Democrat Politicians and Preoperational Infantilism
In the course of her failed candidacy for president, Kamala Harris appeared as a person who couldn’t function in any executive capacity, much less POTUS. She blithered mindfulness mantras and dubious personal anecdotes in response to questions about national policy, appeared overwhelmed when asked about goals for her presidency, randomly decompensated into hyena laughter and nonsense about school buses and Venn diagrams. Harris made heartless statements, dismissing the 3,000 American civilians who were murdered on 09/11/01, while calling the 01/06/21 Capitol protests “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” Every word from her cioppino- and chardonnay-filled mouth prompted the question, “What is wrong with this person?” Drugs? Alcohol? Presumably, but there was also a chilling disconnectedness and soullessness about Kamala Harris.
Similarly, the mayor of L.A., Karen Bass, exhibited catatonic bewilderment to questions about her absence upon returning from taxpayer-funded junketing in Ghana, and she has been wearing an odd frozen grin ever since. Gavin Newsom’s initial reaction to the L.A. conflagration was infantile. He stumbled around like a toddler before the backdrop of a hellish inferno. His first response was to tell a distraught woman he was on the phone with Biden, as if reaching out to a severely demented man, whereabouts unknown, who had days left in a historically failed presidency, was the solution to the crisis. Even that was a lie. When she asked to hear his conversation, Newsom farcically said that actually, he was looking for cell reception.
Newsom’s policies seem intent on bringing death and destruction to Californians. He closes the prisons while flooding the state with illegal aliens, some hard criminals and most subsistence-wage workers, which drives hundreds of thousands of Californians into paleo-homelessness, who light campfires, which start deadly wildfires, which aren’t put out because pro-smelt policies have left the hydrants empty. That’s the house that Democrats built.
Why are Democrat politicians much more prone than Republicans to policies that undermine the strength and integrity of the Republic, damage the safety and prosperity of American citizens, destroy essential infrastructure, and bring crime and suffering to the people they are supposed to serve?
Decades of progressive moral, ideological, and psychological corruption have destroyed the Democrat party and delivered its leaders to mental and emotional regression in which their public behaviors and statements resemble the pre-rationality, helplessness, narcissism, and prevarication typical of small children. Developmental psychology labels the cognitive processes of two- to seven-year-old children “preoperational.” Leading Democrats have regressed to preoperational infantilism and now resemble three-year-olds.
Across at least the last 70 years, the ideals and principles of Democrats have been burned away through three self-reinforcing forms of corruption. The first corruption is ancient and universal. It is corruption of greed and power-seeking. Greed and power-seeking energize all political corruption, but they have especially infected Democrats because their hold on God-given moral conviction and the rule of law has weakened more than Republicans’. The second corruption is the modern, ideological fraud of creeds of disloyalty that blame America first and justify elected officials undermining and trading away the safety and well-being of the citizens who elected them. This is the corruption of the big lie.
The Democrat fabrication that there was an armed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on 01/06/21 is the most grievous political lie in U.S. history. End-stage corruption is postmodern, anti-rational subjectivism. It is indoctrination into cults of resentment and fear, with vague, propagandistic labels like climate change, LGBTQ, diversity, eco-justice. Decades of “blame America first” ideology and cults of fear and resentment created a vast playground for financial exploitation of public funds. Every single dollar spent on a non-problem such as DIE, climate change, or LGBTQ is a dollar of corruption.
This is the stage of big anti-science and expedient fantasy. As with religious cults, when politicians adhere to superstitious beliefs and react with ignorant zealotry to real problems, they descend into mental and emotional regression similar to preoperational children. Those challenging Democrat dogma are vilified as bigots, racists, Hitlers.
Adults solve problems through trial and error. They use reason, and sometimes intuition, applied to the facts at their disposal to find a solution. If it does not work, another rational, fact-driven idea may be tried, or an adjustment to the status quo might be the best recourse. That process of rational problem solving has vanished among Democrats.
When my daughter was two years old, we had a doggie door in the kitchen. Every time the dog walked through the door, she screamed in fear. As a preoperational child, she was too young to understand how things work: she thought the dog was coming out of the wall. In their public policies, Democrat politicians no longer recognize the most obvious facts of the way things work. For example, in 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio slashed the NYPD budget when crime was accelerating. Similarly, Governor Newsom, chief executive of the uniparty state of California, did not follow reasonable water management policies to enable firefighting in Southern California, one of the most fire-prone densely populated areas in the world.
Democrats are often called insane. (Any adult who cannot define the word “woman” is performatively infantile.) But it is corruption, not insanity, that causes these deadly failures. Democrat leaders are preoperational in their public policies, not in their private arrangements. Mr. de Blasio demanded fully armed protection for himself, and Mr. Newsom has plenty of running water in his nine-million-dollar mansion in Marin County. There will always be natural, weather related disasters. Even if this is a period of extreme weather events, chanting climate change is preoperational. It is as protective against fires and floods as is animal sacrifice to appease the wrath of the carbon deity.
There are two kinds of people who do not understand the value of human life: very small children and Democrats. When my daughter was five years old, she had a pet hamster named Champion. Champion was by every standard a credit to all rodents, but one day the hand of destiny stilled the turning of his hamster wheel forever. My daughter was distraught. Perhaps seeking validation in her grief, she asked me, “Would you feel sadder if Champion died or I died?” That was a moment in life when one’s facial expression must disguise one’s thoughts. She’s now a mother of three, so she’s answered that question for herself. Democrats reject the unique significance of human life. They cherish a creed of disposability of the youngest human beings, and they doggedly prefer flimsy notions about how to protect lower species above the welfare of humans.
There are two groups who tell ludicrous falsehoods and expect to be believed: preoperational children and Democrats. Visualize this: tiny, deep fingerprints in the chocolate cake on the table, a small mouth covered with icing and cake crumbs. Mommy asks her little boy, “Did you take some cake?” “Noooo, Mommy.” Adorable. “I did not have sex with that woman!” “Donald Trump is a Russian agent!” And recently, “The border has never been more secure!” Not adorable.
There are two groups of people who live in fear of an imaginary monster in the closet: young children and Democrats. Ultimately, the Democrats’ maniacal hatred of Donald Trump resembles the fear of a preoperational child. For Democrats, Trump is the most terrifying monster ever because their corruptions have no power over him. Greed couldn’t reach this billionaire, anti-American disloyalty is the extreme opposite of his inspiration, and woke dogma relies on manipulating guilt. Fat chance with The Donald.
We never needed shame about being American to become better, nor false creeds of race and sexuality to respect one another, nor discriminatory law to become more just. May this golden age be a reinvigoration of our individual responsibility that American good be crowned with brotherhood for all.
Image: ElisaRiva via Pixabay, Pixabay License.