Ex-Cop Making Roy Moore Harassment Claim Is Leftist, Anti-Moore Opponent

Few witnesses could be more damning against a purported sexual abuser of four decades ago than an ex-cop from that era. That is, unless the ex-cop has a hidden agenda. Like the former Gadsden, Alabama cop who claims police were told in the 1970s to ensure that now-GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore stayed away from teen cheerleaders — and who actually turns out to be a left-wing Moore opponent.

Faye Gary created quite a stir last week with her comments, though she confessed to MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that the claims about Judge Moore were “just rumors” and that “we never got a complaint on it.”

What didn’t come out during her media interview — in which she appeared sober and non-partisan — is that she has an ideological axe to grind with the judge.

After confirming with the City of Gadsden Personnel Office that Gary actually had served as a police officer, I contacted her via a Facebook message. The passion and anger quickly emerged, with Gary making clear she objected to Moore’s stances on homosexuality, Islam and the display of the Ten Commandments.

In fact, the venom leapt from the page. Gary insisted that Moore will, as she put it, “pay for his stance on gays, Muslims and most of all for hiding behind the Ten Commandments for his political gain.” She seemed to be implying that he’ll suffer some kind of divine retribution.

Gary also became vulgar. After I told her the Gadsden Mall’s ex-manager contradicted her claim that Moore was suspended from the facility and that this is what happens when you listen to the “rumor mill” (her term), she wrote, “Thanks for your opinion but they r just like a[**] h[***]s we all have one.”     

Note that none of this means Gary’s claims are or aren’t true. But it hints at her motivation for coming forward and certainly makes her something less than an unimpeachable source.

Unsurprisingly, Gary’s Facebook page reflects her political passions. Scrolling down, you find pictures of Barack Obama along with some harsh condemnation of conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh, who had at the time raised Gary’s ire by criticizing Michelle Obama.

Further casting doubt on Gary’s claims is that her story doesn’t add up. She stated that “we were also told to watch him [Moore] at the ball games and make sure that he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders.” But when Andrea Mitchell asked if “this was just rumor” or if she was actually given instructions from superiors, Gary replied “It was just rumors.”

Of course, there’s no law stating you “can’t hang around cheerleaders,” anyway, so this wouldn’t be the police’s official domain. Nor did Gary say she ever saw Moore hanging around cheerleaders. And if cops had approached him and said “Judge, you must observe an exclusion zone around those cheerleaders,” it would be quite the story.

So, the real story here may be that Gary would like to be a cheerleader for Moore’s far-left opponent, Doug Jones. Once again, Gary cited a rumor that the judge was banned from the Gadsden Mall even after Barnes Boyle, the facility’s former manager, said that to the best of his knowledge Moore was not banned (video below). Gary states she was told to watch Moore around cheerleaders, yet indicates that this “instruction” was actually a rumor. She says she “worked juvenile, so if any complaint [about Moore] had come in, it would have come to us. … But we never got a complaint on it.” What she doesn’t say is that, with all her watching, she ever observed Moore behaving inappropriately around any teen girls. So is there anything here but rumor?

In addition, the story of Moore’s most damning accuser, Beverly Young Nelson, has already unraveled. Meanwhile, rumor is helping obscure reality. This is precisely the goal, too. As Huffpo’s Amanda Terkel put it Friday, the best chance to defeat Moore is “for the Democratic Party to lie low.” Why? Because their positions are damning in Dixie.

Consider how Terkel also wrote that “Doug Jones is trying to distinguish himself from the national party….”

Well, he’s not trying very hard.

He’s pro-prenatal infanticide, apparently even up to the moment of birth. He’s pro-“transgender” agenda, which includes support for “transgenders” in the military and having confused (or clever) boys use girls’ locker rooms. He’s also pro-amnesty, pro-CO2 regulation, pro-ObamaCare and is a tax-and-spend politician. This is the real scandal in the Senate special-election campaign: that Doug Jones wants to bring New York values to Alabama.

And maybe this is why Democrats have to bring a Hollywood scandal to Roy Moore.

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