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J.A. Frascino
February 6, 2025
Democrat voters: From where do they all come?How does a political party that proclaims there are innumerable genders, that can’t define woman, that declares race is a social construct, that says white supremacy is our greatest problem, that thinks child rearing is the purview of the state...
January 17, 2025
‘Quo vadis, Democrats?’The political left spectrum can reasonably be divided into two groups: the bourgeois and the proletariat. The prols generically are a dissatisfied, insecure constituency who perceive themselves to be threatened by environmental circumstances be...
December 19, 2024
RadicalismThe recent shooting of the UnitedHealthcare CEO and ongoing senseless school shootings are inescapable testimony to the fact that radicalization is alive and well. Leftist cultural influences have created a recipe for the radicalization of our yo...
December 5, 2024
The Democrats are right—Trump is indeed a threat to ‘our democracy’Wordsmithing is a powerful tool of the left. It is applied not only to matters of gender, race, and class, but to the nature of government itself. The left’s concept of “democracy” bears no relationship to that envisione...
October 18, 2024
The left's 'one tent' party is springing leaksThe Democrat party has traditionally considered itself to be the “one tent party,” an inclusive coalition of middle-class workers, unions, the marginalized, minorities, the disenfranchised, liberals, unified in its solidarity of purpose a...
September 6, 2024
Issues don’t matter — to DemocratsDemocrats, exemplified by our current party incumbents and candidates, take great measure in avoiding serious discussion of real socio-economic issues that are eroding the national fabric. That is because their policies are largely responsible ...
August 14, 2024
’Idiocracy’ is upon usFor decades America functioned as a meritocracy, the land of opportunity with freedom of speech and limited government. With the recent ascent of the radical left as a political force, these values have undergone erosion by DEI, identity politi...
August 6, 2024
’Diversity is our strength!’We are told we must sustain a program of diversity, equity, and inclusion to achieve a stronger, and more equal and moral society. “Diversity is our strength!” proclaim Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Kamala Harris. Is it? ...
July 31, 2024
Recent debacles show a concerted war on Western CivilizationRecent events, such as the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, anti-America protests here and in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, as well as the “Last Supper” Olympic debacle, make it increasingly obvious that the radical l...
July 16, 2024
' ... and the meek shall inherit the earth,' but not if leftists get their wayThe left openly promotes stacking of the Supreme Court with liberal justices, granting statehood to Puerto Rico and D.C., and eliminating the Electoral College. It has foisted upon us open immigration, DIE policies, ballot harvesting, and la...
July 5, 2024
Democracy, Democrat styleDemocrats love to incite fear in voters that a Trump/MAGA/Republican takeover of government imposes an existential “threat to democracy!” They base their fear campaign primarily on the report of the House Select Committee to Investi...
May 30, 2024
The Jewish problemThe insurgent left’s bid to gain autocratic political control is based in its disingenuous social structural fabrication which defines society as being composed of oppressed and oppressor factions. The oppressed — subjugated, margin...
April 1, 2024
The Herd is out to trample youHow has the federal government evolved into an increasingly leftist bureaucracy, and Congress into a Uniparty? Part of it lies in the universal bipartisan lure of crony capitalism, or in “going with the cultural flow” for opportunis...
March 21, 2024
Revolt of the finger-pointersOur nation is being torn apart not by economic collapse, genocide, or brutal dictatorship, but by a cadre of fragile dissidents with unresolved emotional conflicts. In any social environment individuals encounter affronts, offenses, verbal or even...
March 8, 2024
The State of the UnionRegardless of what POTUS says, it’s what he’s doing that counts. Trump followers want to make America great again. No one seems to know what the Republican Party wants. But the goals of the Democratic Party are clear. The defining posi...
February 23, 2024
Social justice warriors: from oppressed to oppressorsLeftist activism has come full circle. In just a few decades, the political left has evolved from “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” to debasing America as an unexceptional, colonialist,...
February 1, 2024
‘The sky is falling!’Fear is a great motivator. The behavior of leftists indicates that, to a great extent, they’re motivated by personal threat to their well-being. They visualize a social construct of threateners (the oppressors), and threatened (the ...
January 1, 2024
‘To make a snowflake’A snowflake forms when cold water droplets freeze onto a nidus of dust or pollen in the atmosphere, creating an ice crystal. Additional droplets are added in an infinitely variable pattern, forming a unique structure. The produc...
December 25, 2023
Santa must go!Historic figures are currently under assault. Christopher Columbus was a xenophobic disease-spreader. The Founding Fathers were racist slave-owners. Even Abraham Lincoln has lost his luster. Santa, however,...
November 8, 2023
Please, O woke masters, help us!We infidels all strive to purge our minds and souls of bigotry and intolerance, to be blessed with ordainment at the altar of wokeness, and to gain admission to the hallowed halls of eternal enlightenment. We know that we must, most import...
November 3, 2023
Our ideological civil warMichael Moore, the multimillionaire, anti-capitalist, liberal activist, claims to love his country. Since there is no evidence that Michael Moore is demented or psychotic, we must take him at his word. How can he love America and hate cap...
October 30, 2023
The left’s quest for social justice is a façadeThe U.N. defines social justice as the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities. Few would find fault with that definition. Problems arise, however, when elements in a given soci...
September 26, 2023
The ten commandments of liberalismLiberalism has been likened to a religious movement- a secular quest for heaven on earth. Like legitimate religions, it has its own tenets. Thou shalt seek social justice. We’re all in this together. There is no reason we cannot l...
September 10, 2023
Wokeness is all about revengeThe left has morphed "woke" from a quest for heightened awareness of racial inequities to a political tool for wreaking vengeance on the "system". Woke, an adjective derived from Afro-American vernacular English, was an initiat...
July 8, 2023
Is Comrade Karl really at the root of all our socio/economic/political rot?It seems that in our present state of sociopolitical evolutionary chaos, we are juggling four fairly distinct governance models: - Representative Democracy: our traditional governance structure, now undergoing progressively agg...
June 28, 2023
The end of the American Experiment?Experiments are traditionally conducted in accord with an established framework. They begin with an introductory statement of the issue to be addressed. The goal of the experiment is then clearly defined, followed by a discussio...
June 11, 2023
The leftist insurgency is based in lunacyEven a casual browsing of AT articles, blog posts, and comments makes it clear that there is a great deal of uncertainty as to how to best describe or categorize the burgeoning leftist movement in America. It is variably, but not satisfact...
June 7, 2023
The tyranny of morality?Activists on the left — liberals, leftists, progressives, woke — generically feel victimized or oppressed in some context. They have been left out or marginalized by the system. They are unhappy, disapproving, dissid...
May 2, 2023
Does anyone else have a problem fathoming woke clichés and edicts?Under the constant barrage of woke Newspeak, we Neanderthal knuckle-draggers, mired in the traditional interpretation of English, usually find it difficult to understand the logic or validity of the enlightening social concepts it forces upon us: ...
April 30, 2023
A space alien checks out AmericaLiberals see our culture as ideologically entrenched too far to the right. We are too much a nation of "rugged individualists." Why can't we just co-exist? Aren't we all in this together? ...
April 26, 2023
What leftist insurrection? Nothing to see here!Those on the left like to smirk and with a knowing smile accuse those of us on the right of delusional paranoia when we voice concerns of a leftist coup of government. Who leads it? Obama? Soros? Hardly lik...
April 14, 2023
The leftist insurrectionWhere is the resistance to the radical left's quest for autocracy? In the wake of the political persecution of Donald Trump, it must be apparent to even the most casual observer that the dream of the Woke/Progressive/Democratic Party is to sta...
March 20, 2023
Is social media our youths' nemesis?Will reducing exposure to social media help relieve angst and depression in the young or worsen it? The Senate has introduced a bill — the Kids' Online Safety Act of 2022 — designed to limit the harmful effects of social media on y...
February 26, 2023
Left-wing activism, too, obeys the laws of supply and demandA pathologically elevated level of discontent and dissidence exists in the collective left psyche. A prevailing perception of those on the left is that their lives are directed by environmental forces beyond their control. Numerou...
February 10, 2023
The real coup d'étatVoter suppression, "MAGA," Russian disinformation, and the specter of fascism are all supposed right-wing threats to democracy. The 1/6 Capitol riots were a violent uprising against an established government, an "insurrec...
January 21, 2023
Just say 'no!' to the guilt tripThe human race has gone through a number of ages: the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason. We are now in the Age of Introspective Contrition, a.k.a., wokeness. The Age of Introspective Contrition is a le...
January 14, 2023
Victims wanted — no experience necessary, apply withinWhen it's not creating social injustices to overcome, the left is busy creating victims to maintain its voter base. In modern America, the Democrat party voter base is composed primarily of individuals who perceive themselves to be disadvantag...
December 13, 2022
Just say 'no' to the guilt tripThe human race has gone through a number of ages: the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason. We are now in the Age of Introspective Contrition, AKA wokeness. The Age of Introspective Contrition is a left...
December 1, 2022
Advocates of the irresponsibleIrresponsible behavior increasingly is sanctioned by the left. In days of yore, the left advocated for social justice. It sought reforms to attain more equality in matters of race, sex, and class. With the gradual evolution o...
November 1, 2022
The Deep State is alive and wellWho is in charge of the Democrat Party? Democrat voters? Supporters of politicians who vow to abolish socioeconomic injustices, but who instead tacitly perpetuate them so they can continue to promise to abolish them, in exchange f...
October 29, 2022
The Democrat party is evolving as a tool of the deep stateWho is in charge of the Democrat party? Democrat voters? Supporters of politicians who vow to abolish socioeconomic injustices, but who instead tacitly perpetuate them so they can continue to promise to abolish them, in exchange for continue...
October 23, 2022
The road to mediocrityWoke progressivism seeks to strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. We are told that the MAGA cult, Trump voters, and Republicans in general are a threat to democracy, who, if not neutralized, will lead the nation into fascism. In ...
October 14, 2022
Laughter verboten!Woke authoritarianism leaves no room for laughter. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are our unalienable rights. That was then. A reliable expression of happiness is laughter. Today, no one la...
September 28, 2022
The seeds of fascismIn their attempts to secure political power, leftist elitists are doing more to sow the seeds of fascism than extinguish it. The left's current prophecy of doom is that the "MAGA" movement is a grave threat to democracy, propelling t...
September 1, 2022
Left-wing activism: The real threat to democracySocial activism plays an important role in the processing of social injustices. Activists identify deviations from the "common good," define them, bring them to the attention of the public domain, and facilitate their resolution....
August 2, 2022
The identity seekersProgressivism has created generations of disconnected young Americans in search of an identity. The incidence of overt teenage depression has risen from ~7% to ~20% over the past 15 years. In 2019, 36% of teens expressed persistent feel...
July 27, 2022
Unintended consequences? So what?Virtue-signaling, not issue resolution, is the main driver of leftist activism. Washington Post columnist Alyssa Rosenberg recently acknowledged the devastating impact of remote learning on students in response to the COVID pandemic....
June 15, 2022
Just suck it up!Puppet president Joe Biden proudly announced recently that the country is going through an "incredible transition" away from fossil fuels via high gas prices, and that "God willing, when it's over, we'll be stronger ... and les...
April 17, 2022
You can't be virtuous if you're not a leftistIn our society, an amazing evolutionary advance has occurred, and with alarming rapidity: all moral and virtuous behavior has suddenly migrated to the political left. In its wokeness, the left is society's beacon of morality. Nancy ...
January 22, 2022
The left has an ego problemIn describing human behavior, Freud defined the id as the source of primal urges, the superego as the moral conscience, and the ego as the outwardly expressed mediator of the other two's interaction. Woke progressive activists project ...
January 14, 2022
Anomie and the Great ResetThe intended role of representative central government is to fill vacuums — to formulate and implement constructive policy toward the resolution of issues only when such cannot be achieved at a grassroots level. As society becomes mo...