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Alexander Nussbaum
December 31, 2024
Richard Dawkins Disdains the Electoral CollegeRichard Dawkins does not like the electoral college much, writing, It’s not that I dislike elections generally. And — praise be — a population of 300 million Americans has managed to raise one presidential candidate who is not ...
December 27, 2023
‘In God We Trust. All Others Must Bring Data.’“In God we trust. All others must bring data.” This quote is widely attributed to the great statistician W. Edwards Deming, but like so many other great quotes, it is attributed to without proper documentation; nevertheless it is an incre...
December 6, 2023
This Is the Age of RegressIt was a long, slow road towards civilization. Now we’re sliding backwards, regressing towards a new era of the Dark Ages. Islam, wokeness, and communism find continuous victories on all fronts in the war to destroy the Western world—monu...
September 14, 2023
9/11, a lesson not learnedA few days ago marked 22 years since 9/11. That horrible event should have been the proverbial wake-up call to America, the biblical writing on the wall. But America didn't learn. If anything, America learned the wrong th...
August 20, 2023
Wisdom of My FatherToday “postmodernism” is de rigueur among intellectuals. It has become “sophisticated” to reject objective truths, immutable values; to sneer at a right and wrong rooted in something more than a politically-approved agend...
July 23, 2023
I Remember My Father on Elections -- and How the Democrats DeterioratedWhere has the Democrat party gone? To totalitarian Stalinism. It did not start yesterday, but it is proceeding at ever increasing speed. Think what you will of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and many of his positions seem classic crackpot to me, but ...
August 4, 2021
Fauci’s fitting award“A man is known by the company he keeps.” That is the moral of one of Aesop’s fables. A telling event just took place that I have not seen covered in the conservative press. Anthony Fauci recently received the highest a...
May 18, 2021
Bye-bye Broadway: A grim prognosis for New York’s theatersNew York City Broadway theaters closed on March 12, 2020. The closure was supposed to be for just one month. Fourteen months later, the theaters are still closed. But now Governor Cuomo has announced New York’s theaters are cleared for reopenin...
May 2, 2021
Eating their own: Today’s progressive woke humanistsRead the following April 10, 2021 tweet from Richard Dawkins: “In 2015, Rachel Dolezal, a white chapter president of NAACP, was vilified for identifying as Black. Some men choose to identify as women, and some women choose to identify as m...
April 24, 2021
Turns out everything I ever did my whole life was racistIt started as soon as I was old enough to form memories. My mother took me to see Gone with the Wind, in the early 1960s, when it was still playing in first run theaters. A Confederate as the hero! Disney's animated features from...
October 16, 2020
A measure of the relationship between global warming promotion and socialismI happened to see a report entitled "Making the Grade? How State Public School Science Standards Address Climate Change" that was jointly issued this month by the National Center for Science Education and the Texas Freedom Network Education...
August 12, 2019
The Link between Today's Leftists and Yesterday's NazisAugust eight just came and went. Supposedly, now the date has significance to neo-Nazis. H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and "Heil Hitler" is HH, or "88." The number has long been used as a...
December 4, 2018
Stan Lee's Useless GodsUpon his death at age 95, at the conclusion of a very full life, Stan Lee received tributes worthy of only the most important of world figures. And he deserved them. He transformed western civilization. His creations were incredibly profitable and in...
January 23, 2011
The 'humanist paradox'I have been struck by something I have not seen discussed or written about, namely that conservative Christians for all their opposition to "humanism" seem to be the only ones who support humanistic values, while those who l...