19, 2022

    Free speech descends to new lows in Vermont

    In another twist in the twisted tale of a Vermont girls' volleyball team ejected from their own locker room due to conflicts with a trans-identifying student who allegedly ogled them, the father of the girl who blew the changing room whistle was ...

  • October 9, 2022

    Vermont school superintendent battles parents who challenge girls’ changing room policies

    A Vermont high school recently banned all girls volleyball players from the school’s changing room after parents complained and one girl spoke to local media.  The student at Randolph Union High School, who expressed discomfort from a pers...

  • September 14, 2022

    The fallout of hiring a 'trans' teacher hits one school in Vermont

    A recent dispute involving a trans teacher hired to teach social studies at Randolph Union High School (RUHS) in Vermont raises important constitutional questions for all American students and schools.  (The word "all" must be emp...

  • August 25, 2022

    Progressive Carbon Taxes Roll Back Progress on Conservation

    Vermont’s renewable energy programs conceal an economic assault on low-income Vermonters in the guise of saving the planet. A brief survey of historic income tax laws and comparison with so-called “carbon taxes” reveals unfair, elit...

  • August 25, 2022

    Vermont is the canary in the woke coal mine

    In JRR Tolkien's famous trilogy The Lord of the Rings, the evil lord of Mordor, Sauron, is on the verge of imposing a dark totalitarianism on mankind when two humble hobbits creep through the back door to his kingdom and drop the great Ring of Po...

  • August 14, 2022

    Kamikaze Kamala defends FBI raid

    The shameless hypocrisy of the Biden administration is on display through mouthpiece Kamala Harris, who has condemned widespread public criticism of the recent FBI invasion of President Donald Trump’s home.  In the upside-down Biden world,...

  • June 4, 2022

    The worst shortage you haven't heard of

    Should China occupy Taiwan, it would control a majority of the world's microchip manufacturing production.  But China needn't invade Taiwan to bring America to its knees — simply reducing urea and other existing Chinese export...

  • May 21, 2022

    Is 'Let's Go Brandon!' fair game at school sporting events?

    A Vermont High School recently banned a young girl from sporting events for allegedly chanting "Let's Go Brandon!" at a basketball game.  The school claims the phrase is "profane" and may be prohibited under the stud...

  • May 17, 2022

    Censorship in Vermont schools

    A Vermont superintendent came down hard on students who allegedly committed the unpardonable offense of chanting "Let's Go Brandon!" at a sporting event.  If they did not agree to counseling for their sin, accused students wer...

  • May 15, 2022

    Supreme Court's 9-0 flag-flying decision startles, dismays wokesters in Vermont public schools

    National outrage over George Floyd's death was particularly virulent in super-progressive ("woke") Vermont, where schools widely displayed the BLM flag beside the American flag.  Unconcerned that this was a blatantly illegal g...

  • May 14, 2022

    Anti-CRT school board member honored in Vermont

    Writer James Lindsay graced the Green Mountain State with an engaging visit on May 12 in Montpelier, Vermont (together with well-matched Professor Nick Meriwether).  Following a remarkable summary of the ideology unpacked in his curren...

  • May 3, 2022

    Senator pushes fuel tax on frozen Vermonters

    Progressive Vermont senator Mark MacDonald, a member of the state's Natural Resources & Energy Committee, was pondering how to explain new heating fuel taxes imposed under the state's "clean heat standards" to voters. ...

  • April 26, 2022

    Why is Biden Undercutting Ukrainian Refugees?

    One thing must be conceded to Joe Biden: he is consistent in messing things up.  The recent “fast-tracking” of Ukrainian refugees is the latest Orwellian boondoggle that accomplishes the opposite of its stated goals -- just like Buil...

  • April 19, 2022

    Fern Feather and trans-truth

    Fern Feather is a transgender Vermont homicide victim killed by an "intimate partner or associate" last week in Morristown.  Extremist progressives have sought to connect Fern's death with parental concerns about exp...

  • April 13, 2022

    Peak wokeness: High school cancels Chick-fil-A, lauds Black Lives Matter

    Imagine if a school in a conservative rural American town displayed a "MAGA" flag while banning all Nike products because of Nike's political affiliation with the America-hating ideology of Black Lives Matter (BLM).  Now imagi...

  • April 2, 2022

    Vermont's green coup d'état

    Vermont's Senate has embraced an "act relating to environmental justice," which seeks to redistribute the costs of environmental pollutants from the city mice to the country mice, while punishing white people who live where there is fre...

  • April 1, 2022

    In Vermont, a Raw Attack on Free Speech

    Vermont’s social justice legislators have launched a transparent and illegal assault against free speech liberties.  Vermont’s Senate has amended the state’s assault statute mightily.  S.265 seeks to heighten penalties...

  • March 22, 2022

    Food, famine, fear: Beware the great agricultural reset

    Americans awakening to the Orwellian Rule of Joe Biden and his crew of thieves have noticed that the perpetual lying is designed to inculcate pliancy through fear.  When the COVID-19 hysteria began to wane, Big Brother Biden switched g...

  • March 20, 2022

    Vermont leads the way ... off the climate bureaucracy cliff

    A recent Vermont legislative initiative purports to save the planet…. by “conserving” fifty percent of all Vermont territory for wildlife by 2050!  In addition to the economic and constitutional problems this poses, this e...

  • March 15, 2022

    When coyotes are the battleground to take your rights away

    Vermont is under far-left ideological siege, as extremists employ a pattern of Alinskyish deviousness to twist facts, pervert process, and subvert the Constitution.  These attacks consistently denigrate Vermonters and their culture, includi...

  • March 6, 2022

    The War in Ukraine Is Racist, Too!

    Per the mainstream media, the war in Ukraine is entirely about white supremacy.  Articles by the usual far-left racist agitators have proliferated, analyzing the conflict through a race-only lens.  Instead of proffering any soluti...

  • March 3, 2022

    'Social justice' breeds race-hatred

    Social justice warriors (SJWs) risk infusing America with a race-based hatred that could seed the race war predicted for decades by white nationalists.  As with past ideological horrors, the SJWs don't know they are doing this ...

  • February 12, 2022

    Dartmouth Republicans secure free speech — by fleeing campus

    In an ongoing embarrassment for Dartmouth College, the once-venerable institution has repeatedly demonstrated that it is unable — or more likely, ideologically opposed — to allow students the free speech that once breathed air on its ...

  • January 26, 2022

    Woke hush money in Vermont?

    In early June, a Vermont high school student who spoke out against toxic Critical Race Theory in his school was summarily dismissed from his position as a lifeguard for the school.  The brave and articulate student had dared state a fact th...

  • December 19, 2021

    How about more time off for public school teachers?

    A Vermont school district has been mulling over a novel policy to give its teachers Wednesday afternoon off, to alleviate their COVID stress — extending a "Snowsports Program" for the remainder of the school year.  Impacts o...

  • December 17, 2021

    Vote fraud in small-town Vermont?

    In a suit filed November 12 in Windham, Vermont, two town residents alleged that State of Vermont House representative (and former Democrat  majority leader) Carolyn Partridge knowingly solicited residents from another town — but who ...

  • December 11, 2021

    Vermont school commits to kiddie porn as enlightening for children

    Vermont's Essex-Westford School District, which includes the town of Essex that last year fired a high school lifeguard for merely questioning Critical Race Theory, has done it again.  In the midst of a national furor over a s...

  • November 21, 2021

    Faced with vaccine failures, Vermont’s governor has a silly proposal

    Vermont’s vaunted standing as a leader in the COVID battle has been understandably tarnished by a recent upsurge in cases despite widespread, vaccination. State Democrats have been howling for a new round of statewide mask m...

  • November 17, 2021

    Vermont food shelf refuses contribution from GOP

    Vermont's first "Let's Go Brandon!" event attracted a large LGB crowd.  The November 13 gathering, organized by State GOP chair Paul Dame, was accompanied by torrential rain.  Yet the jubilant crowd danced l...

  • November 12, 2021

    Brandon, Vermont will be celebrating 'Let's Go Brandon' on Saturday

    On November 13, Vermonters will gather in the idyllic town of Brandon to rally around the "Let's Go Brandon!" theme sweeping America.  As this populist recoil against the arrogant tyranny of the Biden administration gains mome...

  • November 11, 2021

    So Elizabeth Warren is now trying to censor science — and it's backfiring

    On Nov. 7, an important suit was filed in Federal District Court for the Western District of Washington against Elizabeth Warren for her brazen effort to censor a book challenging the false narrative of the Biden administration ab...

  • October 29, 2021

    Vermont’s Middlebury College Seeks To Rewrite Its History

    Middlebury College gained wide publicity for its decision to rename its iconic “Mead Memorial Chapel” due to the 100-year-old eugenics sins of its namesake, former Vermont Governor John Mead. Mead is faulted in hindsight for viewing the w...

  • October 25, 2021

    Dartmouth College Dems try to shut down College Republicans' event and fail badly

    Dartmouth College Republicans hosted three up-and-coming conservative voices in an event Sunday night.  Remarkably, all three of these articulate, patriotic voices are young: North Carolinian Madison Cawthorn is the you...

  • October 12, 2021

    Climate warriors cringe at the words 'Vermont Christmas' -- and seek to replace it with 'climate vacation'

    Ambitious Vermont climate warriors seek to eliminate Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays in schools, and replace them with “Climate Vacations” that will “prevent shopping stress and pollution from manufacturing merchandise.” ...

  • October 10, 2021

    Vermont Boasts Highest Rates of Injection and Infection

    Vermont’s RINO Governor has been hailed as having “saved” the state from the scourge of COVID by “leading the nation” in high vaccination rates, but now the boondoggle of bunk COVID science is home to roost in the Green ...

  • August 10, 2021

    Fauci's latest faux pas

    Dr. Anthony Fauci recently made a bold declaration against “the sea of lies we are living in” -- and then lied about the science of COVID-19 and vaccine protection.  Not just a little lie: a massive misstatement of well-established s...

  • August 7, 2021

    Vermont senator goes over the top against the unvaccinated

    Vermont state senator Richard McCormack has once again abused his constituents with dishonesty and name-calling.  In a partisan harangue against the unvaccinated, McCormack has publicly requested that Vermont's secretary of education, D...

  • August 5, 2021

    Denouncing the 'white militias' of Vermont in USA Today

    An alarmist philippic in USA Today against nonexistent armed white militias in Vermont exhibits the hallmark hypocrisy — and toxicity — of social justice warriors who sow division using dehumanizing and alarmist stereotypes....

  • June 28, 2021

    Independence Day in Vermont capital replaced with African cultural troupe

    Montpelier, Vermont's capital city, canceled Independence Day celebrations under a shallow ruse that the pandemic posed a threat, instead encouraging Vermonters to attend an alternative African drumming exhibition collecting people from across an...

  • June 25, 2021

    CRT comes to Vermont

    The race-based assault against Vermonters began in earnest well before the spark of George Floyd.  The toxic ideology of "Critical Race Theory" (CRT) has been embraced for years by Vermont progressives, joined enthusiastically by ...

  • June 17, 2021

    Vermont town fires high school lifeguard for questioning CRT

    After a well-spoken student from Essex High School vocally opposed the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) at a public town hall-style meeting to discuss CRT implementation in Vermont schools, he was promptly fired by the Essex Parks and Recreatio...

  • June 3, 2021

    Vermont schools use CRT to teach hate against whites

    At least one Vermont School District (Essex-Westford, or EWSD) has instituted Critical Race Theory (CRT) "teaching" in its classrooms.  Integral to the "race as sole issue" foundation of CRT is the dismissal of...

  • May 21, 2021

    Vermont's Richard McCormack vs. the Constitution

    Vermont Senator Richard McCormack disseminated a letter in which he misrepresented health data to justify imposing extensive restrictions on the rights of unvaccinated citizens, and dismissed as stupid anyone who raised “pseudo-libertarian...

  • May 13, 2021

    When a newly-elected school board member stood up to oppose teaching critical race theory…

    In a bizarre “Complaint” filed against recently-elected Vermont School Board member Elizabeth Cady, two citizens allege Cady’s inquiries about the introduction of Critical Race Theory (CRT) constitute a “clear breach” of...

  • April 7, 2021

    Governor Phil Scott, racist

    Vermont's Governor Phil Scott, an "enlightened" RINO, previously condemned all Vermonters as backwoods racists and all Trump-supporters as white supremacists, joined those who label all Vermont police as ra...

  • March 25, 2021

    The Government Is Considering a Financial Weapon of Mass Destruction

    Since the creation of the United States income tax, government and taxpayers have wrangled over definitions of what constitutes "income," how it is to be calculated, and when it is to be "recognized" — that is, subjected to ...

  • March 18, 2021

    Students demand firing of liberal Vermont professor for opposing wrong kind of racism

    On March 8, a University of Vermont (UVM) professor joined the growing chorus of brave souls willing to risk their careers and public scorn to stand for what is right.  Professor Aaron Kindsvatter, a self-declared liberal, claims that the u...

  • March 12, 2021

    (Ideological) science is real!

    The supposedly rationalist mantra of the secular left, displayed on yard signs and media posts, that "science is real" begs the question.  Science itself is morphing into an ideological magic show, where facts are twisted (or simp...

  • March 1, 2021

    Vermont wants sales taxes for groceries

    A recent bureaucratic report recommends expanding Vermont's sales tax to include food, groceries, electricity, and clothing to..."help the poor."  The Vermont Tax Structure Commission (VTSC) argues that "broaden...

  • February 27, 2021

    Joe Biden's Embrace of Fallacious Critical Race Theory

    The fallacy that America is “systemically racist” is rooted in arguments that the white majority suffers from subconscious racism which contaminates the entire “system.”  Proponents of Critical Race Theory and government-...

  • February 25, 2021

    Legislation vilifies white farmers for sins of sharecropping

    Vermont House Bill H.273 calls for $10,000,000 to assist BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) people to purchase land in every Vermont town.  As justification, Vermont's farming community, and generations o...

  • February 24, 2021

    Vermont legislators claim criminalizing prostitution is racist against black men

    Ten Vermont legislators have sponsored a bill (H.268) to create a "Sex Work Study Committee" concerning the legalization of prostitution in Vermont.  This bill strives to rewrite Vermont history via an absurdly vacuous lie that Ve...

  • February 21, 2021

    Oh, Xusana! Vermonters told racism trumps climate change!

    Xusana Davis, Vermont’s newfangled “Executive Director of Racial Equity,” has chosen to butt her head against an implacable wall: global warming. Davis invokes race as the cause for every societal ill, including claiming poor white ...

  • February 20, 2021

    The BIPOC crusade hits Vermont

    The racist power redistribution effort in Vermont is out in the open, but the discussions of its "BIPOC" strategists are not.  At one meeting in the ultra-progressive Vermont Mecca of Burlington, white people were dismissed from a...

  • February 18, 2021

    Vermont House features 'devotional' seething with racist hatred against whites

    Vermont's House of Representatives opens each session with a "daily devotion."  Tuesday morning's presentation (February 16) by Representative Harold "Hal" Colston was an outrageous condemnation of Vermont's ...

  • February 17, 2021

    Under COVID-19, leftists jump to make Vermont school lunches wasteful and 'woke'

    When schools closed in Vermont, lunches were provided to students across the state — often by buses that delivered food instead of picking up children.  The rationale was that some students depended on school meals for nutritional nee...

  • February 15, 2021

    Racial hatred in BLM poetry from Vermont

    Carpetbagging BLM leftists have been heading to Vermont and seem determined to subjugate Vermont's existing (mostly white) population by shaming them.  Lost on these new arrivals is the stark contrast between the urban metropolises from...

  • February 12, 2021

    Vermont's progressives tax the poor

    Vermont has enacted a series of economically regressive policies justified by socially progressive ones.  Vermont's renewable energy plan created a net metering system that transfers money from fixed-income (often elderly) ratepayers to t...

  • February 1, 2021

    A new racism emerges from the wokester set in Vermont

    Vermont's "Racial Justice Alliance," a radical local activist group that lobbies the Legislature, unveiled an "initiative" to disparage white Vermonters with yet another acrimonious acronym and create ...

  • January 24, 2021

    How racist is Vemont, really?

    For years, liberal Vermont  media and politicians have condemned the state's police and legal system as "systemically racist" using flawed statistical analysis of incarceration rates of blacks.  Increasingly, this appears deli...

  • January 22, 2021

    Vermont prosecutor frees criminals in the name of 'public safety'

    On December 17, 2019, Michael Arnold struck Shirley Snelling-Sexton while she was snowblowing in Essex Junction, Vermont.  Shirley was severely injured -- in addition to a broken arm, she has had three rods in her neck and faces several mor...

  • January 18, 2021

    Vermont Governor Phil Scott calls his own party 'racist'

    Governor Phil Scott recently attacked Vermont GOP leadership for “continu[ing] with what I perceive as white supremacy dominating, racial inequity, and so forth…”   That leadership's sole offense? -- refusing to endor...

  • January 16, 2021

    Legislator condemns Vermont history as 'merely tolerant'

    A Vermont GOP House Representative has embraced the Black Lives Matter movement, condemning Vermonters and their history as “merely tolerant.”  Vermont Representative Anne Donahue was responding to the state GOP’s ...

  • January 9, 2021

    Silence Will Be the Next Hate Crime

    Attacking so-called "hate speech" has proven an effective Trojan horse technique by BLM and Antifa social justice warriors, who have incorporated Critical Race Theory (CRT) into their pernicious plans to dismantle the Constitution. ...

  • December 24, 2020

    Look Out: The Left's War on Christmas Trees

    The renewable energy movement insists that Americans must drastically reduce carbon dioxide emissions, propounding grandiose “New Deal” solutions that employ government to compel a shift in manufacturing industries.  Meanwhile, i...

  • December 15, 2020

    Will Vermont have child COVID informants for Christmas?

    Vermonters have not been advised whether their families will be allowed to gather for Christmas.  Vermont governor Phil Scott's Thanksgiving prohibition of family gatherings raised eyebrows nationally.  Post-holiday,...

  • December 14, 2020

    Controversy over Vermont's black inmates: Victims or criminals?

    Here in Vermont, eight men recently received serious drug and firearms charges, and all from the Hartford, Connecticut area.  The press and its allies are charging racism, but these cases in fact demonstrate that Vermont is...

  • December 6, 2020

    Vermont church wrongly targeted in COVID tracing

    Vermont Governor Phil Scott’s administration recently initiated a COVID testing regime for a tiny rural church.  Problem is, no congregant appears to have been infected, and the person whom the state says tested COVID-positive did not atte...

  • November 16, 2020

    Why a Mandatory COVID Vaccine is Unconstitutional

    A mandatory COVID-19 vaccine might save lives, but that doesn't mean it would be constitutional.  Many say "we must do what the doctors say" without any thought for constitutional restrictions.  Neither medical nor c...

  • October 12, 2020

    Black Lives Matter should get out of Vermont

    Many of Vermont's streets and parks are now largely controlled by advocates of the BLM ideology.  Note that these are not black people — these are white Vermont zealots who import out-of-state suffering by inner-city blacks to adv...

  • September 16, 2020

    The progressive 'slide-rule of law'

    In Vermont, liberal demonstrators are permitted by government agencies to occupy public spaces, block traffic, organize political rallies, and paint one-sided political messages on public property, while the rest of the citizenry is under "manda...

  • September 3, 2020

    Using Love to Conquer Hate: Of MLK and BLM

      The Leftist racial tension of 2020 in America teaches the opposite of Martin Luther King, Jr., advocating racial violence as the solution to racial conflict.  For this reason, the current Black Lives Matter “movement” -- lo...

  • August 29, 2020

    The new woke Vermont channels Kafka

    "Black Lives Matter" is painted before the Vermont State House, in the capital city of Montpelier.  On July 7, the City Council rejected an application to paint "Liberty and Justice for All" beside the "Bl...

  • July 29, 2020

    Vermont vs. free speech

    Despite residing in the most rural of states, many leftist Vermonters suddenly presume to be great experts on the inner-city suffering of black Americans, and have launched a fervent ideological mission — despite COVID and an implodin...

  • July 16, 2020

    Vermont transfers wealth from taxpayers to state employees

    Vermont is suffering a crisis of big-government, bureaucratic tax-and-regulate strangulation that is destroying what is already the smallest economy in the nation.  Even before COVID struck, Forbes had predicted...

  • July 8, 2020

    Black Lives Matter vs. the US flag at the Vermont Capitol

    The BLM flag is hardly new to Vermont, being displayed at many of its schools for years.  More recently, "BLACK LIVES MATTER" was painted in large yellow letters on State Street in Montpelier, in front of the State Capitol. ...

  • July 4, 2020

    Support police and military for Independence Day!

    Across the nation, Americans are anxiously struggling to comprehend the surreal scenes of disruption and disorder in many cities.  Progressives who advocate for "decarceration," and call to defund or eliminate police, are demandin...

  • June 7, 2020

    Vermont's Gov. Phil Scott: Republican or revolutionary?

    Vermont governor Phil Scott announced on June 5 that social distancing requirements would not be enforced against Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters at coming events because they are exercising "their constitutional rights."  The...

  • May 20, 2020

    Flattening the curve and Vermont's economy

    Courts in at least five states have now weighed in on the constitutionality of their respective efforts to impose restrictions on fundamental liberties because of the coronavirus.  In four out of five, the laws were struck down (though Oreg...

  • May 19, 2020

    COVID-19 is killing Vermont's restaurants

    In the restaurant world, if the chefs run out of ingredients for a menu item, they inform the wait staff to "86 it" — remove it from the menu.  The shutdown in Vermont of essentially its entire restaurant industry will likel...

  • May 16, 2020

    Vermont's lockdown is unconstitutional

    The Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down that state's COVID-19 stay-at-home orders because they "exceeded the executive branch's authority."  Vermont's Governor Phil Scott has similarly exceeded his authority,...

  • May 15, 2020

    Vermont: The least sensible place for solar panels

    The recent film Planet of the Humans documents numerous very real shortcomings with solar power as a solution for environmental degradation.  Controversial producer Michael Moore backed the film, which has led to a huge fracas over its clai...

  • May 5, 2020

    Vermont's giant sucking sound: Residents flee government bloat

    In 1992, Ross Perot famously stated that NAFTA would cause a "giant sucking sound" as jobs and industries fled the U.S. for Mexico.  For years, progressive Vermont's bloated bureaucracy has increased regulations, social progra...

  • April 28, 2020

    Climate economist 'delights in the benefits' of economic downturn

    In a recent opinion piece, Vermont "climate scientist" Alan Betts rejoiced at the world's financial troubles, beginning with his title: "The global economy crumbles." Hundreds of millions of people face imminent starvation ...

  • April 5, 2020

    America’s COVID-19 Recipe: One Part Doom to Two Parts Gloom

    American exceptionalism is premised on an unparalleled elevation of personal liberty as paramount.  The Declaration of Independence recites “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” as primary values, but the COVID-19 pandemic ha...

  • March 27, 2020

    The Next Looming Economic Contagion: Pensions Collapse

    As the stock market implodes in response to COVID-19, there is an underlying economic virus that will soon be evident: America's grossly underfunded pensions.  With the market down 40% in from its high point (before rebounding March 24)...

  • March 18, 2020

    Vermont solar panel scheme means regressive taxation

    Vermont has "progressively" implemented ambitious subsidization of "net-metering" programs, whereby 1) taxpayer funds are allocated via capital tax credits to "incentivize" the acquisition of residential solar panel syst...

  • March 11, 2020

    Conflicts of interest with Planned Parenthood in Vermont

    Vermont's attorney general, T.J. Donovan, has demanded more than $7,000 for members of the public to view his office's correspondence with Planned Parenthood relating to the passage in Vermont of one of the most extremist abort...

  • March 6, 2020

    Race-baiting in Vermont

    A slight elevation of black inmates over whites relative to Vermont’s underlying demographics has been “judged” to be due to “systemic racism.”  There has been no thorough analysis of what proportion of these ...

  • March 5, 2020

    The truth about climate change 'prosperity'

    Those who advocate for sweeping government power to reverse global warming assert that it will lead to a "more prosperous" Vermont future.  Consider the $300,000,000 the Agency of Natural Resources estimates it will cost t...

  • February 25, 2020

    Bloated bureaucracy closes Vermont schools

    In 2013, Vermont held the distinction of having the lowest student-teacher ratio in the nation (10:1).  This might be a good thing — if it were affordable.  This bloat in school administrators relative to stud...

  • February 21, 2020

    Oh Xusana! Racist property redistribution hits Vermont

    Last year, Xusana Davis was appointed by Vermont governor Phil Scott as the state's "first Racial Equity Executive Director."  Davis, formerly of New York City's Department of Mental Health and Hygiene,...

  • February 20, 2020

    Vermont Legislature tries an end-run around the Second Amendment

    Vermont has embarked on a flagrant effort to trample on rights that the Second Amendment says "shall not be infringed."  But this time, the lawyerly legislators sworn to protect and defend the Constitution have been caught red-han...

  • February 8, 2020

    Vermont's criminal legislators soften criminal laws

    Vermont's "progressive" Legislature is moving to relax laws governing criminals and prisoners, while increasing regulations on businesses.  The only state to suffer a credit downgrade last year, Vermont has embarked ...

  • January 19, 2020

    Indoctrination Education: Public Schools Are Now Programming Facilities

    When I was in eighth grade, a teacher announced we were going to study capital punishment.  The methodology for this process was that the class was divided randomly in half, and each side was assigned the task of writing an essay: one half ...

  • January 15, 2020

    Making the Planet Fit for Food: Climate Protesters Attack Vermont's Dairy Farms

    The Vermont Governor’s annual “State of the State” address was interrupted this year by a loud group of protesters, who refused to stop screaming bizarre slogans until the Vermont State House session was closed so they could be phys...

  • January 14, 2020

    Vermont Attacks the US Constitution (Again): Closing the 'Charleston Loophole'

    Vermont’s progressive, gun-fearing state legislature commenced its 2020 session on Jan. 7, using its large Democrat majorities in both houses to ramrod a host of ambitious bills down the throats of the citizenry, beginning with an ill-cons...

  • January 2, 2020

    Politicized Government Servants: Bruce Ohr and the Steele Dossier

    For over two years America has been embroiled in wrangling over the Russia probe, a thread of which has been the Steele dossier and its use to justify a series of FISA warrants against a campaign staff member (Carter Page) of then-active presidential...

  • December 26, 2019

    The Carbon Tax: the Big City 'Incentivizes' Rural Vermonters

    Progressive legislators, interest groups, and government entities are clamoring to impose their utopian climate change agenda on Vermont’s citizens when the legislature commences its 2020 session.  There are numerous Achilles heels in thes...

  • December 2, 2019

    Vermont's fire and brimstone carbon tax

    In recent decades American government has developed a penchant for "sin" taxes of various varieties that push too far the definitional envelope of what is "rational" or "legitimate."  Cigarettes, alcohol, and s...

  • November 7, 2019

    Orwellian Fear Reigns in Vermont

    Behind anger is fear.  For instance, many wealthy people are not greedy — they are terrified of poverty and can never accumulate sufficient wealth to appease that anxiety.  Fear and emotions take primacy over logic. ...

  • October 25, 2019

    Trickle-Down Bureaucracy Is Destroying Vermont

    "Trickle-down economics" describes tax cuts for corporations, wealthy investors, and entrepreneurs intended to assist lower-income citizens by stimulating investment and economic growth.  Also called "supply-side economics,...

  • October 11, 2019

    Guns and Cannabis: The Insidious Creep of Tyranny

    In 2004, Vermont implemented a medical marijuana registry, promising patient confidentiality on its state website.  Then, in 2018, Vermont legalized recreational marijuana use and imposed a universal background check on gun-purchasers. H...

  • September 25, 2019

    Democrats Expect Terrified Children to Lead the Climate Propaganda Push

    Social media have amplified society's cultural upheaval, increasing anxiety and depression in American children.  Adults have foisted the entire globe's problems on a small group of so-called youth activists.  Th...

  • September 22, 2019

    Vermont Conservatives Have Had Enough of Their RINO Governor

    When a few branches are dragged strategically from a swollen beaver dam, the sudden release of rushing water quickly widens the breach, and all the beavers' tireless efforts are swept away in mere minutes.  In Vermont, the waters of res...

  • September 19, 2019

    Contesting the Progressives’ Takeover of Vermont

    Recently, the state of Vermont announced that pension and health benefits for state employees and teachers are underfunded to the tune of $4.5 billion (in a tiny state of just 627,180 residents).  Then, in protest against Trump administration ru...

  • September 16, 2019

    Transgender Surgery Is the Lobotomy of the 21st Century

    Psychology is a "science" that studies human behavior but is itself morally bankrupt.  That is, psychology is unable to scientifically define normality.  It can't.  "Normal" depends on what the so...

  • September 12, 2019

    Vermont claims the right to compel health care workers to kill babies

    vA Vermont nurse alleges that she was compelled to perform an abortion in a hospital that has aggressively expanded its provision of abortion services right up until birth.  She relates a nightmare scenario: Af...

  • September 4, 2019

    Green Tyranny and the Tragedy of the Eco-Commons

    "The tragedy of the commons" is a phrase that describes the societal loss of resources through individual selfishness.  In agrarian cultures, sheep, cows or other animals were often maintained in a "commons" where individual ...

  • August 30, 2019

    Vermonters Strive to Preserve Their Culture against False Charges of Racism

    In an ongoing cultural controversy in Vermont, a former House member named Kiah Morris has launched a video attacking Vermonters and their culture as racist.  Ms. Morris has employed the empty trope that Vermonters who w...

  • August 22, 2019

    Vermont Is Going Insane. Will the Rest of America Follow?

    This spring, visiting professor Ryszard Legutko was prevented from speaking at Vermont's prestigious Middlebury College due to strident opposition by extremist and intolerant students.  This was the second such embarrassment f...

  • July 10, 2019

    The Absurd Attack on Alexander Acosta

    The leftist media machine has launched an effort to link Donald Trump with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.  This tiresome methodology of character attack is a threat to the core of free speech, as victimhood — whether of border children...

  • July 10, 2019

    Vermont's governor calls his own state's people irredeemably racist

    In a June 21 press release, Vermont governor Phil Scott announced his decision to hire Xusana Davis, a thirty-year-old from New York City, as "the state's first executive director of racial disparity."  Ms. Davis has been comm...

  • June 11, 2019

    Global warming fanatics hijack Vermont tax-funded parade, government approves

    On June 8, Brattleboro, Vermont hosted its annual celebration of local agriculture, the "Strolling of the Heifers" Parade.  But this year, a small group of climate change protesters obstructed the parade for about fifteen minutes,...

  • May 19, 2019

    Where Colin Kaepernick and Facebook Diverge

    Colin Kaepernick "took a knee" to express his political views and created a national free speech controversy that embroiled the NFL.  By its recent censoring of mostly conservative users, Facebook has reignited that national conversati...

  • May 13, 2019

    Who's More biased? William Barr or Kamala Harris?

    The sudden urgency with which Democrats are flinging themselves like kamikazes with buckets of fried chicken at Attorney General William Barr reveals that they actually know what he has sniffed out, and their jig is about to be up.  Having an ou...

  • April 29, 2019

    In Vermont and Kansas, Babies Aren't People until They Leave Their Mothers' Wombs

    In its recent and controversial pro-abortion decision, the Kansas Supreme Court warped the English language, repeatedly referring to abortions as "whether to continue a pregnancy."  But more glaringly, in its 87-page opinion,...

  • April 19, 2019

    'Extremely Non-Disruptive' Middlebury College Students Disrupt Free Speech Speaker

    On March 2, 2017, Vermont’s elite Middlebury College made national news when some of its students barred writer Charles Murray from speaking, because of a book (The Bell Curve) he’d written 23 years earlier.  It was bad for public re...

  • April 18, 2019

    The Case for Busing Border Detainees to Burlington, Vermont

    Vermont's politicians like to stand out nationally.  Republican Governor Scott led Vermont's effort to prohibit its police from supplying identifying information, particularly "immigration status," to federal authorities....

  • April 16, 2019

    Should Americans Have to Pay to Access Police Body Cam Footage?

    Vermont continues to struggle with legal questions surrounding the use of police body cameras.  The Vermont Supreme Court hears arguments April 17 to determine whether its citizens must pay money to access police video footage. ...

  • April 9, 2019

    White Vermont Schools Display Black Lives Matter Flags

    In what appears to be a practice unique to Vermont, yet more of the Green Mountain State's schools have elected to officially fly the Black Lives Matter (BLM) flag.  Since Montpelier High School, in the state's capital, became the f...