We Need Immediate Action to Reverse Joe Biden’s Executive Orders

On Joe Biden’s first day in office in January 2021, he signed seventeen executive orders. These orders are notorious and remained controversial throughout his term in office. They included such measures as stopping the Keystone Pipeline — an order that was blamed for rising gasoline prices throughout Biden’s term (the real cause of such price increases was the Biden administration’s massive spending sprees, but the pipeline shutdown made the situation worse). Other Biden orders on that first day included renewed environmentalist-extremist measures such as rejoining the “Paris Accords” (wildfires continue unabated despite this order).

Biden also entered orders that allow illegal immigrants to be counted in the census and extended other benefits for illegal immigrants. Biden ordered a halt to border wall construction and certain deportations. He limited immigration enforcement activities by the federal government.

Biden’s day-one orders extended a pause on the collection of student loan debt and extended prior eviction and foreclosure moratoriums. Biden used another order unilaterally to extend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to LGBT and transgender claimants. Biden even entered one blanket order freezing the implementation of all pending regulations from the Trump administration — regardless of subject matter. These orders were prepared in advance.  The Democrats had a thorough plan for opening the border, increasing our dependence on foreign oil, and otherwise advancing the radical left agenda.  Biden was apparently unconcerned that these orders would be controversial and would fail to “unite America.”

In August of 2021, Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14037, which promotes the production of electric vehicles and singles out the state of California as a leading authority to be followed by the federal executive branch in promulgating this policy.  In December 2021, Biden signed Executive Order 14057, which further promoted the policy of “carbon free” electricity production and emission free vehicles. 

Biden’s executive orders have continued.  The above list is far from exhaustive. In January, 2025, Biden altered “the order of succession in departments across the executive branch.” The reason for this move is unclear. Few observers believe that Biden is truly responsible for this Order.

On January 5, 2025, the administration announced an executive order that would “permanently” ban oil drilling on 625 million acres of U.S. ocean. CNN assures us that this order will be “difficult” for Trump to reverse. That message is intended to provide ammunition for bureaucrat holdovers in the new administration as well as some members of the Republican party that will undoubtedly begin working against Trump.

These orders and others were created and signed without a national consensus and generally without legislative authority. These actions set a precedent that undermines the other two branches of government and the Constitution itself.  All of Donald Trump’s supporters are aware of what Joe Biden has done — especially these executive orders.  Executive branch efforts to limit the authority of the other two branches have become notorious in the Biden-Obama administrations. The only way to take the initiative, reverse the prior encroachments on Constitutional checks and balances, and undo the harm of the past four years is to undo all recent executive orders. We cannot be afraid that such an action will be controversial or will fail to “unite” the American people.  The left will hurl those arguments at the Trump administration no matter what. The Biden administration, together with a compliant media and Democrat allies across the country, have spent the past four years attempting to imprison Donald Trump, keep him off the ballot and worse. We cannot shrink from taking sweeping action for fear of political consequences.

Many Trump supporters became disillusioned during Trump’s first term when none of those responsible for various illegal acts against Trump were prosecuted. Americans have endured a great deal of suffering as a result, including dubious election results in 2020 and economic upheaval at the hands of the Biden administration.  Should President Trump fail to take sweeping action now, his supporters will be even less patient. Many Trump voters are expecting prosecutions now against numerous defendants. The least that Trump can do is to reverse Biden’s executive orders. Such reversal can be effected in one order. President Trump can sign one order that would repeal all executive orders entered between January 20, 2021 and January 20, 2025 (and possibly even including the years 2009 through January 2017).  This order would have the effect of reversing bad policy plus reinforcing the legislative authority of Congress.  If any of Biden’s orders happened to include good ideas (even a broken clock is right twice a day), then supporters can present those ideas to Congress as they should have in the first place.

The power of the legislative branch must be restored. We will not accomplish this goal by waiting for Congress to repeal some of Biden’s executive orders one at a time. The border must be controlled. Congress already passed the laws necessary to accomplish this goal during Trump’s first term.  We do not need new laws, but to reverse Biden’s actions that thwarted those laws. Biden’s actions have been so extreme and in bad faith that a blanket order reversing those actions will seem generally acceptable. Anyone that complains can be told, “Call your congressman.”

Most importantly, a refusal to take sweeping action on day one will encourage more such extreme behavior in future Democrat administrations.  The Democrats obviously were thorough in their plans for executive orders. We must, at least, equal that thoroughness and preparedness. If we fail to act, we will appear feckless and unable to respond to Democrat illegal initiatives. This appearance will undermine attempts to win future elections and the enthusiasm that reelected Donald Trump two months ago. That enthusiasm will not be sustained by mere cheerleading over Greenland.  Donald Trump’s voters are waiting for Joe Biden’s destructive actions to be corrected.

Image: Public domain.

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