For the GOP, Step Up or Become an Irrelevant Majority
Where are the adults? No, this is not about the Democrats. We know they have devolved into churlish toddlers, and few adults remain there. I’ve ranted enough about them lately, this is not about them. It’s time this question is asked of those who should be on our side.
It’s the GOP Congress and leadership that needs to be asked this question. Immediately, constantly, and harshly.
There were posters held up for all to see in close proximity by Trump supporters at one of his rallies during the nomination process. They read:
Do you know who your voters are?” “Do you know what we want?” “Do you ever listen to us?”
For those in the GOP who do not know to whom those questions were directed, let me give you a hint: These were being asked directly to the leadership of the GOP. Trump heard them, he answered those questions to the GOP base clearly, he ran on those issues, and he won overwhelmingly against every faction and candidate of the GOP.
The golden boy of the establishment spent well over a hundred million dollars in his quest for the nomination. He received three delegates, and polled well under 10% of Republican voters when he finally dropped out. He was such an embarrassment, I doubt anyone can remember who he endorsed. The establishment tried hard to find a replacement, but failed miserably. This GOP establishment has no idea how to answer the questions on those placards. They have no idea who their base is, and frankly have no idea what the American people on the center right stand for.
Fortunately for them, Trump did. Fortunately for them, he had enough coattails, and generated enough excitement to help them keep the majority in the House, and the Senate. For one bright moment after election day, House Speaker Paul Ryan admitted publicly that without Trump’s campaign, he would not have been Speaker again. Likewise, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Please note that the few Republican senators that lost close races were the ones who never got behind Trump.
O.K., so the table has been set now.
GOP, what the hell do you think you’re doing? Instead of being leaders of a great, nation-stirring agenda, you’re sitting on your hands doing little of consequence, acting as if you lost the election, and doing nothing to stand against the most insane, nasty and inane narratives against your president that have been seen in generations.
GOP, where are the adults? It’s time for you to step forward. Immediately. If you have been sleeping and not seeing just how badly you are doing, please wake up.
There are some reasons the GOP has become an irrelevant majority. They are as follows:
Big dollar donors who want big favors that go against their voters’ wishes. Follow the money. And yes, that’s number one for a reason.
Many of the GOP representatives have become enamored with Washington, its power, its glamour, its “charm,” and their place within the circle of intrigue. They have forgotten why they won, and what they promised. These are the ones who go back and forth into the swamp, not realizing how dirty they have become.
Then there are the swamp creatures. Those who have lost their way, and who have become permanent fixtures of a ruling city totally out of touch with their country. They have fooled their constituents for a long time. These are the worst category.
There are also those Stockholm Syndrome Republicans who want to be spoken of nicely by the media, and by their “friends” across the aisle. Of all categories, I would hope James Hodgkinson might have changed your mind on this subject.
Last but not least, we have the confused ones. Easily swayed by the siren song of the media, incapable of seeing how double-minded they themselves are, perhaps they should rethink why they came to Congress. Let me give you a hint: Number 1 above is not a very good reason.
If the shoe fits, perhaps some rethinking should go on. Soon.
Now, I am certain there are good GOP Representatives, Senators, and leaders. They don’t fall easily into one of the categories above, they really have a good reason to be there, they have solid conservative principles, and possibly are really decent people. I know you’re there. But would you do us all a favor, and start acting like you are? Show us some leadership. Act like the adults in the room. Immediately, constantly, and loudly. If you don’t, you will not only stay irrelevant, you’re going to lose your power, you’re going to lose your elected position, and you won’t be remembered well. You have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help the country go forward, and you’re about to lose it.
Why? Because you’re not remembering the placards those voters held up. Here they are again: “Do you know who your voters are?” “Do you know what we want?” “Do you ever listen to us?”
Here’s what your voters want, coincidentally it’s the agenda you ran on, and the agenda that once enacted will make you part of a great historical turn for our country.
First, come to the aid of your president. Now.
I called my congressman and explained to his young aide in Washington why the freshman congressman needed to step to the front. I explained rationally and nicely why he needed to vocally defend Trump, come against the monstrous lies the Democrat/media complex has propagated, and pass the Trump agenda. I got a form letter back, tutting and clucking “certain claims have been made against the new administration which deserve to be taken seriously in order to promote a transparent and accountable government, blah, blah, blah.” Quite honestly it was sickening. The man should know better.
This whole stupid narrative that Trump did something wrong is just that. And the congressman’s voters know, and won’t forget. And they are sick of hearing these stupid things and not defending the man they elected president. Suggestion: Be a profile of courage, stand up against this nonsense. The voters will remember whichever way you go. Yes, they will.
Once the solid defense of Trump starts, uniting a majority of your colleagues to stop encouraging the democrat/media congress with this anti-Trump nonsense should be a first priority. Then, start actually fulfilling promises made to the electorate. It’s called getting rid of Obamacare, enacting tax reform (cuts), empowering the economy, cutting regulation, rebuilding the military, defunding leftist organizations such as Planned Parenthood, and the list goes on and on. Make America Great Again was not just a slogan to the voters.
So little has been done, so much more should have been. The voters would rather remember the GOP as a party that when much was required, stepped up to the plate and got it done. In spite of the Democrat/media complex.
A quick reminder. I doubt there is even one percent of the GOP voters who ever want to hear about another part of the “Russia” investigation. It’s all been a massive pile of horse manure, and those voters know it. Like those voters, act like grown-ups and stop this nonsense. No more time on useless investigations. Then don’t go on vacation until you vote in the agenda you promised.
The GOP has a lot of real voter anger lining up against it. And no, it’s not the Democrat voters who live on deranged toddler-like anger I am talking about. It’s the slow, even burn of a base that has been denied what it has worked for and voted for way too long. They will not be denied because of GOP fecklessness.
If the adults do not stand up, that anger will fall on the GOP. By primarying those who are faithless, like Eric Cantor; or even worse, simply not showing up as happened in 2006.
Adults, be warned. Step to the front.