Jack Wisdom

Jack Wisdom

  • Israel makes a deal with 'benevolent' Hamas

    January 18, 2025

    Israel makes a deal with 'benevolent' Hamas

    I write this in sarcasm: The recent deal with the principled, high-minded leaders of Hamas and their negotiating partners in Qatar should reassure citizens and leaders throughout the world that moderation and wisdom are at the heart of human affai...

  • Islamic Terror Is Alive and Well in the USA

    January 5, 2025

    Islamic Terror Is Alive and Well in the USA

    The recent terrorist attack (14 dead, 35 injured) in New Orleans by a homegrown former soldier, Shamsud Din Jabbar, who had “become radicalized” by ISIS has called America’s attention to the threat of Islamic extremism in the USA....

  • Schools in 2024: Low Skills, Leftist Ideals

    April 7, 2024

    Schools in 2024: Low Skills, Leftist Ideals

    American education was visibly in decline in the 1950s.  The 1955 book Why Johnny Can’t Read by Jonathan Flesch was a bestseller and was already resisting the “whole language” approach to teaching reading, and it called fo...

  • August 19, 2023

    9/11 terrorists may get a plea deal

    According to the Associated Press, the Pentagon and FBI have advised families of 9/11/2001 victims that Khalid Sheik Mohammed and several other defendants in that terrorist attack may, under plea agreements, never face the death penalty. If the de...

  • June 4, 2023

    The Origins of Our Binary World

    Rene Descartes, the great 17th century mathematician and philosopher, expressed a problem that has beset intellectuals for the past 500 years – namely the tendency to doubt everything.  Descartes began his introspections by doubting everyt...

  • August 6, 2022

    Our Alice in Wonderland Culture

    The Chancellor of the City University of New York (CUNY), Felix V.M. Rodriguez, just sent a mass mailing to everyone in CUNY about… monkeypox. In it, he repeated the advice of the NYC Dept. of Health include “asking sexual partners wheth...

  • June 29, 2022

    False Values Proliferate in Higher Ed

    Riding the New York City subway this afternoon, this deplorable saw a sign advertising the new City University of New York (CUNY) ASAP program.  ASAP stands for Accelerated Study in Associate Programs. This program provides additional support an...

  • May 7, 2021

    The Left-Wing Putsch

    We are in a dire and extreme condition as a country, where one of our two major parties is moving toward a total power-grab and a re-directing of our entire system of government.  The left is positioning itself and has made significant head...

  • April 27, 2021

    Believe It or Not, a New Level of Corruption and Depravity for New York City

    The district attorney of Manhattan in NYC has announced that his office will no longer prosecute any unlicensed "massage" parlor workers (about 900 cases), nor loitering for the purposes of prostitution (about 5,000 cases).  Abiga...

  • March 20, 2021

    The American Police State Is Now Forming

    The image of the new wall or fence with razor wire on top that now surrounds the Capitol has been floating across the screen of my mind since it was erected.  Was it erected merely as a response to the horrible events of Jan. 6, and the fea...

  • July 7, 2019

    America Awash in Lies and Disloyalty

    The lyrics of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" by Julia Ward Howe include the words "With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me ..."  The enemies of our Republic need to be transfigured.  Rep. Ilha...

  • March 20, 2019

    Islamophilia: A Neurotic Reaction Against Truth

    Pamela Geller recently reported on the murders of 120 Christians in Nigeria since February of this year. This is the tip of the iceberg of attacks on churches and Christians throughout the world by Islamists who are crying for the blood of Christian ...

  • August 5, 2018

    The Islamic Threat Can Be Countered

      Those of us who lived through the attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) can never see the Islamic threat as anything but real.  Would it have made sense to have invited the immigration of Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor?...

  • November 20, 2016

    Inner Emptiness Descends on the Trump Haters

    Incredibly, in an open letter to students at the City University of New York, Barbara Bowen, head of the Professional Staff Congress, the union that represents the public sector faculty, wrote her dark and dreadful thoughts for all to read.  She...

  • July 14, 2016

    Obama’s Poisonous Embrace of BLM

    President Obama has elevated Black Lives Matter to a chilling historical plane.  Speaking in Madrid before returning to the U.S. in order to visit Dallas during this time of trauma, Pres. Barack Obama noted the following, “The aboliti...

  • July 10, 2015

    New Rhetoric for a New Politics

    In a recent article, Rachel Alexander noted, “The left has figured out how to successfully push through its agenda by using one simple tactic: demonizing the right. Even if there is no truth to the cruel labels, the left has figured out they wo...