Transgenders Attacking Gays and Lesbians for Refusal to Accept Them as Athletes and Same Sex Lovers
"One only wonders, with concern, what the Soviets will do after they have wiped out their bourgeois." - Sigmund Freud
In October 2018, biological male Rachel McKinnon took the gold at the UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los Angeles. Afterwards, he took to Twitter to condemn as “transphobic bigots” anyone who pointed out that his “victory” consisted of a man competing in an all-women’s event. He called mandatory testosterone suppression for transgender athletes a human rights violation.
Last February, nine-time Wimbledon singles champion and lesbian Martina Navratilova caused an uproar when she wrote that it is “insane” and “cheating” that biological men are allowed to compete in women’s sports. For stating the obvious, Navratilova was immediately expelled from the LGBTQ advocacy group Athlete Ally for alleged “transphobia.” The BBC withdrew its invitation to Fair Play for Women to discuss Navratilova’s comments after public pressure from the aforementioned McKinnon himself.
Martina Navratilova in 2011 (photo credit: Angela George)
In the UK, rugby referees are quitting in droves because transgender women playing on all-women’s teams are injuring too many actual women. One anonymous referee told the Sunday Times that they’ve been instructed not to challenge bearded players on the field. In Connecticut high schools, transgender girls are dominating girls’ sports and smashing records, and female students who complain are facing backlash from the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference. In Texas high schools, a transgender girl wrestler won a state tournament with a record of 35-0, beating every actual girl or winning by forfeit by girls who feared injuries wrestling a biological male.
What’s going on here? Either, through history’s greatest coincidence, all these transgender women suddenly sweeping competitions and breaking international records just happen to be the world’s greatest athletes. Or, as everybody reading this already knows, biological men possess physiological advantages over women, regardless of whatever hormonal treatment or bodily mutilation they endure.
Then there’s Jessica Yaniv, a Canadian transgender woman who sued after several female estheticians refused his lecherous requests to wax his groin. The British Columbian Human Rights Tribunal eventually ruled against him, but it's notable that their decision stemmed from his disingenuous and contradictory testimony, rather than from the right of women to refuse to handle male genitalia. Feminists needn’t delve too deeply into the dark recesses of imagination to appreciate the consequences of this cop-out ruling which, by comparison, makes John Roberts’s Obamacare opinion look positively principled. It’s not a question of if, but of when, a more disciplined, legally savvy “victim” waxes up for the next bout.
Then there's lesbian activist and Get The “L” Out co-founder Angela Wild, who is flabbergasted that she and other lesbians are being attacked as “transphobic bigots” and “Nazis” for not dating men who identify as women. Angela defines a lesbian as “a woman – in the biological sense of the word – exclusively emotionally and sexually attracted to women.” I wouldn't bet money on the “biological” part of that definition hanging on much longer. The Scientific American recently published an article hinting at the social constructiveness of biological sex, and transgender-studies professors are openly claiming that biological sex doesn’t exist. You don’t need a Helms flag to figure out which way the wind is blowing, Angela. It’s all well and good if you want to be a lesbian… so long as you have sex with men claiming to be transgender women. If you don’t, you’re now part of the problem.
This is the Left's logic in 2019. What will it be in 2026?
Gay activist Brad Polumbo concurs with Angela, and he predicts that LBG and T will have some sort of formal breach and go their separate ways. Don’t bet on it. Totalitarian ideologies don’t let people “go their separate ways.” Jack Phillips wasn’t allowed to go his separate way. Neither were Elaine Huguenin, or Barronelle Stutzman, or Martina Navratilova, or those Canadian estheticians. And neither will you, Brad.
In this Orwellian fever dream, Angela and Brad are Nazis because they think it’s acceptable for people, gay or straight, to not be forced to have sex with people to whom they’re not attracted. But the fanatics who slander you are interested in neither biological science nor once-sacrosanct sexual freedom. They’re interested in exerting control over you, and they’re currently banking on social coercion to do so. But, as in Canada, don’t think the courts aren’t next.
The newfound “Drop the T” campaign, promoted by homosexual men and women who nervously glanced around the latest Pride parade and thought to themselves, Wait a minute….how did I end up being the bigot?, asks organizations such as Human Rights Campaign, GLAAD, Lambda Legal, and others to separate gay activism from trans activism. Fat chance. These organizations are in the business of being woke and being woke is a dissipative process. This is the nature of “movements,” few of which allow themselves to fizzle out once their main goals are achieved, and almost always morph into something more fanatical (and often contradictory to its original mission). Worried about documented patterns of transgender women sexually assaulting actual women? Well, Herr Adolf, hop in the basket of deplorables with everyone who made that argument against sanctuary cities. Upset that the history of gay civil rights is being re-written to serve transgender ideology? It’s as despicable as the 1619 Project, isn’t it?
Have you noticed the pattern yet?
Supposedly LGB-friendly organizations such as the ACLU, Human Rights Watch, Stonewall, Huffington Post, Medium, the BBC, the Independent, and others have exhibited either enthusiastic support or cowed submission to the rollback of women’s and gay rights to appease the transgender lobby. Every Democrat presidential candidate supports the Equality Act, which redefines sex as gender and encodes its nondiscrimination into law. At this point in the game, nobody can pretend that its consequences would be “unintended,” and those currently being targeted only on the periphery will truly know what it means to (ahem) get the shaft.
To those who rightfully feel threatened by this ominous shifting of the tide, take note in the coming years who comes to your defense, as opposed to your “rights” organizations falling over one another to sell you out to the lowest bidders. Disagree as we might about the definition of marriage, neither conservatives nor their advocacy groups support using government power or social coercion to destroy women’s-only institutions, or to force unto gays (or anyone else) sexual relationships against their will. We understand that true freedom is enjoyed not by the group but by the individual, and that true choice is exercised not based on other’s feelings but on our own decisions.
If we can be forced to say a man is a woman, there is nothing we can't be forced to say. If a lesbian can be forced to have sex with men, there is nothing we can’t be forced to do. We will all increasingly be pressured to publicly affirm our support for these mores to the point where there will be nothing we can’t be forced to think. And that’s the point. A society whose subjects must not only declare but actually convince themselves that 2+2=5 is a society that is truly totalitarian, regardless of whatever lip service its politicians pay to democracy.
When the inevitable kangaroo courts convene, the show trials begin, and decrees pour forth that yesterday’s martyrs are today’s saboteurs, maybe you’ll comprehend more clearly who are and aren’t the "oppressors.” You need to decide, and decide pretty quickly, what world you're helping to shape. By and large, conservatives can co-exist with you as you are. Increasingly, the Left cannot. Choose which side you will but choose with the recognition that your usefulness to The Cause has run its course and that, unfortunately, you too are now expendable.