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Jessica Marie Baumgartner
January 30, 2025
Conservative Publishing is Making a ComebackLast year, I reached out to dozens of agents in an attempt to write an article that would give conservative writers the information needed to query the best contacts in the publishing industry. I received just two responses, reminding me o...
July 17, 2024
JD Vance: The Perfect PickPresident Donald Trump chose Ohio senator J.D. Vance to be his running mate for the 2024 presidential election, and though there are plenty of naysayers citing Vance’s past criticisms of the 45th president, he is the perfect choice to represent...
April 4, 2024
Ed Piskor, Victim of the Cancel CultureComic book artist Ed Piskor killed himself. But this isn’t the typical story of depression and suicide. His is a tragic ending driven by cancel culture mobs who took minor allegations, ignored due process, and determined to destroy a man’...
February 16, 2024
Urbanization is Coming For Your SuburbMy neighborhood is changing. In just the six years that we have lived in our suburb after fleeing St. Louis, Missouri for a more conservative area that supports our conservative values, towering apartment buildings are being built everywhere. There h...
November 21, 2023
Reclaiming Femininity to Save AmericaEverything that is causing this country to fail can be traced back to mothers being removed from their homes. Fathers were traditionally more equipped for hunting, working the fields, and going to war. They were the protectors, but they were not alwa...
January 26, 2023
Forgiving the Medically Brainwashed in the Post-COVID EraMedical tyranny starts with medical brainwashing. Millions of Americans and individuals around the globe have been misled into believing that a series of vaccines -- which did not go through the typical five to ten years of standard testing -- are ...
November 17, 2022
Conservatives need to stop hiding in the 'woke' publishing industryThe publishing industry has always swung somewhat left, but in recent years, it has become so far left that even moderate writers are tossed aside. No matter how inadequate their work is, activists posing as authors secure deals lecturing ...
September 17, 2022
How Can Teachers Expect to Regain Support from Parents?The politicization of the education system has destroyed parent-teacher relations. Instead of encouraging healthy communication among parents, teachers, and administrators, public school officials have continued undermining parental rights...
August 26, 2022
Why independent news is more trustworthy than the corrupted mainstreamThe news cycle is a whirlwind of information. Major news media outlets are constantly vying for the spotlight while also pushing their own politics. While many Americans search for a trusted news source, or at least a reporter t...
July 15, 2022
Homeschooling as a Safe HavenTeachers are being caught molesting students, working in pornography in their free time, and even allowing young girls to pose topless in sexual positions for art projects. These incidents are growing. Child sex changes are being normalized, and sexu...
May 8, 2022
Many children’s activities were killed by COVID restrictionsI’m a mother of 4. My children range from 1 to 12 years old. In the spring of 2020, my husband and I were just as confused, concerned, and shocked as the rest of the world. Within just a few weeks of the pandemic, officials, doctors, and parent...
April 15, 2022
Pro-Choice Activists Know that Their Movement is WrongI used to be pro-choice. That was before I had an abortion, experienced serious trauma, and then sat in on a veterinary abortion a few years later. Most abortionists have been taught that the procedure is safe and helpful to women and, t...
November 20, 2021
Our culture errs badly by erasing ThanksgivingI've always appreciated Thanksgiving. It didn't cost a lot of money if you kept things simple, and we never had much to spend. I loved the history of how the pilgrims and Native Americans came together to celebrate life and help each other...
September 14, 2021
The Left cries 'shadow docket' whenever the Supreme Court rules against themWords used to hold meaning but now they propagate political terminology for propaganda. In Congress, sure, there have always been bills with cute names to dupe the public into supporting them or voting for them. Politicians love to use specific p...
June 16, 2021
Why Leftists Think America is a Failed ExperimentLeftist extremism isn’t apparent to people on that end of the spectrum. They truly believe they are on “the right side of history.” Public education indoctrination has aided this fallacy. From K-12, students have been taught (sin...
May 28, 2021
Cancer Death Rates Are Up Because of COVID ProtocolsThe COVID-19 lockdowns have affected more than just schools, the economy, and how people socially interact outside of their homes -- thousands of cancer screenings and treatments were skipped or delayed, leading to a rise in cancer deaths for the fir...
May 19, 2021
Why You Need to Read Josh Hawley’s The Tyranny of Big TechAfter the corporate media firestorm following the events at Capitol Hill on January 6th, Missouri senator Josh Hawley had a wake-up call. His publisher, Simon & Schuster, dropped his book, The Tyranny of Big Tech. They blamed him for taking ...
May 12, 2021
The Bias of Disney’s 'Woke' Job TrainingLast week, City Journal reporter Christopher Rufio, shared leaked documents from a Disney Parks employee which display critical race theory to the extreme. Employees of Disney are now being trained on topics such as, “systematic racism,” ...
April 9, 2021
The Backlash Against Socialism: North Las Vegas Mayor Switches Political PartiesOn April 6th, North Las Vegas mayor John Lee announced that he is no longer associated with the Democratic Party and has, instead, switched his affiliation to the Republicans. This move is a direct result of the push for socialism from the ...
April 6, 2021
Portland Wokies Target Trees for RacismIda B. Wells-Barnett High School in Portland, Oregon is currently delaying the adoption of a new mascot, a tree. In today’s hyperpolitical public education system, it seems that even trees are unable to avoid identity politics. Students were...
March 31, 2021
If the vaccine works, why continue excessive safety protocols?According to White House officials, more than one in three adults have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Nearly 75% of senior citizens have at least received their first vaccination. Yet Americans are still b...
March 24, 2021
The Pandemic, Mental Health, and AddictionMy house is on the corner of a cut-through street. People use it to avoid traffic lights and speed traps. I don’t mind it so much. We have a four-way stop sign and a wide ditch protecting our yard from the madness. The ditch, unfortunately, ...
March 8, 2021
How we do things in a 'Neanderthal' stateA new president who still hasn't given a State of the Union address or a press conference, and who is comfortable that part of Washington D.C. is a militarized zone, thinks that people who think for themselves are "Neanderthals." In fac...
February 6, 2021
Colleen Oefelein and Cancel CultureFreedom of speech and freedom of expression are the core principals of art. Without these, our paintings, architecture, and literature suffer. It’s no secret that the mainstream publishing industry has far-left-leaning bias. As an author, my in...