Our Broken Healthcare System

Attention, younger readers (under 40). Talk to your elders (those who grew up in the 1940s through the 1970s); growing up back then, none of us ever heard of peanut allergies, ADHD, or gluten intolerances because they didn’t exist. The only vaccines we received were smallpox, polio, and DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough). There was no MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), chickenpox, flu, or hepatitis vaccine. Our immunization came when we got the mumps, measles, chickenpox, or any of the other childhood illnesses. We ate every meal at home, and carried our “mom-prepared” lunches to school. We seldom ate processed food. On the rare occasions we did, it was a TV dinner. We walked or rode bikes to school, played outside at recess, played outside after school, and played outside all day on weekends and during the summer. Also, playgrounds were packed with kids playing pick-up games. As a result, there were very few “fat kids,” perhaps one per class of 30. In 1965, the childhood obesity rate for children under age 11 was 4.2%.

That is how children ate, played, and maintained their health some 50-plus years ago. It was similar for adults -- very few processed foods, very few food additives, most meals at home, no annual flu vaccines, very few doctor visits, and very little obesity. The one bad health habit was smoking, which was everywhere. (Thankfully, smoking is greatly reduced.)

Today, it’s completely different -- countless kids have food/peanut allergies, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, ADHD, and a host of other maladies. Autism has exploded to approximately 1-in-150 children (in 2000) to 1-in-36 children in 2020. Kids frequently eat at fast-food restaurants. And when they eat at home, much of the food is processed. You never see playground pick-up games anymore. Children get very little physical activity because daily they spend upwards of 8-to-10 hours gazing, zombie-like, at their phones. As for the vaccines, in addition to the ones given 60 years ago, kids receive dozens more to include respiratory vaccines, HPV, rotavirus, MMR, annual flu, and on and on with the jabs. The CDC even recommends infants as young as six months get the COVID shot, and continue those COVID stabs forever. When kids get sick, off to the doctor they go who prescribe endless pills for their chronic diseases.

RFK, Jr.As a result, today children are less healthy and have more illnesses than ever. We’ve been in the midst of a national health crisis for at least two decades. Obesity is a huge health problem. By 2023, childhood obesity has risen to 20%. Adult health is even worse; 74% are overweight which includes over 40% rated obese, even worse among Hispanics and blacks. Most adults sit all day long in front of screens (at work) then the TV at home, intermixed with hours staring at cell phones, all while stuffing ourselves with addictive processed foods. Adult physical (un)fitness has gotten so bad that the military has problems finding recruits that meet the height-weight standards because, as a country, we’re too fat. 

When you consider what’s happened to our food, our deteriorating health should surprise nobody. Everything is processed. Meat, poultry, and dairy are fed bioengineered grains and so jammed with growth hormones, I wouldn’t be surprised if that ribeye, in the meat cooler, has a heartbeat and continues to grow. Our vegetables and grains are all genetically modified in the lab such that none can reproduce naturally, yet we eat it all. Then, look at the food label ingredients; sugars and artificial sweeteners are near the top followed by various salts (sodium), closely followed by additives that sound like a chemistry experiment. Many of these are banned in Europe but allowed here. It might look like cheese or a burger but we have no idea what we’re eating because we have no idea how it was raised or what’s in it. Yet, Big Food wants us to blindly accept that their food is nutritious and healthy, and to believe the healthcare system cares about our health as they demand we stuff ourselves with more and more processed, bioengineered, lab created “food.”

The healthcare industry isn’t. Doctors, nutritionists, nurses, pharmacists, Big Pharma, Big Food, etc. want to manage our ill-health while doing little to promote good health. You want proof? Obesity is perhaps the country’s greatest health problem. Obesity leads to heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, liver disease, strokes, mental health problems, decreased fertility, and many other illnesses. Given that, when was the last time your doctor or nurse said anything about your weight? Instead of telling parents the best way for their kids to lose weight and to be healthy is by staying active and by eating healthy, the “healthcare” industry prescribes Ozempic to 12-year-old children. In the last 50 years, we’ve become much less healthy. However, nobody has bothered to examine holistically the consequences of what bioengineered foods, processed foods, endless fast-food meals, no exercise, microplastics, pesticides, endless prescription pills, and dozens and dozens of vaccines have done to Americans. 

With our nation’s declining health and myriads of health problems, over the past two decades, only one man, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has tried to draw attention to these issues. He even ran for president mostly on health issues. When Kennedy was forced out of the race, President Trump took up his cause to Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) and frequently had Kennedy campaigning with him to encourage better health. To promote his MAHA agenda, Trump named Kennedy the next secretary of Health and Human Services.

Last week, Kennedy had his Senate confirmation hearing. During his opening statement he said that diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cancers, asthma, Alzheimer’s, depression, and addictions are all increasing. Poignantly he said, “A healthy person has a thousand dreams. A sick person has only one.” Good health shouldn’t be a partisan issue. You would think everyone, including Dems, would celebrate someone adamant about improving health, especially children’s health, and would embrace Kennedy’s cause. Ha -- you don’t know the food industry, Big Pharma and Big Healthcare. They’re the ones who made America the world’s most unhealthy, developed country. They’ve gotten wealthy off of our bad health and demand that the status quo continue. Using Democrat senators (Liz “Pocohontas” Warren, Bernie Sanders, Dick Durbin, etc.), they are doing everything possible to destroy Kennedy’s nomination. The same group of politicians that have done nothing about the exploding obesity rate, about our declining health, and chronic childhood diseases are defending Big Pharma while screaming at the one guy who’s actually trying to reverse those trends. 

If you agree, call your senators and demand they vote to confirm RFK Jr.

Image: Gage Skidmore

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