‘Moving on from President Trump’ is a Failing Strategy for the GOP
From the moment President Trump took office in 2017, the GOP almost instantaneously morphed into a strong political party helmed by a non-politician. Under Trump’s lead, the once weak-spine, dull, and globalist-focused party transitioned into the people’s party.
Although a registered Republican since the age of 18, I was never enthused about any Republican candidate; in fact, I would often stall at the polling booth and ponder if the Democrat candidate would be a better choice—on more than one occasion I ended up voting for the opposite side.
Trump brought energy to his adoptive party not seen since President Reagan. America First was not only a Presidential campaign slogan but a policy that began to infuse the GOP overall. Aside from a handful of NeverTrumpers such as Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), Ben Sasse (R-NE), and former Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, the rest of the Grand Old Party was near lock step in supporting our President as he eased regulations that were choking business growth, decreased our dependence on foreign oil, re-examined our ties to international organizations, and pulled out of never-ending wars where the U.S military was no longer needed in its intended capacity.
Our country was finally supercharged after Obama’s record of the slowest economic growth in decades. Through all of Trump’s accomplishments, the GOP seemed thrilled to ride on his coattails. And why wouldn’t they? The party was increasing in size by attracting disaffected Democrats, curious independents, and registering new voters. Minorities, whom the old-guard Republican Party never supported, were being enthusiastically welcomed by Trump and the RNC. Organically, a variety of ethnic groups -- Vietnamese, Chinese, Iranians, Latinos, Jews, and numerous others had joined up with enthusiasm inincreasing numbers during Trump’s Presidency.
While the Democrats of today must grapple with voting for a party that defended slavery, supported the KKK, and voted against each of the Civil Rights Acts, Republicans feel proud that the very reason their party was formed in 1854 was to prevent slavery in the new territories. The original Republicans were farmers, factory workers, and small business owners, and that make-up remained until the turn of the 20th century when the GOP became associated with the business elite class. President Trump’s GOP returned to its original constituency -- blue-collar workers and small business owners. And it is now the Democrats who are associated with the elite (both the economic and self-deemed cultural) class.
The Establishment GOP, however, is firmly mired in its big business, lobbyist swamp, and is very much at odds with most Trump supporters, who happen to make up the bulk of the current Republican party. Therein lay the political, strategic conundrum for party leadership: Would they completely abandon 75 million Trump supporters, many of whom were not traditional Republicans, or attempt to curry favor with their fairly similar-minded Democrat counterparts? Unfortunately, they chose to abandon their base, primarily by failing to address properly the wide-spread election fraud -- both on the presidential tickets and on the local level.
According to the mainstream media, which deservingly now includes FOX News, it was perfectly acceptable to push the water main break theory in DeKalb county and to stop a Presidential election count. In actuality, there was no water main break, though there was a clogged toilet and, magically, Biden had enough votes to ‘win’ Georgia.
Pennsylvania was another election fraud gem; aside from the standard illegal ballots, this time, the Keystone State Democrat-dominated state supreme court changed actual state election rules to extend a national election to November 6th in violation of the United States Constitution. And who could forget all the times Republican poll watchers in an array of battleground states were denied proper access to ballot counters? There were ballot harvesting and over-voting allegations in Nevada, overwhelming testimony out of Michigan, and Arizona Republican Chairwoman Kelli Ward’s strong allegations of voter irregularities ranging from signature matching to duplicate ballots. In Wisconsin, the allegations ran the gamut from envelopes missing identification to abusing the state’s confined status law. Foreign interference in this election can fill a book’s worth.
Instead of earnestly investigating election fraud claims brought forth not only by Trump’s legal team but by actual voters, the Establishment GOP chose to turn a blind eye and employ the Pravda-esque technique of branding the truth as lies. The election was fair according to GOP leaders; end of story. Disenfranchising an entire swath of one’s base is not politically sound and it will undoubtedly unravel the Republican party, at least, in its current form. All the Trump supporters I know have either officially switched their voter registration to Independent or now identify themselves as such until a Patriot party is formed. When asked if I am still a Republican, with great pride I reply "No longer. I am a Patriot."
At least seventy-four million Americans will not have loyalty to a party that acted in bad faith. Patriots are now accustomed to a President who gave a damn about real Americans, who believed in the power of the people, and who did not have loyalty to special interest groups. What is the future of the GOP? Will it morph eventually into a Patriot Party or will it be pushed aside by a new political movement? Only the Republican leadership can determine the party’s trajectory by choosing one of two clear paths -- support the current base or be mostly indistinguishable from Democrats.