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Arnold Cusmariu
December 28, 2024
Florida sheriff says intruders should ‘expect to be shot’No question about it. Americans are fed up with criminals. Including the criminals that Biden decided to pardon on his way out. Including Hunter. But I digress. We’re fed up with criminals. Even in blue precincts. It’...
October 14, 2024
Democrats talk, Republicans actWas community spirit in evidence in Pinellas County after Hurricane Milton blew through the Tampa area last Wednesday wreaking havoc with wind gusts in the mid-80s and heavy rain that flooded streets, streams and beaches? I can’t speak for the ...
September 15, 2024
What is racism?I enjoyed Matt Walsh’s movie, as did the audience in the theater where I saw it. He skewers DIE mythology very effectively, showing with example after example that a good deal of what’s going on here is just plain money-grubbin...
April 3, 2024
A privacy problem at AmazonIn a hilarious scene, Woody Allen’s character (Fielding Melish? Miles Monroe? Alvy Singer?) finds out to his great embarrassment that there is no right to privacy at a Manhattan kiosk. The clerk yells out loud f...
February 29, 2024
Can Mercedez-Benz buck the greenies’ electric vehicle craze?The conjecture-refutation model (CRM) says that a scientific theory T should be abandoned if CRM1. T is inconsistent with facts determined by experiments conducted under laboratory-controlled conditions, or CRM2. Predictions T made are inconsis...
February 25, 2024
North Carolina drops STEM departments, keeps politically correct onesThe University of North Carolina system oversees 16 state universities. Campus locations include Chapel Hill, Wilmington, Charlotte, Asheville, and Greensboro. UNC-Chapel Hill, originally called the University of North Carolina, was founded...
February 17, 2024
End math requirements, says Washington Post opinion editorTravis Meier, opinion editor for The Washington Post, got on LinkedIn to brag about his first WaPo column titled "The trouble with schools is too much math," calling it a “major moment.” As the author of the recently publish...
January 13, 2024
Intersectionality is logically incoherentFrom J.R. Dunn’s article I learned of a concept that apparently has been around a while, intersectionality, a leftist concoction, though I admit I never heard of it even though I’m a former professor from academia, which is wher...
January 1, 2024
What’s really wrong with hypocrisyWhat’s really wrong with hypocrisy? It’s logically incoherent. A recent book on the subject is by David Runciman, called Political Hypocrisy, revised edition (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018). Let’s start w...
December 7, 2023
Israel’s military goes woke?An Imaginary Scenario: Late February 1945, Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima A familiar voice comes over the walkie-talkie as Marines look up at Old Glory fluttering in the wind, placed there earlier in the day by Cpl. Harlon Block, Pfc. Harold Keller,...
August 29, 2023
'Identifies as' is propaganda trickeryGender dysphoria (G.D.) claims that someone whose sex was determined at birth to be male is entitled later to "identify as" female and take appropriate measures. Analogously, someone whose sex was determined at birth to be female is enti...
August 3, 2023
A paradigm shift of ethical proportionsA 21-year interval is not even the blink of an eye in a universe that is estimated to be 13.77 billion years old. It might seem unlikely, therefore, that such a brief interval could represent change significant enough to qualify as a paradigm shif...
July 20, 2023
A Scandal in EducationMy book Logic for Kids, just published, opens with the following comment (p. xiii): Logical reasoning is a requirement in school subjects generally and not just math and science. Textbooks, however, assume that students are able to reason l...
January 20, 2023
Is the MLK statue pornography?Coretta Scott King’s cousin, Seneca Scott, echoed the reaction of many who viewed the MLK statue recently exhibited in Boston: “The mainstream media … was reporting on it like it was all beautiful, ’cause they were told ...
January 17, 2023
Interpreting the MLK sculpture in BostonTo avoid verbal disputes, let's start by defining "X is a figurative sculpture" to mean "all components of X and their configuration look like the components of familiar objects and their configuration," where "object...
October 16, 2022
Calling January 6 a 'siege' is utterly absurdOlivia Murray’s excellent blog on the latest buzzword in the left’s propaganda quiver, stochastic terrorism, had me scrambling to find an academic publication on the web that explained this term. After a few attempts, up came an arti...
August 13, 2022
Some guesses as to what the FBI Mar-a-Lago raid was really aboutIt is helpful to think of political developments as moves on the chessboard made to advance an objective. In chess, the objective is to win the game, chess being zero-sum. Politics is like that, too, though participants often cl...
June 25, 2022
The PGA Tour discovers...capitalism!Acting like the crown prince of the PGA Tour safely ensconced in his Jacksonville glass-and-steel castle protected by a moat and tax-exempt status, Commissioner Jay Monahan initially tried the "off with their heads" approach when major...
April 20, 2022
When politics and golf collide!Football, baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer, and rugby, to mention the most popular team sports at the professional level worldwide, allow free agency in one form or another. The idea is for a player to be eligible to sign with other cl...
August 21, 2021
The MSM are not ditching BidenThe simplest explanation of human action, due to Aristotle and made precise by game theory, is that actions are undertaken in the belief they are likely to accomplish a desired goal. If the belief is false or irrational, that won't hap...
July 10, 2021
The logic of racismThese days, just about the most damaging charge that can be leveled against one's character is being a racist. True or not, justified or not, the charge by itself is often sufficient to harm a person's reputation, lead to ostracism...
March 24, 2021
Robert Reich's 'Truth and Reconciliation Commission'If you are a Trump-supporter, you may soon find yourself in the crosshairs of an outfit called the "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" (TRC), an idea floated last fall by Robert Reich, professor at the University of California Berkeley an...
March 12, 2021
Women and high jumpingThe world record in the high jump, set in 1989 by Cuba's Javier Sotomayor, which has yet to be equaled, is an incredible 2.43 meters (7 ft 11.67 in). Sotomayor's personal best is 2.45 m (8 ft 1⁄4 in), making him the only jump...
December 8, 2020
The Evidence Game Liberals are Playing is a ConLeftists know perfectly well that their oft-repeated mantra “no evidence of voter fraud” is false because they’re the ones who perpetrated or abetted the fraud last month. We’d find this out soon enough from Joe Biden himself ...
October 25, 2020
Weekend at Bernie’s, Biden styleBig Tech apparently still has a sense of humor, because the videos below have been allowed to be posted on YouTube, at least for now. They spoof Joe Biden’s death-warmed-over appearance using as premise the hilarious 1989 black comedy film -- W...
September 21, 2020
Kamala is a Hillary clone and will suffer the same fateA couple of years ago, I watched briefly a video on NPR of a room full of feminists bemoaning the fact that Hillary Clinton — who was there — lost an election "she would have won were it not for a flaw in our Constitution, the Electo...
September 18, 2020
Why Kamala Harris will lose in NovemberIn a bit of chutzpah worthy of Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris told Americans during a roundtable to be ready for "a Harris administration, together with Joe Biden as the president of the United States." She quickly corrected hers...
July 10, 2020
What anti-Trump merchandise says about the 2020 electionBack in January, my flea market blog post noted that Wall Street wants President Trump to stay in office for a second term. That's still true some six months later, despite Wuhan virus disinformation, looting and burning mobs, culture-...
May 19, 2020
Florida must help save America a fourth timeThe consensus seems to be that President Trump must carry Florida once again to retain the White House. If he does — fingers crossed — this will mark the fourth time in recent memory that Floridians have helped prevent a Democr...
May 14, 2020
Becoming Alina BercuHow does a little Jewish girl from a small town in Romania grow up to be an award-winning concert pianist of international stature, achieving mastery of the vast classical repertoire? Check out YouTube videos of Alina Bercu playing the mus...
April 28, 2020
When coronavirus shopping starts to look like East vs. West GermanyTired of snow, traffic congestion, and high taxes in the Washington, D.C. area, I decided to relocate to Florida after retiring in 2010. I got lucky, really lucky, finding a house in a beautiful neighborhood called Bardmoor on the west sid...
February 18, 2020
No, Michael Bloomberg will not 'Get It Done'It's safe to assume that someone who managed to amass a fortune in the tens of billions through his own efforts (more or less) is, as they say, a pretty sharp cookie. Why, then, did former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg decide to roll o...
February 9, 2020
Expunging the impeachment of President TrumpRepresentative Chip Roy (R-Texas) said this during a Fox News interview: When we're back in charge, we can have a vote, we can have a resolution that would seek to expunge the impeachment. I don't know if it will carry any legal weight b...
February 2, 2020
No olive branch Tuesday, Mr. PresidentSenate minority leader Schumer has stated, "[I]f my Republican colleagues refuse to consider witnesses and documents in this trial, the president's acquittal will be meaningless, because it will be the result of a sham trial." Republ...
January 26, 2020
The flea market wants Donald Trump re-elected, tooYou don't have to follow financial news to know that Wall Street absolutely, positively, no question about it wants Donald J. Trump to stay in office as president of the United States for second term. What about Main Street? An interesting ...
January 21, 2020
Closing a loophole in Sekulow's and Cipollone's response to the articles of impeachmentSigned by two of President Trump's lawyers, Jay Alan Sekulow and Pat A. Cipollone, "Answer of President Donald J. Trump" states the following: The Democrats ran a fundamentally flawed and illegitimate process that denied the Presid...
January 15, 2020
Question for Justice Roberts: Were President Trump's procedural due process rights violated?Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell was asked an eminently sensible question last night in front of TV cameras: The president has suggested that you should just move to dismiss. You clearly want to get this over sooner rather than later. Why ...
January 13, 2020
Impeachment Articles Must Be Challenged in CourtThe latest reporting I've seen is that the Senate will take up President Trump's impeachment trial this week. What's wrong with that, you ask? I've already said what's wrong: the Schiff-Nadler Star Chamber vi...
December 28, 2019
Impeachment is Demonstrably RedundantTo reassure the electorate there would be accountability at all levels of the government, the Framers introduced early on in the Constitution a mechanism whereby officials could be removed from power regardless of rank. Article I, Section 2, Cl...
December 11, 2019
The Duct-taped Banana ScamAndy Warhol (1928-1987) left behind ample proof of his famous dictum that “art is what you can get away with.” Six years after his death, the British auction house Christie's assessed his estate at $220 million. Way to go, Andy! If...
November 25, 2019
The impeachment circus as scare tacticThe Democrats are after bigger game than the relatively minor figures of Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, and Roger Stone — the proverbial low-hanging fruit. As Aristotle observed long ago, human action is purposive, meaning it is goal-di...
August 11, 2019
How old are you?In a cartoon I saw once, Bugs Bunny asks someone when he was born. Scratching his head, the fellow answers, “I dunno, I was pretty young then.” Bugs didn’t go on to ask for a driver’s license, a birth certificate or a passport...
July 22, 2019
Trump a winner on the golf course, tooAfter watching Ireland's Shane Lowry demolish the field on a windy, rainy day at Royal Portrush to win the Claret Jug, I flipped over to Golf Channel to see if a PGA tournament in Kentucky, the Barbasol Championship, was still on. It w...
June 30, 2019
Will felons vote in Florida? Not so fast, says Gov. DeSantisFlorida conservatives were horrified last November when Amendment 4 passed, restoring voting rights to more than a million state felons not convicted of murder or felony sexual offenses. Now what? we all wondered. Will Democrats manage ...
June 17, 2019
Florida sets an important precedentAs reported in the Miami Herald News, on Friday, 14 June 2019, Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed the Federal Immigration Enforcement Bill, S.B. 168, keeping a promise he had made during his campaign for governor. Here is a summary of ...
May 31, 2019
A Challenge to Mr. Robert S. MuellerCommentators have argued that the evidential basis used to obtain the FISA warrant that launched the Mueller investigation was seriously flawed because it contained information that was either: (a) false; (b) misleading; (c) uncorroborated; (d) unver...
April 6, 2019
Godspeed, Ron DeSantis!When a friend sent me fiscal responsibility ratings assembled prior to last November's elections by the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste, I immediately turned to my state, Florida, to see how our legislators fared on a scale from 0 t...
February 20, 2019
JB Holmes, the people's championYes, I know. Mark Twain said, "Golf is a good walk spoiled." Hear me out. It was far from clear who would win the Genesis Open last weekend, held at the famed Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades, California....
January 22, 2019
'Walls are Immoral'When Nancy Pelosi intoned that “walls are immoral,” she was not basing this contention on an analysis of moral permissibility. In fact, the left has denied there is such a concept as moral permissibility construed objectively. As a card-c...
December 14, 2018
The Supreme Court bows to Planned ParenthoodIn June 2017, the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Medicaid Act "authorizes a private right of action," allowing Medicaid recipients to challenge the disqualification of a health care provider. Louisiana and Kan...
November 4, 2018
The Logic of the 14th AmendmentBack in the day when I was teaching logic to undergraduates, I found that students often got confused about the meaning of “if … then …” sentences. I had to point out time and again that a conditional sentence does not asser...
October 11, 2018
What's eating Jordan Peterson?The author of books offering insightful analysis and helpful advice from a conservative angle, also featured on YouTube, Canadian psychology professor Jordan Peterson has jumped into the Kavanaugh fray for reasons that had me scratching my head....
August 20, 2018
Liberals demand the PGA Tour ban metal-headed golf clubsSATIRE As reported by ESPN's Bob Harig, a spectator was badly injured during the second round of the WinCo Foods Portland Open when the blade of a 7-iron snapped off and hit him in the head. Six stitches were required at the ho...
February 6, 2017
Israel Belongs on the UN Security CouncilThe Trump administration has stated that it intends to move our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. While this is important, there is a far more urgent goal because time is running short: helping Israel get a seat on the UN Security Council (UNSC), f...
January 26, 2017
My favorite liberal fallaciesElizabeth Smiley’s recent blog item convinced me it might be useful to list and then refute some key arguments liberals like to bring up. Here’s my “top ten” list. 1. Abortion is morally okay because the Supreme Court...
January 3, 2017
Speaking with one voice on foreign economic policyThings that belong together should be together, right? Normally, yes. Bureaucracies, however, have other ideas. There, fiefdom outweighs virtually everything. The results are utterly predictable: more staffers than are really necessary...
December 14, 2016
What will be Rex Tillerson's principal mission as secretary of state?The nomination of ExxonMobil CEO Rex W. Tillerson tells me that the president-elect may have in mind a radically different job for his secretary of state, and by implication the department itself – possibly on the order of a paradigm shift. ...
December 11, 2016
Hillary Clinton would have won …Like many who dismiss MSNBC as nothing more that a Clinton News Network mouthpiece, I wasn't watching "Morning Joe" this past Friday when co-host Mika Brzezinski owned up that the Clinton campaign had tried to yank her off the air. ...
December 8, 2016
Wisconsin recount increasing Trump’s leadFNC’s Andrew O’Reilly reports (my italics): With the Wisconsin Election Commission working since last Thursday -- when Stein paid $3.5 million for the recount after alleging reports of fraud -- there has been little change so far to ...
December 5, 2016
The search for a secretary of state continuesFox News reports that President-Elect Trump has decided to expand the search for a secretary of state beyond the four names already mentioned: 2012 presidential nominee Mitt Romney, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, Tennessee senator Bob Cork...
December 4, 2016
How does John Bolton stack up against other SecState contenders?President-Elect Donald J. Trump showed excellent judgment in appointing Marine general James N. Mattis to lead the Department of Defense for two independent reasons. First, General Mattis is eminently qualified to lead the government's largest...
November 30, 2016
The real face of CubaSometimes you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Here is English TV personality Katie Hopkins’s explanation why, all things considered, Fidel Castro was one of the good guys after all. Patriotism - manifest in their flag dra...
November 29, 2016
John Bolton for secretary of stateAs everyone knows, a new administration usually means senior-level personnel changes in federal agencies across the board. President Trump needs, and is entitled to have, his own team in charge of policy implementation. What is less obvious ...
November 26, 2016
Suddenly, Geraldo Rivera loves Mitt RomneyInterviewed on Fox yesterday morning, Geraldo Rivera opined that the president-elect should let bygones be bygones and offer the position of secretary of state to Mitt Romney – after receiving a public apology from Romney for all the nasty thin...
November 11, 2016
Germans forced to adopt Trump’s brilliant ideaInfamously associated with Hitler’s rise to power, Munich is making news of a different sort these days. Breitbart London reports: A 12 foot wall is being built in Munich to separate a housing estate from a new migrant center t...
November 10, 2016
Pulling back from the brinkTo get a sense of what would have happened if Hillary Clinton had been elected instead of Donald Trump, here are twenty-three calamities that would have befallen us. American Thinker readers should feel free to add to the list. 1. A Supreme ...
November 5, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Feminist ‘Modification’ of America PreviewedA philosophy book with the blunt title Just the Arguments caught my eye at Barnes & Noble a couple of weeks ago. Edited by Michael Bruce and Steven Barbone, the book is a collection of articles on what the editors claim are “100 of the most...
October 28, 2016
The Coarsening of CultureThe metalcore band Goodbye to Gravity was performing at a nightclub in Bucharest, Romania in October 2015 when a fire broke out ignited by pyrotechnics that left dozens dead and many more injured. In 2003, pyrotechnics ignited a fire that killed 100 ...
October 25, 2016
Trump '87% certain' to win in NovemberMonths before Donald Trump became the GOP nominee, I saw an interview on FNC with a college professor predicting with near certainty that Trump would win the election against Hillary Clinton. My reaction: Yeah, right. At the time, it was far fr...
October 9, 2016
The Democrats are in mega-panic modeWhy did senior Clinton campaign officials order their dirty tricks team to release the Trump tape this past Friday instead of the Friday before Election Day? Dr. Lifson answers: The leak of an old hot mic recording of a private conversation b...
October 6, 2016
How Trump can win the next debateThe moderators of the first two debates didn't even bother to hide their preference for the Democratic Party candidates. For anyone paying attention, the question going in was not whether Holt and Quijano would behave prejudicially toward D...
October 1, 2016
Another egregious example of liberal press biasThe motto of the liberal press isn’t the much ballyhooed... All the news that’s fit to print ...but rather... All the news we think is fit to print ...which in practical terms means... If we don’t report it, it ...
September 14, 2016
Hillary Clinton deserves electoral oblivion in NovemberHillary Clinton deserves oblivion in November for comments she made at a fundraiser in New York City last Friday. Her "basket of deplorables" characterization of Trump supporters should be enough to persuade voters that she is unfit t...
September 12, 2016
Can Monty Python rescue Hillary?In the days ahead, as it becomes more and more apparent that Hillary Clinton’s medical condition is serious enough to perhaps warrant withdrawing from the race, a chorus of sycophants in the media can be expected to downplay the situation. D...
September 8, 2016
Trump v. Clinton (2016): How Would the Roberts Court Rule?Last May, when he was only the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump released a list of potential Supreme Court nominees, hoping to provide some reassurance to conservatives questioning his allegiance to their values. The move may have h...
August 31, 2016
Trump’s ‘Compassionate Conservatism’The Clinton campaign and its many enablers in the MSM went absolutely ballistic when they saw Donald Trump reaching out to minority communities. What followed were predictable accusations of racism, including from Clinton herself. Some of th...
August 25, 2016
A mouse roars at The Washington PostAn article on the web last weekend opened with the following paragraph: What would happen to the arts if this country turned to authoritarian leadership? If fundamental freedoms were challenged, if a strong leader gathered up the full weight of ...
August 20, 2016
Princeton University goes off the Gender Studies deep endAnticipating the election of Hillary Clinton and the establishment of a federal Department of Permissible Expression (DoPE), one of our nation's most prestigious universities has decided to get ready. The College Fix reports: The Princ...
August 14, 2016
The Potemkin Village candidacy of Hillary ClintonThe election is still weeks away but you wouldn’t know it from the various and sundry MSM toadies out-mugging each other on TV crowing that Hillary Clinton has already been elected queen of the universe. After all, the polls prove it. Science, ...
August 4, 2016
The best argument for Donald TrumpA good friend of mine who teaches philosophy in California asked me in an email what I thought of Trump. This was out of the blue. We had never talked politics before and were discussing technical stuff at the time. I replied to the effect that Pl...
July 25, 2016
Attack of the killer refrigeratorsThe Obama administration has tried oh, so hard throughout its two terms in office to persuade Americans – indeed, the entire world – that the global terrorist threat is due to everything but Islam. Various pretzel-like rationalizati...
July 14, 2016
Vital questions FBI's Director Comey failed to answerAt the beginning of his July 5 statement the FBI’s Director Comey made two related points: I have not coordinated or reviewed this statement in any way with the Department of Justice [DOJ] or any other part of the government. The...
April 18, 2016
Jewish prime minister elected in UkraineOn 14 April 2016, by a vote of 257 to 50, Ukraine’s Parliament elected Volodymyr Groysman prime minister, replacing Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who was forced out by public dissatisfaction and allegations of corruption surrounding his government. At ...
March 29, 2016
A Trumpian leader in Eastern EuropeViktor Orban is leader of Hungary’s national conservative ruling party Fidesz, and became prime minister at the age of 35 in 1998. His first term lasted until 2002, when his party lost its parliamentary majority and he became leader of th...
March 17, 2016
What George Washington thought of political partiesIt is tempting to think that political parties came into existence in this country if not when the Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787, then at least by the time Vermont ratified it on January 10, 1791. That is, it is tempting to think ...
March 11, 2016
Some basic facts about Islam for Donald TrumpDuring Donald Trump's CNN interview with Anderson Cooper the other day, Cooper asked whether Trump thought the West is at war with Islam itself or just radical Islam. Trump replied: "It's radical, but it's very hard to define. ...
January 31, 2016
Why the man who wasn't there wasn't thereTrump's angry refusal to appear at last week's Fox debate in Iowa marks a highly significant turning point, perhaps at the level of paradigm shift. It can be seen as an effort to turn the clock back to an era that effectively ended on J...
January 19, 2016
13 Hours: A different takeVarious and sundry nail-biters losing sleep over Michael Bay's just released 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, worried sick that it might pose a threat to the coronation (um, election) of Hillary Clinton as president of the United States...
December 2, 2015
Some thoughts on the Paris attack and the Bataclan's Jewish ownerNow that Joel Laloux lives in Israel – recall that he and his brother Pascal sold the Bataclan Theater two months before terrorists assaulted it on 13 November – I was curious whether he had spoken publicly about the tragedy from his new ...
November 23, 2015
Why terrorists hit the Bataclan Theater in ParisWhen terrorists murdered four French Jews at a Paris deli in January 2015, President Obama, in keeping with his 2012 U.N. pledge to protect “the prophet of Islam” against “slander,” referred to the victims as “a bunch of...
November 16, 2015
ISIS as community organizersWhile searching the internet for reporting on the Paris massacre -- the French are not stupid, so how did they miss this one? -- I come across the following statement: ISIS isn’t necessarily evil. It is made up of people doing what th...
November 5, 2015
How Jeb Bush can show leadershipIncredibly, the worst secretary of state ever, a corrupt politician, a proven liar, and a potential felon married to an impeached former president seeking another go at White House interns will almost certainly be the Democratic Party’s candida...
October 31, 2015
The Anatomy of Hillary's ElectorateDemocrat propaganda since FDR has been that they are the party of “a chicken in every pot,” while Republicans are the party of “no soup for you.” This strategy won Obama two terms in office during which he raised the national ...
October 24, 2015
How Trey Gowdy can win the warA diagram on the Department of State Wiki page has information that would help Benghazi Committee chairman Trey Gowdy verify claims Hillary Clinton made during her testimony that “security professionals” at State, not she – ...
October 8, 2015
Former UN diplomat arrested on bribery chargesConservatives wondered how seriously Attorney General Loretta Lynch would be taking her job when only a month after her 27 April 2015 investiture the DOJ announced the indictment of international soccer federation FIFA officials on various corruption...
September 13, 2015
Yale Divinity School goes off the deep endEvidently in an effort to prove that secular academia does not own exclusive rights to pandering to rabble-rousing community organizers – hint, hint – Yale Divinity School has announced that Black Lives Matter honcho DeRay McKesson will b...
September 11, 2015
Hillary Clinton's Clintonian word gamesIn an article with the cute title “Desconstructing Hillary Clinton’s apology,” Washington Post columnist Jena McGregor does an amusing little dance to help her favorite presidential candidate get back on track. McGregor was just ...
August 12, 2015
Hillary Clinton's bold new planIt's finally official. Hillary Clinton is a Democrat. "Hey, Arnold, did you just fall off the turnip truck? Of course Hillary Clinton is a Democrat." Hold on there, partner, let me explain. I know that Hillary Cl...
April 2, 2015
Hillary's bell-ringers ape PavlovIt’s official. Team Hillary has hit the panic button. Out comes the heavy artillery. No, not Marx: insufferable fat guy with a heavy beard spouting gibberish in convoluted German – something or other about the proletariat. No,...
March 31, 2015
Maryland's Martin 'Owe Malley' flaps his wingsWhat they say about sharks – they can smell blood in the water – goes double for politicians, which explains the emergence of former Baltimore mayor and Maryland governor Martin O’Malley as a potential alternative to Hillary Clinton...
March 17, 2015
Waking up to smell the blintzes...sort ofHollywood bigwig Michael Douglas, back from a family vacation in “Southern Europe” (countries unspecified), where his son Dylan was the victim of anti-Semitic abuse at a local hotel, decided to get this upsetting experience off his chest ...
March 15, 2015
What difference at this point does it make?Let’s assume for the sake of argument that Hillary Clinton is a lawyer. What’s that? She is a lawyer? Oh, okay. That was easy! To continue, the one thing lawyers understand better than most people is that unless something is in writing...
February 13, 2015
Nazi philosopher spews hate from the graveRichard Wagner (1813-1883), composer of the monumental four-opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen, was an anti-Semite. Making it even more difficult to separate the man from the music was the fact that Hitler was an admirer, as were many Nazis. To this...
February 8, 2015
Jewish Scientists Helped America Build the Atom BombJ. Robert Oppenheimer is probably the best-known Jewish scientist born in the US who worked at the Manhattan Project (MP), the program that produced the atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. Were there other US-born Jewish scie...
January 24, 2015
U.N. General Assembly meets on anti-Semitism - sort ofThe Fox News report touting the U.N. General Assembly meeting on January 22 as “the first-ever devoted to anti-Semitism” got my hopes up until I read the second paragraph. There the meeting was termed “informal,” probabl...
December 25, 2014
Harvard now loves Israel?The left is entrenched in many college and university departments, certainly those labeled “____ Studies,” and has been for decades. Though propaganda is harder to inject into the curriculum when the subject is the differential calculus o...
December 23, 2014
Canary in the coal mine“Ho, hum, what else is new?” That was my first reaction when I saw a report that Susan Douglas, a professor of communications and department chair at the University of Michigan, had published an article titled “It’s...
December 20, 2014
Circling the wagons with a vengeance at Marquette UniversityIn an American Thinker article last month, I drew attention to a philosophy instructor at Marquette University who had imposed a moratorium on class discussion of issues such as same-sex marriage, gun rights, and capital punishment on grounds that ...
December 17, 2014
Holy Moses, Batman!English director Ridley Scott is evidently fond of what Hollywood calls “period pieces.” He has had little trouble getting funding for such unlike other directors, no doubt because of his track record with Alien (1979), the cult classic B...
December 14, 2014
Soldier wants to be with wife and baby for ChristmasOkay, American Thinker readers, get your pencils out. It’s time for a multiple choice test. First, the background. You’re an Army sergeant home on military leave to be with your wife and daughter, born two weeks ago. You haven...
December 12, 2014
Al Gore's pathetic poetry platitudesIn an upbeat mood after arriving in Lima, Peru a couple of days ago to attend U.N. climate talks, former U.S. vice president Al Gore opted for a pithy approach (whew!) to arguing on behalf of the cause that made him a one-percenter and got him a Nobe...
November 27, 2014
Abu Dhabi 1, Real Madrid 0You don’t have to be a soccer fan to know that Real Madrid is one of the most famous sports teams in the world. The club is also enormously wealthy, reportedly worth today nearly $3.5 billion. Established in 1902 and initially known...
November 25, 2014
Marquette University's Anti-philosophical Philosophy InstructorAs a former academic, headlines describing what appear to be questionable policies or practices in institutions of higher learning usually get my attention. When the fine print implicates a philosophy department, a subject I used to teach, I take a c...
November 21, 2014
The Tiger Woods-Dan Jenkins ControversyI stopped reading golf magazines years ago. Ben Hogan’s book on the full swing and Tom Watson’s on the short game are all anyone really needs. To see a great swing in action, find a video on the net of Louis Oosthuizen and try...
November 12, 2014
California spends $33 million to coddle 800 cormorantsThe conventional wisdom has it that voters last week handed power to Republicans in both houses of Congress hoping that legislative unity might translate into measures to improve the economy. I don’t really buy this analysis, but never mi...
November 9, 2014
Newsflash: Prime Minister Obama Resigns!The scientific method, Karl Popper told us, is conjecture-refutation. We come up with a hypothesis we believe explains what is going on, figure out a way to put it to a test, and see what reality has to say about it. If the facts prove consistent wit...
November 6, 2014
Dictatorial Government takes a BeatingWhen an incumbent Democrat loses the governorship of a state famous (infamous?) for voting irregularities (fill in the blank) -- yes, I mean Illinois -- several explanations are possible: (a) Democrat vote fraud woefully “underperformed”;...
November 2, 2014
Study Islam or get an F!Maryland is an ocean-deep blue state, having elected Obama twice. The governor (Martin O’Malley, former mayor of Baltimore) is a Democrat with presidential ambitions; both senators (Benjamin Cardin and Barbara Mikulski) are Democrats; the...
October 29, 2014
An American warden visits Norway's 'prison utopia'Descendants of Sigurd the Crusader, 12th-century King of Norway and scourge of the Saracens, have done something even sillier than what their Minnesota brethren are predicted to do next week – namely, re-elect Stuart Smalley (I mean Al Franken)...
October 10, 2014
Will Obama Pardon Cop-Killer Mumia?An episode out of Bizarro World transpired last weekend at Goddard College in Vermont. Wesley Cook, aka Mumia Abu-Jamal, in jail since 1981 for murdering Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner, delivered a commencement address from prison to 20...
September 30, 2014
Is the Ryder Cup Irrelevant?Arnold Palmer spoke for many when he made the following comments about the Ryder Cup, a golf competition between U.S. and European teams (of various configurations) held since 1927: It was vitally important to make the players realize that they ...
September 21, 2014
Climate Change: The MusicalAccording to its website http://www.nsf.gov/about/, the National Science Foundation was created by Congress in 1950 to "promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense...
September 11, 2014
Military Uniforms Off-Limits in MichiganRochester Hills is located in the northern outskirts of Metropolitan Detroit. Its Rochester Adams High School is part of the Rochester Community Schools district. The school is catching flak for turning away Lieutenant Colonel Sherwood Ba...
September 2, 2014
Cameron gets Tough with British Islamic FightersIn a mid-August post on the American Thinker blog, I noted that British law allows subjects to travel abroad, fight alongside Islamic militants, and then return home apparently with no questions asked. I said I thought these laws amounted to “l...
August 30, 2014
The Zara Snafu RevisitedThe Spanish clothing manufacturer issued an apology on Twitter following widespread accusations of anti-Semitism because of a T-shirt that bore a yellow star uncomfortably close in design to what Jews were forced to wear in Nazi Germany: We hone...
August 28, 2014
Kids in Holocaust Clothing?Founded in 1975 by Amancio Ortega and Rosalía Mera, the Spanish clothing manufacturer Zara is considered the flagship chain store of the Inditex group, the world's largest apparel retailer. Ortega, Spain's richest man and the world...
August 20, 2014
Is Islam Evolving?It used to be routine during the (so-called) Sexual Revolution to read stories about some wild-looking but charismatic dude in California creating his own cult to spread the good word. Everyone knew that what the dude was eager to spread had little t...
August 19, 2014
When Kosher isn't KosherSainsbury's, the second largest supermarket chain in the United Kingdom, was founded in 1869 by John James Sainsbury. As of June 2014, there were 1,230 locations in the UK, including one in Holborn, central London, located about half a mile from ...
August 17, 2014
A Preview of Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential CampaignIf you happen to be in Las Vegas on 13 October and need a break from the blackjack tables or want to catch up on some sleep, head on over to the university. Hillary Clinton will be speaking at a University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Foundation fundr...
August 15, 2014
When Yusuf comes marching home again...One big advantage to living in a free country is that a passport and a visa are pretty much the only legal requirements to traveling abroad. Try that in Cuba, North Korea, the old Soviet Union, and so on – though Jane Fonda could probably...
August 12, 2014
Smarter than Bardem and Cruz?In case you had any doubts that the UN is in the business of inciting anti-Israel hatred, using US funds, here’s an announcement put out by its Human Rights Council on 8-11-14 The President of the Human Rights Council, Ambassador Baudelai...
August 10, 2014
Joy Reid, Hamas PropagandistJoy Reid made this absurd comment during her August 4, 2014 MSNBC show: "So far the war in Gaza has left more than 1,800 Palestinians dead – the population equivalent to 100 9/11s." Others – e.g., Politico, have already de...
August 6, 2014
<em>Eyes Wide Shut</em> and Conservative DepravityHere’s a multiple-choice test about four American captains of industry. In his spare time, Henry Ford: (a) Competed and won motor car races. (b) Campaigned vigorously against smoking. (c) Devised inventions that earned him 161 patents. ...
August 2, 2014
Dennis Kucinich in 2016?As reported here, former Ohio congressman, Cleveland mayor, and presidential candidate Dennis J. Kucinich sent a letter on 30 July 2014 to unnamed “former congressional colleagues,” most likely Democrats. Here is the text: Dear...
July 28, 2014
Lenin is Spinning in his TombLocated some 40 miles north of Moscow, the Tseleevo Golf & Polo Club hosted the M2M Russian Open 24-27 July as part of the European Tour, with a respectable purse of 1,000,000 Euros. Designed by Jack Nicklaus, the course proved too challenging fo...
July 13, 2014
Who does CBS want to be president?Evidently anticipating a Clinton candidacy in 2016, one of the many propaganda outlets of the Democratic Party, CBS, has decided to give her a boost with a new show titled “Madam Secretary,” due out this fall. Portraying Hillary Clinton (...
July 7, 2014
The lessons of history?Famous for a grand castle that currently serves as the seat of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state parliament, Schwerin is a town in northern Germany of some 90,000 people. In the mid-1800s, many residents moved to the United States, including Milwaukee...
July 4, 2014
Kareem Abdul Jabbar's critique of soccerIn a recent Time article, basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar offers some interesting thoughts why, as he put it, “soccer will never be a slam dunk in America.” Here’s a key passage: [S]occer doesn’t fully express the A...
June 26, 2014
Is Gary Oldman a Bigot?If you ask me, we’re paying way, way too much attention to what Hollywood actors think. Come on. These people don’t know anything. They just ham it up in front of a camera as instructed by a director (who has half a brain), reading lines ...
June 24, 2014
Snobbery at CBS SportsIf you happened to tune in to CBS last Sunday afternoon, you might easily have concluded that you were watching the final round of a golf tournament in Europe. The event in question, the Travelers Championship, was in fact held at TPC River Hig...
June 21, 2014
Save the Ducks, Kill the PeopleEnvironmentalist extremists are lionized in New York, California and other places where the left rules the roost. Canadians apparently take a different view – at least in Montreal, where a 25-year-old Quebec woman, charged with two counts...
June 14, 2014
Jack Trammell: A Professor Only on Paper?Headlines have claimed that Dave Brat and Jack Trammell, who will face each other in the fall to represent Virginia’s 7th District, are both professors at Randolph-Macon College (R-MC) in Ashland, Virginia. Brat is certainly a professor there, ...
June 12, 2014
Dave Brat: A True Expert on 'Economic Justice'The House of Representatives of the United States will very likely swear in this fall a former Randolph-Macon College (R-MC) economics professor, Dr. David Alan Brat -- or Dave Brat, as he prefers to be called. In a stunning upset whose shock wave...
June 7, 2014
Would Bergdahl Put the Army on Trial?We may as well face it: Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has it made in the shade. He’s been officially blessed by President Obama, National Security Adviser Rice, Secretary of Defense Hagel and Senate Majority Leader Reid. However, we haven’t heard from Oprah...
June 6, 2014
Will Bergdahl Pull a Lois Lerner?Sergeant Bergdahl will soon be facing serious and potentially incriminating questions about his Taliban adventure. Article 31 of our Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) prohibits “coercive self-incrimination” as a right under the Fift...
May 26, 2014
Mitt Romney Wins -- in UkraineA runoff was avoided in Ukraine’s presidential election Sunday when Petro Poroshenko won with about 56% of the vote. Mr. Poroshenko succeeds the country's pro-Russia leader, Viktor Yanukovich, ousted last February. A strong voter turnout wa...
May 25, 2014
Thinking ahead to the 2016 platformIt’s too soon to know whether the 2016 GOP platform will include a pro-life provision as clear and definitive as in 2012: Faithful to the “self-evident” truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctit...
May 24, 2014
De Blasio's War on Girls?What may be the silliest recent example of government bureaucracy gone wild was reported on Fox News by Edmund DeMarche: A New York City mom was fit to be tied Wednesday after her 4-foot-1, 66-pound daughter came home from school with a note cal...
October 6, 2013
Common Core Standards Flunk Logic 101, AgainShip captains are morally obligated to change course once they have been warned of an iceberg ahead. I sounded such an alarm in my article "Common Core Standards Flunk Logic 101." Shortly thereafter, I sent e-mails to the addressees below...
September 10, 2013
Common Core Standards Flunk Logic 101It was professional curiosity that motivated me as a former educator to click on the link to the Common Core State Standards Initiative provided in L.E. Ikenga's interesting article "Leading from Behind in Education". Once on the site, I read th...
March 6, 2013
When Daddy Knows BestProduced by Luc Besson and directed by Pierre Morel, Taken (2008) is the story of retired CIA operative Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) whose daughter Kim (Maggie Grace) is kidnapped in France by Albanian human traffickers intent on selling her to an Arab ...
October 9, 2012
The Empty Chair SpeaksThe consequences of being in over one's head are hilariously illustrated in the noir classic The Third Man (1949, directed by Carol Reed -- not, as some believe, Orson Welles.) Pulp-western writer Holly Martins, arriving in post-WWII Vienna to take u...
October 1, 2012
How Would the World Vote?Abuse of executive privilege and appointment of czars accountable only to the president are but the most conspicuous examples of the hostility the Obama presidency has shown toward the constraints on power that our Founders labored mightily to put in...
September 23, 2012
A Self-Evident DanceIn a piece titled "Carney: 'Self-evident' that Libya attack was terrorism," NBC's Ali Weinberg wrote this: For the first time since four American diplomats were killed during violent protests at the U.S. consulate in Libya, the White House spokesman...
July 1, 2012
The Logic of Justice RobertsRoderick M. Chisholm (1916-1999) taught philosophy at Brown University for many years. His methods turn out to be relevant to the recent Supreme Court decision on the constitutionality of Obamacare, clearing the air and leading to a productive ...
June 11, 2012
What Color Is Obama's Parachute?Scott Walker's win means that Barack Obama's White House tenure may well be coming to an end. What will the ex-president do once he can no longer blow smoke in the federal facility at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? If Obama goes quietly after losing...
June 9, 2012
Will Mitt be Jack or Arnie?Now that Romney has clinched the GOP nomination and everyone can drop the annoying adjective "presumptive," which the MSM has used derisively, Team Romney is sure to get lots and lots of solicited and unsolicited advice on how to manage the campaign ...
April 26, 2012
Resolving the Obama Birth Certificate ControversyAccredited experts in a scientific field can be counted upon to conduct a thorough, impartial review of evidence using standard methods and settle an issue with the appropriate level of certainty. Doubting the honesty and integrity of such expe...
February 28, 2012
The Obama Presidential LibraryThe presidential library concept we have today began with FDR, who in 1939 donated his papers to the federal government in the belief that such documents were an important part of the national heritage and should be made available to the public....
February 23, 2012
Note to GOP Candidates: It's ObamaCare, Stupid!Back in the day when monarchs ruled with an iron fist, royal councilors who proffered calamitous advice paid dearly for their lapse in judgment, sometimes with their heads. Things have changed considerably since then. Winston Churchill, f...
February 12, 2012
Calling Obama's Fairness BluffSeveral deflectionist strategies are available to a politician seeking re-election despite a performance record that would have gotten him fired in private industry: (1) Argue that the dire situation in the country is someone else's fault. (2) Ex...
February 2, 2012
Too Beautiful for You"You can't handle the truth," an exasperated Colonel Jessep (Jack Nicholson) yells out at Lieutenant J.G. Kaffee (Tom Cruise) in a famous courtroom speech of A Few Good Men (written by Aaron Sorkin). Cross-examination reveals, however, that the...
January 14, 2012
Santorum's New Hampshire FumbleA few years after grad school, I interviewed for a job in the philosophy department of a major university. They flew me out in the middle of February from the gloomy and bitter cold of New England to a sunny and warm campus of palm trees swayin...
January 10, 2012
Showdown in November: Marx or Mill?At the Republican convention in 2008, a reporter got Newt Gingrich's attention with the pointed comment that Sarah Palin's résumé as John McCain's running mate "is not something that we're familiar seeing with presidential candidates." Gingrich...
December 30, 2011
Tintin vs. Walter Duranty, Stalin StoogeSteven Spielberg's just-released 3D animated feature combining stories in three Tintin books had me clapping with delight as the credits rolled. I won't spill what happens; you can read on without fear of spoilers. The Tintin books began in 1...
December 21, 2011
Gingrich and the Fear FactorGingrich's alleged "baggage" and doubts about his electability don't fully explain why, despite his high standing in the polls, the GOP establishment has been shunning the former Speaker of the House, when not showing outright hostility toward him. T...
December 20, 2011
Gingrich and the Fear FactorNewt Gingrich's alleged "baggage" and the attendant doubts about his electability don't fully explain why, despite his high standing in the polls, the GOP establishment has been shunning the former speaker of the House, when not showing outright host...