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Greg Salsbury
December 3, 2024
The ‘Woke’ AwakeningIt is as though America has suddenly woken up from a bad dream—ironically and perhaps appropriately, the opposite of “going woke.” The list of companies and individuals dialing back from and/or disavowing DEI- and CRT-related initia...
June 22, 2024
Debate Questions That The Moderators Should (But Won’t) Ask BidenGiven the media’s reporting on and/or suppression of a host of issues surrounding the Russia Hoax, COVID, BLM riots, January 6th, the Hunter Biden laptop, the DOJ lawfare, and so many more, don’t hold your breath that their representative...
May 5, 2024
Has Leftist Lawfare Created the Police State Yet?Increasing numbers of worried Americans have been wondering over the last few years whether progressive Democrats have succeeded in creating a police state in America. From the Russia Hoax to the revelations of the Twitter Files release, to the coord...
March 20, 2024
Judge McAfee Ruling Is The Latest Blow to Public Trust in GovernmentPew tells us that in seven decades of polling, public trust in our federal government has reached a new low, with only 16 percent expressing belief that they will “do what is right.” This number compares to nearly three-quarters of Americ...
November 19, 2023
Understanding the ‘Always Blue’ MindsetRepublicans are invariably frustrated that facts don’t move the dial in elections. No matter how bad Democrats are, nothing changes. The reason is simple: Democrats associate “blue” with all good things. One of the most powerful ...
September 27, 2023
The Role of the Smartphone and Digital Content in the Left’s RevolutionChristopher Rufo, Douglas Murray, and Victor Davis Hanson have all pointed out that we are in the middle of a cultural revolution that is assailing our culture, values, traditions, and institutions, our national security and ...
September 15, 2023
From Trump On Down, Democrats Are Silencing The OppositionFollowing his historic federal indictment, Donald Trump correctly observed, “In reality, they’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.” Indeed, as the Democrat/Federal/Media cabal proceeds with its bla...
August 30, 2023
The Republican Debate Was Unsatisfying Because No One Addressed The Most Important IssueThe first Republican debate was a disappointing disaster—for the candidates and America. Not one of the questions addressed the elephant in the room. In fact, the list of questions selected by Fox News, which likely received enthusiastic approv...
August 4, 2023
Government’s Collusion With Social Media Is Worse Than You RealizeThomas Jefferson was no fan of newspapers but, when asked about choosing between government without newspapers and newspapers without government, famously answered that he would not hesitate to choose the latter. His observation reflected two things....
August 3, 2023
The federal government colluded with social media to control content. So what?Thomas Jefferson was no fan of newspapers, but famously said about the proposition of choosing between government without newspapers and newspapers without government, he would not hesitate to choose the latter. His observation was reflective of two ...
April 18, 2023
Who is Allowed into the Privileged Class?On the tsunami of wokeism, our government, private corporations, academic institutions, and other organizations are doling out significant rewards and preferences to individuals and groups of individuals based on color, race, gender, and other select...